What's your pokemon team?

That I did, 'cause people keep askin' that damn question (even after I answered ol' Jon), ignoring the sentence at the bottom of the OP which previously read "teams from any and all games can be posted". blehhhhhh OP skimmers
In-game teams can certainly do worse than that, 'specially coming from just native Pokes. The quality of most'a these Pokes is pretty decent, though you could certainly do better than Cincinno and Crobat. An insignificant (for casual teams) but still existing issue is also the lack of a high attack stat among your Pokes. Jolteon hits hard and Roserade 'n Chandelure are bloody scary Special Attackers, but you've no beatstick with a really high attack. Typing synergy is also quite good surprisingly, minus the fact you've no resistances to Dragon and Rock. As mentioned Crobat is garbage, so ya could really do with a better Flying type. Skarmory in particular would be quite the boon since it takes any Rock move not Rock Gem with ease as well as Physical Dragon moves even moreso. Any other non-Ground weak Steel type would particularly benefit the team's typing as a whole (Bronzong, Ferrothorn, etc.).

In other news, Marriland's team builder has become amazingly awesometacular.
Zoroark (M) @ Expert Belt
Level: 64
Ability: Illusion
Hasty Nature
- Cut
- Faint Attack
- Night Slash
- Foul Play

Altaria (M) @ Leftovers
Level: 60
Ability: Natural Cue
Impish Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Breath
- Perish Song
- Dragon Pulse

Scolipede (F) @ Poison Barb
Level: 60
Ability: Poison Point
Hasty Nature
- Venoshock
- Strength
- Toxic
- Steamroller

(M) @ Mystic Water
Level: 59
Ability: Torrent
Serious Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Revenge
- Slash
- Razor Shell

Unfezant (M) @ Lucky Egg
Level: 59
Ability: Super Luck
Serious Nature
- FeatherDance
- Swagger
- Facade
- Tailwind

Swanna (M) @ Exp. Share
Level: 59
Ability: Big Pecks
Gentle Nature
- Hurricane
- Surf
- Fly
- Roost

Porygon-Z @ Choice Scarf
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Spd / 252 SAtk
Is it just me?
a whole bunch of statistical crap
Yeah, I know. This was my first run. On my first runs, I just wing my teams, and on my later playthroughs, I plan out my teams and pay attention to synergy and stuff. I only get REALLY serious when I'm on Pokemon Showdown. For my second playthrough, I'm changing my whole team, since I want to try out some really good pokemon that I've never really used before. (Particularly Weezing and/or Arcanine)
Zoroark (M) @ Expert Belt
Level: 64
Ability: Illusion
Hasty Nature
- Cut
- Faint Attack
- Night Slash
- Foul Play

Altaria (M) @ Leftovers
Level: 60
Ability: Natural Cue
Impish Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Breath
- Perish Song
- Dragon Pulse

lol @ Dragon Dance with no Physical attacks to use it with.

Scolipede (F) @ Poison Barb
Level: 60
Ability: Poison Point
Hasty Nature
- Venoshock
- Strength
- Toxic
- Steamroller

(M) @ Mystic Water
Level: 59
Ability: Torrent
Serious Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Revenge
- Slash
- Razor Shell

Unfezant (M) @ Lucky Egg
Level: 59
Ability: Super Luck
Serious Nature
- FeatherDance
- Swagger
- Facade
- Tailwind

Swanna (M) @ Exp. Share
Level: 59
Ability: Big Pecks
Gentle Nature
- Hurricane
- Surf
- Fly
- Roost

Well, that's clearly a team still in progress. :lol: I can rate it based solely on typing synergy if ya'd like. Some tips on moves t' teach your Pokes as well.

I only get REALLY serious when I'm on Pokemon Showdown.

Then I look forward t' [STRIKE]utterly destroying[/STRIKE] exchangin' broadsides with your serious side on Showdown. ;) We need t' battle some time soon, yeah?
Well, that's clearly a team still in progress. :lol: I can rate it based solely on typing synergy if ya'd like. Some tips on moves t' teach your Pokes as well.
Yes it's still in progress, I'm challenging the E4 right now. You can rate if you want.

I don't think Trago is famillar with EVs
What Pokemon has 4 HP?
The only two stats that matter for a Porygon-Z are Special Attack and Speed. It's defenses are too low for investment in either defense stat or HP, so it all goes into Sp.A and Spe. 252 is the highest amount of EVs any particular stat can use, so both stats get 252.

A Pokemon can have 510 EVs maximum, so investing fully in two stats leaves behind 6 EVs for use. Most people just throw said EVs into HP. And yes, that single extra point in HP can matter. Change the result of a battle, even.
Milotic 252 spa 252 sp 4 hp nature timid-surf ice beam recover toxic---Blazikien- 252 att. 252 speed. 4 sp def (not sure about nature yet). Flamethrower blaze kick. Sky uppercut brick break. Flygon 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe nature idk. Earthquake dragon claw dragon dance outrage btw could you suggest 3 more? or alteast 1?
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Here is my current Firered Omega team, I still have yet to beat the fifth gym.
Sam (Pupitar) lv. 36
-Rock Slide
-Brick Break
Kayla (Lanturn) lv. 36
-Spark (To be replaced with Thunderbolt)
-Confuse Ray
-Thunder Wave
Jordan (Shuppet) lv. 36
-Shadow Ball
Dylan (Vibrava) lv. 36
-Giga Drain
Menley (Jynx) lv. 36
-Ice Beam
-Lovely Kiss
-Mean Look
Kevin (Blazekin) lv. 38
-Brick Break
-Aerial Ace
-Blaze Kick

*Waits for immediate slaughter of Blazekin moveset*

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