Wii Troubleshooting


DarkestKnight061 said:
Settle down, please! I doubt very many people are going to help you when you are screaming and being so blunt.
If you dont see it on the last page of the settings as the last option, you may need to do the update first. If you dont see the wii shopping channel/weather channel I suggest doing the update. Then.. go to the wii connect 24 setting and it will ask you if you want to use it, you select yes and then it will tell you you need to agree to terms. It will connect.. and bam tons of print appears before you!

I already did the update! When I try to update it again it says that I have the most current software: wii shop, wii weather, and NO wii news. Is my console defected?

HOLD UP! I'm gonna try one more time, so don't respond to my dilemna until I give the signal.

Here it goes...

I just did it and it connected, but It said the wiiconnect24 and wii shop channel service wasn't being offered.

Is this because of wii-traffic, or because of the whole user agreements thing.

If you got that message, then connected later, then got the message again, PLEASE let me know.
Alright, I'm a little peeved. I just bought my Wii today and FORTUNATELY I bought a warranty at the EB Games I purchased it. I came home, plugged it in, turned it on. No picture...nothing...no sound. The remote that came with it isn't synced at all. I double checked to connect everything the way the instructions told me to. I set up the sensor first, plugged in the power second, then plugged in the aux cables. The button was red...pressed it to turn it green. It chugged and nothing came up so I thought I'd put a game in..nothing. I'm absolutely sure my tv was on the right mode because it has a "game" mode input that is on the front of the tv. Is there anything I'm doing wrong or is this just my lucky day? This is SO annoying. I waited weeks for this thing and now they probably won't get another Wii in for 2 or 3 more weeks from what I'm told. Sometime in the middle of January apparently.
listen hear:

phatmastermatt said:
Alright, I'm a little peeved. I just bought my Wii today and FORTUNATELY I bought a warranty at the EB Games I purchased it. I came home, plugged it in, turned it on. No picture...nothing...no sound. The remote that came with it isn't synced at all. I double checked to connect everything the way the instructions told me to. I set up the sensor first, plugged in the power second, then plugged in the aux cables. The button was red...pressed it to turn it green. It chugged and nothing came up so I thought I'd put a game in..nothing. I'm absolutely sure my tv was on the right mode because it has a "game" mode input that is on the front of the tv. Is there anything I'm doing wrong or is this just my lucky day? This is SO annoying. I waited weeks for this thing and now they probably won't get another Wii in for 2 or 3 more weeks from what I'm told. Sometime in the middle of January apparently.

the way it looks, there could be two problems.

1. just because your tv has a GAME input, doesn't mean it's for GAMEs. Try plugging it into a different input, like av1, or oxillery2, or whatever your tv has.

2. they probably sent you a deffective wii. After your done screwing around with the wii and your tv, go to nintendo.com on your, or a friend's, computer and go to wii tech support. if you don't find help there, try to find a part about sending back deffective wii's. I've heard that they either fix your wii's, or send you a new one.

Everyone loves wii's, and I will be more than happy to help someone who didn't buy that god dang playstation 3 or Xbox 360. Even if you did buy them, it's a sad sight to see someone part from a wii.
zach vieira said:
I just did it and it connected, but It said the wiiconnect24 and wii shop channel service wasn't being offered.

Is this because of wii-traffic, or because of the whole user agreements thing.

If you got that message, then connected later, then got the message again, PLEASE let me know.

I had this same problem too! there are two possible solutions!

1. update again, erase your connection settings, then re setup your connection settings, then attempt to agree again it should work

2. if that does not work then you need to reconfigure your router. take a paper clip and find the tiny hole that is labeled reset on your router insert the paper clip and hold for 30 secs, next if it is still not working go to your internet browser and type into your address bar and click go, then configure your ports to go through port 6

One of the above should work and good luck
phatmastermatt said:
Alright, I'm a little peeved. I just bought my Wii today and FORTUNATELY I bought a warranty at the EB Games I purchased it. I came home, plugged it in, turned it on. No picture...nothing...no sound. The remote that came with it isn't synced at all. I double checked to connect everything the way the instructions told me to. I set up the sensor first, plugged in the power second, then plugged in the aux cables. The button was red...pressed it to turn it green. It chugged and nothing came up so I thought I'd put a game in..nothing. I'm absolutely sure my tv was on the right mode because it has a "game" mode input that is on the front of the tv. Is there anything I'm doing wrong or is this just my lucky day? This is SO annoying. I waited weeks for this thing and now they probably won't get another Wii in for 2 or 3 more weeks from what I'm told. Sometime in the middle of January apparently.

I'd just try another tv even if u have to go to a friends to try it the same thing happened to me on one tv i tried but it ended up that that persons a/v ports were defective. another is to test them use a dvd player, other console, etc. that you know that works and see if it works in that same port on that tv. another thing that may be helpful for ppl to help you is whether you are using component cables or not. im just doubting that it is defective unless it got messed up in transit because this is the first case of this i have ever heard of and these types of things generally only happen in bulk. Hope that helps! Good Luck!
stxsocswim17 said:
Finally got our wii...one huge problem though...we cannot get past the "press A to continue" page when the wii turns on for the first time. we have tried prtty much everything we can thing of including but not limited to:
1) pressing A
2) resyncing the origional controller as well as the extra we bought
3) taking the entire set-up apart, placing it back in its original packaging and starting over again

any ideas on what to try next? the only thing we can think of is that we are not resyncing correctly...thanks for the help
I have exactly the same problem. Did you manage to find the answer?
i have done the blue light thing, send confirmation to email, email a reply, the slot illuminates just fine. then when i turn the consule on even if i dont check the mail the next time i turn it off the slot stops illuminating? any thing i cna do?
My VC games stopped working :(

I got a Wii this week and bought 3 VC games...Super Mario, Bonk's Adventure, and Street Fighter 2. For some reason after a day of having these on my system Mario and Street Fighter no longer work. When I launch the game my TV goes blue and gives me a "out of range" error. Tried resetting software, doesnt work. When I press the home button the Wii options come up, but I can't get the games to work. Please help me. Thanks.
Error code: 52231

I can connect to the internet, but the test always fails. I can't do anything unless I go upstairs to the 6x6 inch TV. I donno wat too do.
Just got my wii
and after 30 mins of gameplayy
the power just went off
too get it working again id have to take the power lead out and put it back in
but then after another 20 mins it would go off again
anyone have any idea whats wronggg?
or have to fix it..
my wii remote isnt workind
i had to keep pressing A for like 7 mins when i turned my wii on
any help.
jbsseagull said:
Well, I have a stable Wireless Router I have been using for my X360 and Laptop for over a year now, but I cannot get the Wii to connect. I have gotten 2 or 3 different errors as of noon when I picked the console up, 51330 and 52030 or something like that. I have updated firmware, unplugged and replugged, gone from WEP to WPA-TKIP and changed the Mac filter settings, and now I am lost. Any help? I can supply any info if you need it.

Well i dont know if this has already been answered so if it has sorry. I had the same problem, all you have to do is go into your router settings and check what channel your running. I was at 6 and that wont work. The 2 i know work for sure are 1 and 11, im on 11 and its much faster than 1. If that doesnt work you can go onto nintendo's website and check for compatible routers and make sure yours is there, hope that helps.
I have a problem with the Shop Channel. For the past 24 hours, whenever I try to access the Shop Channel I can only get as far as the connecting screen. Then, for however long I leave it, be it a minute or ten minutes, the ring just keeps going round and the screen says it is connecting, but it doesn't connect.

I get no error code, and I can access all of the other online features of the Wii such as the Internet Channel and sending messages and Miis to other people. I'm hoping it is just a server problem rather than a horrible, disasterous fault with my console.

Could anyone give me any advice as to what is going on? And if anyone else has experienced this, please do tell.

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