is the nintendo wii the best graphics of the 3 ???

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to me graphics arent a factor aslong as it is colour and not really pixelly (is that word) im fine i really care about the game play but im sure there is plenty of people who care
personaly i think the specs on the gamespot site are wrong along with the suposesive leaked specs from the game dev on maxconsole i personaly think the specs will be at least 1.5ghz and 128mb memory
Why would you think the specs will be that high? I would be very surprised if it tops 866mhz. I do though think that "hollywood" will likely have its own proccessor. Really... why would you expect more. It is a tiny system that not a lot of hardware can be crammed into. This is not to say I don't expect great things! I believe that after a graphics card has been in development as long as this one has and the creator starts tooting their own horn, something great must be planned. Until more is released, we will just have to speculate!
Most advanced, probably considering that it was made specifically for console, not ported to console from computer, most powerful, no, but than again there have been more powerful spec-wise consoles that didn't beat the graphics of lower spec units, its mainly in the development of the game to take hold of the graphics processing power, if the developer doesn't try it will look like crap no matter what system its on, the playstation series is notorious for bad looking good games and good looking bad games, Nintendo makes the best games and are really offering more for your money, the ps3 is not worth the money spent, if you want graphics, use the 4th system, a PC, it will beat out the console every time, a PC has the latest tech(physx system for example), developers know how to get power out of the system already and in a year or so PCs always outclass the consoles.
Man, have u not read about the wii at all? Go to IGN at read it up. There's no chance the wii will have better graphics than the PS3, I wouldn't be surprised if the N's next console still hasn't caught up w/ PS3 as far as software goes.
OK I have seen the ps3 screen-shots and movies of gameplay, not really that much of an improvement, especially not for the price, also the core numbers are not the only thing you need to look at for specs and I didn't say it would have better graphics I said its probably more advanced we can't even tell yet at Nintendo has not released actual specs. Also the game developers had hardly anytime with the actual Wii before e3 to pretty up their games, look at the new red steel pictures, the graphics are well improved from this generation and this is a first run title. The Wii is using fast specialized ram and the pipelines have been upgraded to allow faster transfers, because it doesn't matter if the processor can complete all the games processing in .5 seconds if the system cannot move the data fast enough, also everyone is caught up in numbers, the amd systems have used speed+ in sales being that their processors calculate data as fast as a pentium running under the + specs and people got caught up in the whole numbers game. So even though the numbers are smaller that doesn't mean less processing power in the first place, I know chances are the Wii will not be able to do the same graphics as the ps3 and I never said it would, but its just silly to buy a ps3, if you want gameplay, the Wii has everything beat, if you want graphics the PC always reigns supreme because by the time the console is released their have been upgrades for the computer already released also that were not available when the console hardware was thought up. So long story short quit looking at #s and look at the actual games, this isn't accounting. There's no since arguing over which one is better anyways, that like saying what crayon in the box is most blue, everyone has a different opinion even if their all green with 1 blue crayon everyone will not agree.
yeh ps3 has awsome graphics but it is not worth the time or the money of people to get it compared to the wii plus its huge compared to all the other consoles and chances are games for it are going to be like $60 each and most of them won't even use all the graphics power they can. and i'm sure that the ps3 will have even more bugs glitches and over heating problems then any other console because it uses such a high performance proccessor with such little cooling system.
That's everyone's point, PS3 great graphics, 360...not sure, wii changing the way we play games.
ssbb_lover said:
That's everyone's point, PS3 great graphics, 360...not sure, wii changing the way we play games.
again, the 360 will most likely be the best for online gameplay and other online features.
Right right, forgot. That's xbox's trademark thing....besides Halo which really ups the anty for online playing.
hello no wii has the worst graphics its worse than ps3 but better than xbox360.wii and xbox360 wont have a chance against ps3
ramp188 said:
hello no wii has the worst graphics its worse than ps3 but better than xbox360.wii and xbox360 wont have a chance against ps3

Yet you still hang around here posting negative things about the system this forum was made for. Go find a PS3 message board and stay there. Your making Sony look even worse than they do, and also making all PS3 fanboys look even worse than they do.

Jeese I wish that message boards could do some sort of age verification to make sure that anyone bellow the age of 18 cant post because obviously they dont have such capabilities as saayyy... showing courtesy, making sense, or just simply typing.
You do know that Wii has better than Xbox 360. Xbox 360 is just a computer without a keyboard and mouse it's made by microsoft...
But PS3 will prolly have alot better GFX than Wii
U haven't been banned yet? i0n? least he said one thing good about the wii(for once).

I think he's jealous because at least 40% of the population in America love nintendo and everyone in Japan and the east is going to support it.

Though I'll give u this PS3 spammers, although the price is ridiculous and u have a rich daddy/mommy to get u one, the PS3 will for sure beat out the 360. But the wii is going to destroy both, poor poor PS fanboys, u try and try to trash talk the N and what does it get u? BANNED.

Now I know from all my posting that no one here is console biased(unlike u)so give us a break and stop the blasphemy towards the wii and run back to ur precious PS3 forums. Lol I wouldn't be surprised if he was Togg under a new non-cussing identity or at least one of his friends. *PHEW*
Now back on topic, the graphics for the wii so far don't look as good as the other 2, but the numbers r better than the 360 I believe. And like someone else said I think, i'm to lazy to find it, the graphics didn't look amazing at E3 because the wii they were playing on wasn't fully developed. But it will nonetheless look amazing. Maybe not PS3 lvl. but better than xbox, which is still great if u ask me.
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