Can the Wii have done better?

My PC is way better than an X360 in performance and graphics. Likewise for the PS3, the PC just owns it's ass.

The Wii is an original gaming machine. It was designed for fun and it does exactly like it says on the tin.

btw, I laugh at the way Sony have realised the potential of motion sensing in controllers. When *are* they going to come up with something original ?
Yes, they could have had twice the amount of consoles available. Besides that, they did everything to perfection.
I think if the wii was perfect there wouldn't be much to imporve on right?
Why else will you buy another one next year?
Twilight Prince said:
I think the Wii could be a lot better! Why didn't Nintendo add more memory or better graphics. It could easily be the best! I know Nintendo wanted to make an afordable console that was fun to use but this is serious! The PS3 and XBOX 360 are some serious competition.(I personally hate the PS3 because I have played on it and I was not impressed!)Anyway the Wii could be much better than both if Nintendo had pushed its capabilities to the max. Unfortunatly they havn't and I personally think they never will! Nintendo is a great game company and in my books are one of the best, but this generations console war is gonna get very serious and Nintendo's Wii may be forgotten. I have a Wii and they are good but could be better.:hand:

Not a month and a half after launch and you say that Nintendo will never push the Wii to the max? You don't know what you're talking about.
Trulen said:
I just say, just wait until 2008.

Then by then, we might see what these bad boys can churn out for us.

If the Wii's specs are better than Xbox 1, and the xbox had some pretty nice graphics on it (for me anyways), those developers can churn out some seriously pretty images.

Zelda's beautiful (yet again, for me anyways), and the controls are just lovely (though the wolf just isn't as fun as human, FOR ME ANYWAYS (-sets on repeat-)).

Just give those developers some time.
And if Sony HAS to lower that thing's price. It's scaring off alot of the potential buyers, one including my friend. Who played my wii and wants a wii now.

Amen !!
i dissagree. im not all about graphics. who cares about graphix? This is what i say to everyone that dosnt like the wii cuz graphis: " Ok. If you have a suck ass game and you hate it to death, but it has good graphix, would you play it? If you had a RREEAAALLLY awsome game that pwnz everything, and has ok or bad graphix, would you play it? think about it" (not in a mean tone lol)
teh frog said:
i dissagree. im not all about graphics. who cares about graphix? This is what i say to everyone that dosnt like the wii cuz graphis: " )

Everyone does to a certain extent or why would we have ever moved on from the original NES?

I love my Wii and I love my 360.
GFX doesn't make up for poor gameplay, but when you're playing a stunningly good game like Gears of War and on top of that the GFX are smooth and bordering on photorealistic it absolutely enhances the experience. I think so far we haven't seen any titles on Wii that look any better than what we saw on the GameCube, and that's disappointing. Zelda is beautiful, but face it, it looks the same on the cube.

Wii needs to start pushing the GFX envelope. We NEED to see those titles that look better than the XBOX 1 and I think we need to see them by mid 07 for the Wii to maintain it's rep as a well rounded gaming machine.

On the flip side, I agree, the features on the 360 are nice to have -- all the hard drive space and extras, but I have no desire to burn up my console's lifespan hours watching movies and the like when I can do that fine without it.

360 and PS3 are being marketed as multimedia entertainment centers...and I don't think the marketing really works. Gaming consoles have never broken the stigma of being a gaming console regardless of the features, especially when there's nothing the consoles can't do that another piece of your entertainment technology at home didn't already do. The only value with the PS3 is the addition of the BluRay player. Nice, but BluRay will drop rapidly in price on it's own over the next year or two and again, I'm not burning my consoles life watching movies. DVD/CD/Game Consoles only have limited hours to play, and I want to spend my console's hours playing kick ass games.

So far, I love the Wii titles and am having a blast with it...I'm not thrilled with the title selection on the 360 even a year after it's release, but the games that do make it are awesome. I still want to see more from my Wii. You DO get spoiled seeing the stunning visuals in games like GEARS, and it does make yo much more critical of sub par efforts GFX wise in some of the Wii titles. It's hard to watch Jaggies again.

Face it, if the game was exactly the same except the look on the 8bit NES and you had the choice between that and a Wii version that looked a ton better, you'd STILL want the one that looks better and is easier on the eyes.
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Twilight Prince said:
I think the Wii could be a lot better! Why didn't Nintendo add more memory or better graphics. It could easily be the best! I know Nintendo wanted to make an afordable console that was fun to use but this is serious! The PS3 and XBOX 360 are some serious competition.(I personally hate the PS3 because I have played on it and I was not impressed!)Anyway the Wii could be much better than both if Nintendo had pushed its capabilities to the max. Unfortunatly they havn't and I personally think they never will! Nintendo is a great game company and in my books are one of the best, but this generations console war is gonna get very serious and Nintendo's Wii may be forgotten. I have a Wii and they are good but could be better.:hand:
ya they wanted the price to be kept down
All this "Wait until 2008!" "Wait for Wii 2" stuff is rubbish, I'm perfectly content with what we've got, Wii is what we have, and what they'll be making games for, don't even think about "Wii 2" yet.

Let's enjoy what we've yet to be given in terms of games
Revival said:
All this "Wait until 2008!" "Wait for Wii 2" stuff is rubbish.

try 2010 or 2011...thats when we'll see nintendos next console....but how are they going to improve with the graphics and keep it at an affordable price?
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dedpoet777 said:
the wii has a 128mb chip in it for graphics. it is an over clocked chip so it out performs the gamecube by an estimated 1.5 times. so, though it does not have the power it is close to in between the gamecube and ps3. zelda looks great at 480p, though i also wish it was 720p. the ps3 is only 256mb of graphics, so though it looks good, and better than the wii, it still gets waaaaay out performed by computers which are now running 1-2gb of graphics. im all for the wii.

the wii does not have 128 megs of video ram.
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Erm yeah..

Inspire said:
Not a month and a half after launch and you say that Nintendo will never push the Wii to the max? You don't know what you're talking about.

Ok. Sorry about all the attitude.
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Twilight Prince said:
Listen to yourself! I mean the look at the Nintendo DS! Nintendo never really pushed that console did they! Most games for it are 2D... Nintendo are good game makers but they never push it. Youdon't know what you are talking about!I can't stand people like you!Always think they're right!
I don't want to see the Wii as I do the DS but it may happen!I am playing on the DS now and its GBA graphics for most games!I am predicting the same will happen to the Wii.I hope it doesn't turn out like that may.SO GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT BUDDY!

the ds is being pushed it has a web browser and mp3 player

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