Why is Metroid so Good? Sell Me

clearly the biggest reason to like metroid is because everyone else does, it's the same way with halo.
Wade said:

You called the story "bland" but you're worried about being "absolutely lost"? Make up your mind.
Just because it's bland in no way means that I can't be lost. I missed 2 freakin games, and on those I only read up on them a while back. I have to say that the adjective "absolutely" isn't needed, but I could still be lost nonetheless. (as in having to do with the weapons, the familiarity of certain characters returning, and many other things that are obvious)
No, you can easily be lost. But I don't really know why you'd care if you find the story to be bland. As far as things like weapons go, you're going to be no more lost with new weapons in MP3 as you would be with weapons in a completely original game.
I'm still unsure of MP3... I just think first person shooters play best on the PC and I haven't found a game so far that's convinced me otherwise. Although I may check it out if the controls are tight.
powpowpow said:
I'm still unsure of MP3... I just think first person shooters play best on the PC and I haven't found a game so far that's convinced me otherwise. Although I may check it out if the controls are tight.
Well, the deal with Metroid Prime is that you don't have the aiming problems that you do with other console FPS. You can lock onto just about anything that you'll need to shoot. While that may make the game sound too easy, I can assure you that the games have plenty of challenge.
Wade said:
Well, the deal with Metroid Prime is that you don't have the aiming problems that you do with other console FPS. You can lock onto just about anything that you'll need to shoot. While that may make the game sound too easy, I can assure you that the games have plenty of challenge.

Was there a way to disable the auto-lock/auto-aim feature you're referring to in previous Metroid Prime games?
friedriceballer said:
Was there a way to disable the auto-lock/auto-aim feature you're referring to in previous Metroid Prime games?
As far as I know there wasn't. I don't know why you would want to, though. If you just don't want to lock on to objects, you don't have to. However, it's pretty much necessary anyway. It's not like other FPS. Trust me, the games aren't too easy because of it.
awesome FPS. basically one giant puzzle. each room has something to solve, which eventually lead to a finding of a boss which leads to an upgraded weapon. so many things to do in both MP1 and MP2 from searching for missle expansions, and health packs, to explorer deep into the Chozo Ruins both games keep you occupied for hours! and actually takes thought to beat rather than just easily running through the entire game!
DrYou lool the term is 'buy me'.

I played metroid Prime on gc. Its just very unorganised and pretty scary if u ask me.
It's a really pointless game, in my view, because i simply do not enjoy playing it, i just stride on to make the 5 pound i bought it for WORTH IT!!

I hope it helps. But i will never buy another metroid again, unless it supports wifi.
Try metroid prime, it was better than prime 2 in my opinion, I have beaten that game at least 4 times including hard mode. Its just such a fun game and so well done. Plus at least for its time on the system it was on I think It was visiually stunning.

Seriously though play prime or even super metroid, I traded in a game for super metroid 1 night for the hell of it and from then on I was hooked. Its a great franchise and Prime 3 might be the best yet, I went ahead and pre-ordered it last night:cool:
i ahd the same feeling. i remeber playing the orginal metroid on the nes and snes, and some on the gameboys. but when they brought them out on the gamecube and now the wii, i couldnt get into in. i rented it, and picked it up used but never really enjoyed it, or was able to get into it.
Metroid is first and foremost and action/adventure game. The Metroid Prime series is in first-person view but it still shouldn't be considered a true FPS because of its emphasis on exploration and puzzle solving.

Most of the games in the Metroid series play with the same style and the poster who mentioned Metroid is like Zelda wasn't far off at all. You're on a planet, alone, you will find and/or earn upgrades as you go and those upgrades will allow you to access new parts of the planet. There are maybe a few of the games in the series that break the mold and that's Metroid 2, Pinball and Hunters. I'm not sure how Fusion plays. MP3 will break that mold as well and you'll have everything right away.

The original Metroid was little more than searching for upgrades and then using the upgrades to get to new areas. There was no map, you had to find things and remember things on your own. You had two boss fights and then you could get to the final area.

Super Metroid was much the same way but added mapping and the ability to keep and combine weapons that you found.

Metroid Prime does place a greater emphasis on shooting so it really blurs the lines between action/adventure and FPS. There is a ton of back tracking and story to follow but the game gets progressively more difficult. As you near the end you'll be battling very strong enemies.

Bottom line is, if you enjoy FPS and Zelda games, you might like Metroid. If you hate backtracking and searching for things (like The Wind Waker and finding the triforce shards) then Metroid is not for you.
Metroid Prime rules, plain & simple...

I bought a used GameCube & 2 games, Metroid Prime 1 & 2. I was unsure of the game at first (starting with 1), but by the middle I realized it was an awesome game. I was honestly surprised at how good it seemed... By the middle of two I had come to the decision that I would have to buy a Wii, just to be able to play 3... Prior to picking up my used GameCube & playing Metroid Prime, I had absolutely no intention of ever getting a Wii...

So to sum it up I bought a used GameCube just to be able to play Metroid Prime 1 & 2, and later felt it was worth every penny. It led me to buy a Wii solely so I could play Metroid Prime 3... So, if you've already got a Wii anyway, why not???
if i were you i wouldn't bother with the gamecube releases as this one is going to be better on a whole different level.

not that they weren't excellent games, i own them both, but they suffered from control layout issues. they focused more on a lock-on aiming set up rather than a traditional fps control set up. i don't know why they went this route. i thought for sure they'd fix up when metroid prime 2 came out, but they never really grasped the true halo-esque feel that the gamecube so badly needed.

that said, this game is supposed to be different.

there have been many first person shooters released for the wii thus far, but NONE of them have really got the wii mote point-aiming system down to where it's like mouse-aiming, or heck-even dual analog....

this game is supposed to be different. this game is supposed to have nailed the fps wii controls, resulting in quite possibly the greatest fps experience ever made. (not exaggerating in the slightest)

hopefully, metroid will open the floodgates for developers to start creating solid first person shooters on the wii like we know the wii can.

again though, i know this is a wii board, and my comments about metroid prime (1 and 2) might offend some of you, but that game needed true fps controls, end of.

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