ya the only thing i dont like is the crappy third party minigames that developers bake up just to cash in on the wii's popularity. if there was less focus on those for awhile (i think stuff like warioware and rayman raving rabids should be enough minigames for casual gamers) and more focus on some more in depth games, like RE4 (even though its a port) and MP3 and MOH, it would bake in alot more money from hardcore gamers. games like Halo and the first call of duty games proved that you dont need next gen graphics to be great games (even though the graphics were good for the periods they were out) and there could be serious potential. bungie is now third party, and they can release games for any console they choose, imagine them making something like halo for the wii! graphics arent the problem for people, its games crappy games made to mooch off the wii's success that bring the system down. hope you enjoyed my rant 
EDIT wow i just realised that i was kinda off topic lol
EDIT wow i just realised that i was kinda off topic lol