Would you rather.....


WiiChat Member
Jul 1, 2009
Wii Online Code
This is an easy game ok. Heres how it goes. 1 person says would you rather (list something here) or (list something here). then the next person chooses the thing they would rather do. Than the person that chose the thing they would rather do. says would you rather (blank)or (blank)


Would you rather eat glass or make out with barack obama
Thats a retarded 1 =p
Im not gay so.... id eat glass (if its possible?)

Would u rather sleep with Megan Fox or Jessica Alba?
I don't know either of them

Would you rather play with a yoyo or a PS3?
PS3 I could play Gundum (Looks stupid but it's fun)

Would you rather be shunned for the rest of your life or have so many people infront of your house you can't open the door?
The latter.

Would rather have an iPod Touch or a DS-i?
Jesus, nobody EVER posted on this thread since I last posted in 2009 before today? I find that hard to believe.
Um... Starvation, I guess.
Would you rather have one of your hands cut off or be banned from the internet forever?
Jesus, nobody EVER posted on this thread since I last posted in 2009 before today? I find that hard to believe.
Um... Starvation, I guess.
Would you rather have one of your hands cut off or be banned from the internet forever?

Yeah, i decided to go back in time and revive a couple of the "older" ones just for kicks! :)

I would choose banned from the internet. I like to play golf too much.

Would you rather not have to pay taxes the rest of your life, or save the life of someone you don't know?
Another Wiichat member that likes golf?! omgnowai

The latter, though in the name of morals rather than personal preference... Greed is one hell of a sin, indeed.

Would you rather go back in time to witness, as well as die a slow 'n painful death in the twin towers collapse of 9/11, or witness first hand the many atrocities committed at a Nazi concentration camp through the eyes of a Nazi committing said acts?

/dark turn
I'd rather die in 9/11. Sad day in history, really.

Would you rather not give a **** about something, give a **** about something, or couldn't give two shits about something?

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