Wii Keyboard

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after the update, i see this 100% on the top right corner after its done loading up.....lol....."Ding!....100%"

Edit: wait......it only happens when i zoom in...lol
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davidnadler said:
what about wireless keyboards? the sensor bar is bluetooth, why wouldn't a wireless bluetooth kb work?

The sensor bar is NOT bluetooth. The "sensor" bar isn't even a sensor. It's an infrared transmitter. The front of the Wiimote is the "receiver".

Now, that said, the Wii does use Bluetooth for communication to/from the WiiMote.

So, if they felt like it, yes, they could enable the use of a BT keyboard.

Also, for those talking about "if DOS can natively support USB", it CAN'T. The BIOS of the motherboard emulates PS2 ports through the USB. That's how USB keyboards work under true DOS.

Getting the Wii to support USB k/m is a simple (VERY simple) matter of enabling the software in the firmware of the console. BT would be a bit more complicated, but not much.
The Logitech Wireless MX 3000 works no problems with it at all, abit slow for the buttons you hit to show up on screen though but its alot faster then using the WiiMote to type.
I don't have any USB mouse, but whats the point? The WiiMote works the same as mouse.

What would be nice to know if works is USB Storage devices so can run homebrew apps instead of having to do any modification to the hardware.
People are listing keyboard models, but I was wondering: Has anyone gotten a really cheap keyboard (<$15) to work, yet? I'm already borrowing a wired usb keyboard, but to use it I can't exactly stand in front of the screen. I would like a wireless keyboard, but I don't want to spend more than $15 on a keyboard for a device that hardly needs it at all.

What would be nice to know if works is USB Storage devices so can run homebrew apps instead of having to do any modification to the hardware.

Not yet. The homebrew applications seems to be developing slow, lately. With how Nintendo actually bothers to update their firmware, however, I'm a little reluctant to use homebrew apps even if the community finally makes major breakthroughs. I'd hate the chance to brick my console just because it has a little unique software running on it (shame).
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Well, I done the system update and got the new 3.01E software then went to the shopping channel to get the new browser software. When I had a look what the update was it said as we all know about the new usb keyboard bit and all the other stuff. I when to get the download and it said release date 12/04/2007 :confused:and also that the browser can only be used with the Wii remote.
And I think the everybody votes channel was ?? /02/2007.
So I've not downloaded the new version of the browser yet.
Drunk Duck said:
Well, I done the system update and got the new 3.01E software then went to the shopping channel to get the new browser software. When I had a look what the update was it said as we all know about the new usb keyboard bit and all the other stuff. I when to get the download and it said release date 12/04/2007 :confused:and also that the browser can only be used with the Wii remote.
And I think the everybody votes channel was ?? /02/2007.
So I've not downloaded the new version of the browser yet.

Just do it. Those dates were just original post dates, they don't reflect date of last update. (Just make sure you click update rather than re-download the whole package).
vi3tmix said:
Just do it. Those dates were just original post dates, they don't reflect date of last update. (Just make sure you click update rather than re-download the whole package).
Thanks for that.:thumbsup:
wario2ooo said:
after the update, i see this 100% on the top right corner after its done loading up.....lol....."Ding!....100%"

Edit: wait......it only happens when i zoom in...lol
That's to tell you that your zoom thing is on 100%
a regular USB keyboard will work on the wii, i have done it before.
Jafoob said:
a regular USB keyboard will work on the wii, i have done it before.

yes it will...but first u have to update
there has been a wii update that allows any usb keyboard to be used on the internet channnel and the wii dashboard :smilewinkgrin:
Make sure to update and then go to the shop channel and redownload the internet and everybody votes channels or else the keyboard wont work
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