What's your pokemon team?

Not after Mistralton tho. You have a 5% chance at Route 4/Desert Resort. That's where I got mine, and that way you can actually get In-Game EVs and level up moves.
^^ lol CK

And yea, u can get em after mistralton at lvl 32ish and then it'll learn crunch and become a vibrava shortly after without to much hassel whilst its a trapinch
Kyurem (Black Forme) @ Draco Plate
Level: 91
Ability: Teravolt
Bashful Nature
- Fusion Bolt
- Freeze Shock
- Dragon Pulse
- Outrage

(M) @ Expert Belt
Level: 89
Ability: Illusion
Hasty Nature
- Flamethrower
- Faint Attack
- Night Slash
- Foul Play

(M) @ Charcoal
Level: 87
Timid Nature
- Strength
- Lava Plume
- Heat Wave
- Earthquake

(M) @ Mystic Water
Level: 86
Ability: Torrent
Serious Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Revenge
- Hydro Pump
- Waterfall

Scolipede (F) @ Poison Barb
Level: 86
Ability: Poison Point
Hasty Nature
- Toxic
- Venoshock
- Steamroller
- Facade

(M) @ Mystic Water
Level: 86
Ability: Big Pecks
Gentle Nature
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Fly
- Dive

Original Team

Zoroark (M) @ Expert Belt
Level: 64
Ability: Illusion
Hasty Nature
- Cut
- Faint Attack
- Night Slash
- Foul Play

Altaria (M) @ Leftovers
Level: 60
Ability: Natural Cue
Impish Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Breath
- Perish Song
- Dragon Pulse

Scolipede (F) @ Poison Barb
Level: 60
Ability: Poison Point
Hasty Nature
- Venoshock
- Strength
- Toxic
- Steamroller

(M) @ Mystic Water
Level: 59
Ability: Torrent
Serious Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Revenge
- Slash
- Razor Shell

Unfezant (M) @ Lucky Egg
Level: 59
Ability: Super Luck
Serious Nature
- FeatherDance
- Swagger
- Facade
- Tailwind

Swanna (M) @ Exp. Share
Level: 59
Ability: Big Pecks
Gentle Nature
- Hurricane
- Surf
- Fly
- Roost
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lolwut @ Samurott having three water moves

lolwut @ special attacking Scolipede with Steamroller over Megahorn with the near useless (for Scolipede) Facade

lolwut @ strength on Heatran

lolwut @ three dark attacks on Zoroark

....I think you get the idea, but aside from a few it's understandable. I'd suggest getting an HM slave for the weaker HM moves, though.
Samurott having three water moves

special attacking Scolipede with Steamroller over Megahorn with the near useless (for Scolipede) Facade

three dark attacks on Zoroark
What's so bad about these?

And Facade can be useful with Poison Point and Venoshock. (as well as Toxic)
Facade's power only doubles if you have a status effect.

Megahorn is about twice as powerful as Steamroller. And you generally want variety in your moves, like instead of Waterfall on Samurott maybe give it Ice Beam or Megahorn. And maybe Focus Blast or something on Zoroark.
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^^ I second what Nick said. You gotta pay attention to what your moves do, and variety is about the best thing you can do when you don't have a set strategy, go for sheer force and coverage. Same if you use a Starmie you give that sucker coverage.
Genesect is a better example, hell that sucker lives on its coverage. From what I've read half its movesets don't even have STAB....
Lol yea I feel u Nick, definitely true. I got me a new copy of Black 2 and DS due to a job change, so ill post my team tonight and I expect a thorough critiquing of it lol
Gotta use a Heart Scale for Megahorn. And Focus Blast is a TM.

Speaking of this, Bulbapedia is your friend, contrary to what MR says (BECAUSE MR IS A STUPIDFACE)

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