Can the Wii have done better?

The DS has GBA graphics ??! wtf ??

Maybe with pokemon games, but I would say in general that the DS is much better.

And touch screen and speech recognition and wireless multiplayer and stereo surround sound, the list goes on and on...
by the way one of the main reasons ps3 is expensive i because of the expensive parts inside

but i agree with you twilight prince
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  • #49
Goots said:
The DS has GBA graphics ??! wtf ??

Maybe with pokemon games, but I would say in general that the DS is much better.

And touch screen and speech recognition and wireless multiplayer and stereo surround sound, the list goes on and on...

YES BUT! I was talking about most games.. not all of them not pokemon!LISTEN! They are all 2D and it annoys me so much! They get so lazy!
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  • #50
Thankyou Yellow Wii:) That is right.Oh and by the way Goots (wtf?)
I am fully aware of the touch screen on the DS. I do own one and I'd be pretty dumb to miss that little feature.
Twilight Prince said:
Listen to yourself! I mean the look at the Nintendo DS! Nintendo never really pushed that console did they! Most games for it are 2D... Nintendo are good game makers but they never push it. Youdon't know what you are talking about!I can't stand people like you!Always think they're right!
I don't want to see the Wii as I do the DS but it may happen!I am playing on the DS now and its GBA graphics for most games!I am predicting the same will happen to the Wii.I hope it doesn't turn out like that may.SO GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT BUDDY!

Okay, so you think that Nintendo will do the same thing with the Wii that they did with the DS. So, let me get my facts straight - A better comparison from which to draw conclusions would be the Gamecube. The Gamecube didn't get 'maxed' out until Resident Evil 4 came out - which was a long time after the launch of the GC. Nintendo has serious momentum and serious competition - thinking that they're going to drop the ball and simply stagnate a month after launch doesn't make any sense.

I don't see why I should get my facts straight - I mean, you stated that the Wii would never be pushed to the max based on your own opinion - but I did anyhow.
You do know the difference between 3D and 2D yeah ??

3D = Nintendogs, SuperMario64DS, Supermario Kart
2D = Kirby, New Super Mario Bro's, Pokemon Link
pseudo 3D = Donkey Kong Country etc (3D rendered characters in a 2D game)

The main fact is though, as I always state, good graphics don't make a game good. I mean look at New Super Mario Bros on DS, surely one of the best (if not the best) handheld console game ever ??
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To Inspire: Why would you want Nintendo to make a console and not release any good games for it until years later! That is what I was saying...IDIOT!!!
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CoreyNJ said:
While I agree they could have done it better (like including component cables or having 720p minimum), I think they are going for a different type of system. Just look at the concept of a Mii. They are going for the animated look and not photo realism. This allows them to concentrate of taking advantage of the new controllers and ignore just making pretty graphics. It also keeps costs down so much that they will make a fortune on volume by making the system more accessable.

For many people spending 500+ dollars on a video gaming system is a large part of their disposable income, for some they'd rather spend the money on a bigger computer. Even for people who have large incomes, spending $500+ on a toy for their kids with no educational value (other than teaching them hand eye cordination) is a big deal. I'm curious to know what the sales numbers for the "leapster" is....

While I would like cleaner graphics on my TV, For sheer fun, the Wii seems to be the trick.

I dont know if any1 has said this already (cos its too long scrolling thru pages) but u dont really buy a console for da graphics entirely.
If the graphics are above average like on the wii, and gameplay is enhanced aswell...then that will do me fine.
Also...i do think there is room for improvement on one thing and one thing only...that is the online gameplay.
If nintendo managed to squeeze this in i wont mind paying a little over £200 squid.
Other then that this console is on perfect standards...but i think nintendo have set too high a target!!
How are they gonna top this??????!!!
Twilight Prince said:
To Inspire: Why would you want Nintendo to make a console and not release any good games for it until years later! That is what I was saying...IDIOT!!!

Dude, stop being so offensive. You are a forum troll. It's so obvious you are a Sony/Microsoft fanboy. If you don't like Nintendo then fair enough, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but what gives you the right to come here with your bad attitude ??

If anyone on this thread is an idiot, it's you.
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  • #57
Goots said:
Dude, stop being so offensive. You are a forum troll. It's so obvious you are a Sony/Microsoft fanboy. If you don't like Nintendo then fair enough, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but what gives you the right to come here with your bad attitude ??

If anyone on this thread is an idiot, it's you.

Ok. Just so you all know the facts, I did not mean to offend anyone and for that I apologise.But there are some things you all need to know!

1st. I am not a Sony/Microsoft fanboy!Please do not call me that as I find it slightly offensive
2nd. Don't go insulting me when you do not know where I stand. Personally I think the Wii is the best console of our time!
3rd. To wiirules123: Don't call me GAY or a JACK*SS when what you are saying has no truth, I was not talking about the Wii in a bad way! I will not go to PS3 chat because I don't like the PS3 gottit!?
4th. Also anyone here who thinks I do not have the right to speak my opinion on the subject is wrong.

To everyone I am sorry but make sure you know the whole story before biting my head off!

Twilight Prince
Holy Hero said:
Sony is so bad it's not funny.Like seriously,what the hell is so good about blu-ray discs?Does it make the game any better?And why the hell would you even want all that memory >.>
blu-ray is another form of HD DVD. . . and the new 360 they are launching soon (just has hdmi plug and inter cooler inside) is goin to have 120gb (THATS KRAZI)
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  • #59
333Wii333 said:
blu-ray is another form of HD DVD. . . and the new 360 they are launching soon (just has hdmi plug and inter cooler inside) is goin to have 120gb (THATS KRAZI)

LOL...I don't know why that is needed. I mean you're not really gonna notice the difference in the film are you? And all that memory!! WOW.. that is way too much I bet it costs load$!
The Wii is fine. If they wanted it to be a piece of **** beast like ps3 etc then they would of added more $. its far worth its price. I enjoy playing it far over xbox360 or my older consoles

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