Why is Metroid so Good? Sell Me

lackluster dj said:
if i were you i wouldn't bother with the gamecube releases as this one is going to be better on a whole different level.

not that they weren't excellent games, i own them both, but they suffered from control layout issues. they focused more on a lock-on aiming set up rather than a traditional fps control set up. i don't know why they went this route. i thought for sure they'd fix up when metroid prime 2 came out, but they never really grasped the true halo-esque feel that the gamecube so badly needed.

that said, this game is supposed to be different.

there have been many first person shooters released for the wii thus far, but NONE of them have really got the wii mote point-aiming system down to where it's like mouse-aiming, or heck-even dual analog....

this game is supposed to be different. this game is supposed to have nailed the fps wii controls, resulting in quite possibly the greatest fps experience ever made. (not exaggerating in the slightest)

hopefully, metroid will open the floodgates for developers to start creating solid first person shooters on the wii like we know the wii can.

again though, i know this is a wii board, and my comments about metroid prime (1 and 2) might offend some of you, but that game needed true fps controls, end of.

You keep mentioning how Metroid is supposed to be different (and it is), but then you act like you're completely oblivious to that fact by suggesting that Metroid needed "halo-esque" controls.

Why emulate when you can do better (*hint hint* I said Metroid Prime is better than Halo.)?
Wade said:

You keep mentioning how Metroid is supposed to be different (and it is), but then you act like you're completely oblivious to that fact by suggesting that Metroid needed "halo-esque" controls.

Why emulate when you can do better (*hint hint* I said Metroid Prime is better than Halo.)?

well i guess which ever style of fps (lock on or traditional) is better would be subjective then.

i just really like the feel of aiming without the lock-on. i thought it detracted from metroid's gameplay a little. i still loved the both games. don't get me wrong, i'm just relieved that this game will be more traditional style fps in a sense.

also as far as single player i agree with you about metroid > halo, but i was really liking halo's multiplayer.
lackluster dj said:
well i guess which ever style of fps (lock on or traditional) is better would be subjective then.
I never said one style is better than the other. I just said Metroid itself is better. The aiming system is not the only difference between the two games, and the differences between them are what makes the lock-on system more suited to Metroid.
the thing that makes Metroid great is that it's NOT a first person shooter. your main goal isnt shooting the **** out of everything around you, there's got to be a strategy. the motivation in an FPS is that the more you move on, the more **** you get to shoot.
the motivation in Metroid is that you solve puzzle-like tasks to find a new beam weapon, a new visor, a new movement system. the upgrades are just far away enough to keep you from getting bored, but just close enough to keep you from feeling hopeless. the game moves right along, a string of challenges that lead you from one boss to another, until you reach the end.

it's the fun, the difficulty, and the seemingly impossible situations that really make the game what it is.

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