Wireless Keyboard Support


The Only One that Matters
Dec 24, 2007
Over There
Wii Online Code
This might need to go under the "hardware" section. Dunnno.....a mod can move it if they want. Anyway...

So, the Wii supports USB keyboards now. Two questions:
1) Does anyone know where to find a list of compatible WIRELESS keyboards?

2) Does anyone know if/when the Wii will support the keyboard for actual Internet Channel use? --It seems kind of pointless to only be able to use the keyboard to post memos--

Thanks in advance.
i'm not totally sure but i think it can use any keyboard that has a usb cord, wireless or not.

& i'm pretty sure i've read plenty of forums on here where people were posting from their actually wii.

but like i said i'm not completely positive.
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cassieboo said:
i'm not totally sure but i think it can use any keyboard that has a usb cord, wireless or not.

That's what I figured, but I wasn't sure. Can anyone else confirm this?

cassieboo said:
& i'm pretty sure i've read plenty of forums on here where people were posting from their actually wii.

but like i said i'm not completely positive.

Yeah, I know you can post from the Wii (I can do it now), but from what I've heard, the keyboard doesn't work in the Internet Channel...only in the Wii message board. I didn't know if anyone had tried to post on the Internet Channel using a keyboard.
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wiifan156 said:
The keyboard works in the Internet Channel (Tested by me)
Awesomeness. Thanks a ton
Now I just need to find a spiffy wireless, white keyboard. Any suggestions?
I run a Wii based Chat room, miiwiichat.com

Some people use the Wiimote, but most use a USB keyboard. So I know keyboards work in the Internet channel.
PieceOfMe said:
So does that include WIRELESS keyboards?

I use a HP wireless Keyboard. Works just fine with the Wii. I can't remember where I read it, but with the last update (whatever it was), wireless keyboards are now supported. As far as a confirmed list? I'm sure most of the popular ones like logitech and so on will work just fine. I also heard someonen using an IBM wireless too. If you ask me, I would consider my HP to be kind of off brand as far as retail availability. This Keyboard and mouse (mouse doesn't work with the Wii) came with my new HP quad core PC and was not store bought.

I have also used a newer Dell wired USB keyboard with success.

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