"Who Would Win?"

Shoryu Reppa vs Shinryuken
Shinryuken...quit with the stuff I have no idea of what you're talking about. :p

Motorola vs. LG. (In regards to cell phones)

Ocean's 11 vs. Ocean's 13 (cuz we all know Ocean's 12 was the weakling of the trilogy)
DBGT (I'm surprised I've seen them before)

Bikes vs Scooters (and not the lazy electric ones!)
TortillaChip520 said:
sometimes "something" can be reeeaaaallly bad.

mario hoops 3 on 3 vs. yoshi's island DS

YIDS i guess. I haven't played MH:3o3 yet.

Quebert Fonsworth (Futurama) vs. a limbless sloth.

EDIT: Oops!! I typed for too long. Please continue!