WiiChat Feature Writer
Rolex said:Corey,
As ever thanks for the reply.
No no, thank you
The whole point is, of course, is that - we are certainly attempting to be exploited by leaders, who to be fair, are obviously very little in-touch with these issues on a ground level [Execpt Tony Ben, he knows more about technology than Gates, Jobs & Woz all put together:lol:]
Some get suckered in - i.e. Super PornoTalk Group (dial 69 as their extension:sick: ) - but in the main I certainly think we have hit the age of ignoring politicians due to bullsh*t fatigue....good and proper! Scaremongering is certinaly ephemeral now-a-days.
I used to get pretty riled up about the way politicians would use gaming as their scapegoat du jour, but these days I'll calm down from Hulk levels of rage within a week or so. 'Super Lawyer! Jack Thompson!' mostly makes me laugh now. Although the stuff aimed against Bully/Canis Canum Edit, in this country especially, was really off. That was a witch hunt of the lowest barrel scraping degree.
Exactly....money! If Labour made the PS3 then it would be the greatest console ever to be made and you wouldn't need a congestion charge or ID card to buy one! IT WOULD BE LAW TO OWN IT..!rrr:
[PS3 - that's not to say it isn't of course!]
Such a law is coming. The interweb told me…
Of course young children shouldn't be subjected to pornography and all the moral implications it brings but they shouldn't be subjected to pre-watershed tv soap operas (just because they are crap not because of another spurious reason) - they shouldn't be subjected to a whole heap of morally degrading content in the media and advertising, sex sells - or did they forget the BJ that a Cadbury flake got every advert! etc etc etc, hell no-one complains about programs like deal or no deal which glorifies begging to all intents and purposes...:ciappa:
I also remember the Cadbury's Caramel ad with the sexy bunny (complete with honeycomb voice)! I think she was Jessica Rabbit's Mom or something. I'm surprised my parents didn’t cover my eyes whenever Caramel bunny was on TV. Bad Cadbury's BAD!
Nudey articles - hmmmm :frown2: ermmm, tsk, oooooo, eeeee ahhh (Cheesus I've just realised what those noises could be interpretated as..)
No definately not..!
Yeah yeah, I consider this a thumbs up for my suggestion! The people have spoken!
No comment! :nonod:
The day Bill turns it on for me then that will be the day I leave the monastry.
If there's anyone who could make you leave… it's Bill. You can't resist him. His indecent proposals are like the Caramel bunny; smooth, sugary and oh so tempting. You'll see! *cackles*
I've seen said pic and must advise that she change that brand of face cream she is currently using....:yikes:
Yeah, not sure what happened there. Scary stuff indeed. Many crude things are entering my mind right now, but this is not the place I should air them. I have a rep to maintain
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