What's your pokemon team?

my platinum team is
1 roserade lv 80
2 infernape lv 84
3 weavile lv84
4 ninetales lv 85
5 lucario lv 81
6 pálkia lv 78

on storage
1 metagross lv 79
2 giratina lv70
and others like:
azurill,beldum,grovyle and shelgon

Looks good, I guess. Levels are high and everything, don't notice any obvious weaknesses....
2 fire, 2 water, 2 fighting, 4 ground.... Those are all just obvious weaknesses, but for a full assessment, Plz post team with move sets and items and Evs if possible.

... Finally.

Ok, it's been a long time since ive posted a team, so here it goes.

252 spdef, 108 atk, 144 hp
- stealth rock
- earthquake
- thunder wave
- explosion

Explosion has been nerfed in 5th Gen in that it no longer halves the opponent's defense; you're better off having a 0 Speed IV and spamming Gyro Ball, bro. There is no contesting this is true either, stfu and replace Explosion with Gyro. :p

Which brings me to my second point, in that T-wave isn't particularly beneficial to your team in that Gyara already does it, so it can and should be replaced with a better support move if you're smart and throw on Gyro Ball over Esplosion.

Trick and a dirty item is always lovely; if they switch in a physical wall to handle 'Zong, you can slap a choice item on 'em or something. Either of the screens is always beneficial, particularly Light Screen to allow Escavalier and Gyara to tank their weaker stat (particularly Gyara, since Light Screen and Intimidate makes it nastily bulky). Conkeldurr, Escavalier, and even your bulky Gyara would seriously appreciate Trick Room, and since some 'Zong run TR just for itself, it's a very valid option.

Hypnosis is also there since sleep in Gen 5 is an absolute terror, so long as you can deal with the unreliability. Since 'Zong is bulky, that miss or two might not completely **** you over if you were using say, a frail Gengar.

Leichi berry/salac berry/leftovers
252 atk, 252 def, 6 hp
- waterfall
- dragon tail
- earthquake
- thunder wave

Bulky Gyara was always an interesting set a generation ago, but with Dragon Tail it's a surprisingly nasty wall. Since this thing is designed to obviously be a bulky annoyer, you want lefties instead of a one-off berry. I know you love them stat berries, but this thing isn't gonna sweep **** since it's Sp.D is unboosted, as well as it's HP.

Not without TR, anywho. Even I would consider Liechi if 'Zong will run TR.

Life orb
252 atk, 252 spdef, 6 def
- megahorn
- iron head
- night slash
- reversal?

Replace Night Slash with Pursuit. Iron Head already wrecks non-bulky Ghosts, and if you're up against a bulky Ghost, 'Valier is at threat of a burn, so you want to punish those Gengar that want to switch out of you.

Also, put those Sp.D EVs into HP. We don't want Escavalier able to tank random Surfs but unable to take a STAB Close Combat, now do we?

Flash fire
Choice scarf
252 spatk, 252 speed, 6 hp
- shadow ball
- flamethrower
- overheat
- grass knot?

Energy Ball > Grass Knot. Getting locked into a grass move that also has varying base power is giving the most free switch one can get besides an immunity lol.

Also, Fire Blast and HP Fighting over both Flamethrower & Overheat (Fire Blast provides some 2HKOs neither of those two can), if you can get your hands on a good HP Fighting. If not, ... ehhh.

Sheer force
Choice band
252 atk, 252 def, 6 spdef
- Mach punch
- drain punch
- rock slide/stone edge
- payback

I see you still don't understand Sheer Force... The only move boosted is Rock Slide. Grab Guts instead. :lol: Also, throw those EVs into HP. A Poke that wants to utilize bulk but isn't a Pokemon who's main point or strategy isn't being bulky, gets bulk from HP EVs. It's a golden rule IMO.

Hyper cutter
Salac berry
252 atk, 252 spd, 6 def
- earthquake
- ice fang
- acrobatics
- swords dance

Stat berry, no substitute, and acrobatics... You're really pushing your luck here. A +2 +1 anything is certainly nasty, even moreso with a 110 and 100 BP move (before STAB even lol). If you can get this thing set up, it will probably wreak havoc late game, even if it's base attack isn't impressive for sweeper standards. I'm just worried it won't set up; but since you love your stat berries so much, I'm sure you've got enough cunning with 'em to get it to work at least half the time, yeah?

There it is. This team is for signal battles only, and has proven extremely effective. The teams synergy works incredibly well, with the high threats not only being strong but also acting as both predator and prey to bait a super effective move onto which I can switch in chandelure with flash fire and sweep. Gyara and zong provide paralysis and cripple support to give even escavalier a chance to wreck havoc with megahorn. Thing of the latter or those which survive of I'm pushes to the edge get hammered with that gliscor, speed boost on top of coverage then with no item firing stab acrobatics at double power per the effect. Conkeldurr will hit hard and fast with sheer force banded stab priority Mach punch coming off a 140 base attack. This team so far has been full proof, please critique and let me know what you think.

I won't lie, I like this team. Bulky, hard-hitting, slow for the most part but with ways around that (if you use TR; USE IT!) as well as an exception (Chandelure); it even fits my personal choice of items, really. Fighting types be damned, Dragons won't instantly muscle through your defences, a ton of resistances and immunities, and absolutely no large holes in terms of an uncompensated type weakness or, as far as I can discern, a weakness to a particular Poke as a whole. As you mentioned, you've got some good synergy going here; choicers and annoyers aided by SR and great typing. You've got some nasty-powerful Pokes to punch holes in the team for a clean-up sweeper like Chandelure or your main sweeper in Gliscor to easily clean up late-game, too.

Clean up those movesets, and you've got a damn-fine team that deserves an A+. You've earned my stamp of approval yet again, mah boi! =D

Dirge's Stamp of Approval 2.JPG

So? I still ev and use items in game.

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I have random pokemon in my team but i have a ice team. My ice pokemon are....

Glaceon Lv100
Froslass Lv100
Mamoswine Lv100
Abomasnow Lv100
Walrein Lv100
Weavile Lv100

It took me a LONG time to get them all to level 100.
Thanks CK. I'll change around those sets a bit. Might run Iron Fist on Conkeldurr instead of Guts cuz really, that thing is meant for Mach Punch to wreak as much havoc as possible. And actually, I calculated things a bit, and that Conkeldurr of mine with that 140 bp in attack, those EV's, using Mach Punch with a Choice Band, STAB, Iron Fist, AND Stealth Rock factored in, this thing OHKO's everything thats not resistant to fighting, even some things that are. Literally as I can put it, and ironically, this Conkeldurr is meant to "Punch Holes" in my opponents team. Repeatedly. Even if they are ready for it, they wont be ready for it. Even Salamence and Gyarados, coming at Conkeldurr WITH Intimidate factored in get 2HKO'd by this variation of Mach Punch. I have a feeling alotta people will rage quit on me.... lol.

Anyways... Went through a new game playthrough since I got white. Sawsbuck is really a very nasty poke to play with.... Even has a competetive edge to it. STAB Horn Leech is a complete killer coming off its decent attack stat. Im scared a bit... lol
Just have to ask...do you guys play on Pokemon Online?


Haven't broke into Gen 5's competitive scene just yet, I've been a lot of talk and no walkin' the walk. :lol: Got plenty of team ideas for OU singles, though. Just gotta get 'em ironed out before I can jump on PO.

I'd imagine you do and are lookin' for opponents, yeah?
i dont use gay ass magikarps or rattatas though cuz they suck .:blackwii::redwii::blackwii::wiifit::burgerking::papermario::wiibox: FREAK

Another person who realizes the superiority of Sharpedos, CK.

But seriously dude, run.
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ooh ive play online but just with my one good friend. i dont use gay ass magikarps or rattatas though cuz they suck .:blackwii::redwii::blackwii::wiifit::burgerking::papermario::wiibox: FREAK

You've apparently never fought against a rattata in the top percentage of rattatas

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