Computer Keyboard With Wii?


Elite Player
Aug 12, 2007
Michigan(United States)
Wii Online Code
Well im told you can use a USB keyboard for the Wii to go on Internet and stuff and well I went threw the whole process of unpluging my computer keyboard and plopping it into my Wii and went to the internet channel I tried typeing on my keyboard but its seems to do nothing do I have to set it up some way so it picks up my computer keyboard?
Umm, no, currently you can't use USB keyboards with the Opera browser, Opera has to update the browser so you can. You can only use the keyboard in the Message Board, and the Shop Channel etc.
It doesn't work with the Internet Channel. It only works for messages and stuff like that.

Sorry, didn't type quick enough, already got an answer.
You can't use it on the internet yet, just for messages and in the shop... Stupid I know but the way it is for now!!

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