USB keyboard doesn't work with Everybody Votes


WiiChat Member
Dec 11, 2006
Wii Online Code
I have a USB keyboard for my Wii, which works perfectly with the web browser. The latest update for the Everybody Votes Channel supposedly added USB keyboard support for submitting your own poll suggestions (this update was quite a long time ago, but I never got around to trying it out until today), however for me it simply doesn't work. The keyboard's num lock light doesn't even come on - it's always on when I'm running the Internet Channel, showing that the keyboard knows it's connected to something.
I don't understand why the keyboard drivers used in one channel would be any different from those used in another... :S

Does anyone else have the same problem?
As far as I know the Internet Channel is the only channel that supports keyboards.
Neepo said:
I have a USB keyboard for my Wii, which works perfectly with the web browser. The latest update for the Everybody Votes Channel supposedly added USB keyboard support for submitting your own poll suggestions (this update was quite a long time ago, but I never got around to trying it out until today), however for me it simply doesn't work. The keyboard's num lock light doesn't even come on - it's always on when I'm running the Internet Channel, showing that the keyboard knows it's connected to something.
I don't understand why the keyboard drivers used in one channel would be any different from those used in another... :S

Does anyone else have the same problem?
The Everybody Voted channel was not intended to be used with the keyboard.

This may be updated in the future :yesnod:
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Not according to this article.

Regarding the Everybody Votes channel:
"The free update doesn't appear to have any cosmetic changes. Rather, it simply adds keyboard support for submitting questions."

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