What's up with People Wanting to do and be everything Japanese??

Come on.

Trying to rationalize your irritation with a 'group of people' who carry an interest in an animation style that has become a global juggernaut in terms of media with a broad assumption about their sexuality 'based on your experience' is really grasping at straws.

Also, stop with the 'I' statements, please. I just woke up and I don't really feel like dissecting passive aggressive attempts to post your large generalizations and pass them off as harmless opinions.
Think about it, why does it bug you? You're not letting me in on this.
Being opinionated and being needlessly vague do not have to go hand in hand.
Everyone gets their pants in a bunch about fandoms and I just don't get why this is topic-worthy.

I'm bored. So so bored.

The choice with Homosexuality is whether they choose to act on it. Not whether they choose to be homosexual. People are born with an innate spectrum of attraction that most definitely is affected by their surroundings.

The stigma on homosexuality and sexuality in general will definitely screw up those who aren't self-contained and able to find other outlets for their stress. Hence, the priest who raped little Sunday School boys.

Still, I don't believe there is any stigma on heterosexuality.
'Bang as many bitches as you can.' Still seems to be prominent in the popular Rap/Club scene.
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #32
Come on.

Trying to rationalize your irritation with a 'group of people' who carry an interest in an animation style that has become a global juggernaut in terms of media with a broad assumption about their sexuality 'based on your experience' is really grasping at straws.

Also, stop with the 'I' statements, please. I just woke up and I don't really feel like dissecting passive aggressive attempts to post your large generalizations and pass them off as harmless opinions.
Think about it, why does it bug you? You're not letting me in on this.
Being opinionated and being needlessly vague do not have to go hand in hand.
Everyone gets their pants in a bunch about fandoms and I just don't get why this is topic-worthy.

I'm bored. So so bored.

The choice with Homosexuality is whether they choose to act on it. Not whether they choose to be homosexual. People are born with an innate spectrum of attraction that most definitely is affected by their surroundings.

The stigma on homosexuality and sexuality in general will definitely screw up those who aren't self-contained and able to find other outlets for their stress. Hence, the priest who raped little Sunday School boys.

Still, I don't believe there is any stigma on heterosexuality.
'Bang as many bitches as you can.' Still seems to be prominent in the popular Rap/Club scene.

Thanks for your well-thought out comment! It was well worth reading.

When I say "I" it refers to something specific to MY experience. I'm not stereotyping, rather I am relating one aspect to another. A sociologist would probably say that the questions I pose are relevant and have meaning to them. I guess I should reconfigure who my audience is and try to make my points again in a fashion that is more understandable to the general people (and no, I am by no means belittling anyone or calling them inferior).

The nature of what I was stating was something similar to a question like this: "Why are most serial killers white males?" Having nothing to do with racism, it is a relevant question that begs to be answered in the mind of a sociologist (I am not a sociologist by degree, but anyone can be a "sociologist" if they have the proper mindset, just like anyone can be a "free thinker" or anything else that doesn't necessarily require special skills or knowledge).

Similarly, I posed a question that relates one thing to another and seeks to understand the relationship between the two.
(that is, not genetics but rather one's surroundings and environment, be it at the home or at school).
Err... that's nurture. In the 'nature vs. nurture' debate, 'nature' refers to innate characteristics which you're born with, while 'nurture' refers to the way you're brought up, be it parenting or environment.

It depends on who you are talking to and in what context you are speaking that defines those terms. When I read it in a psychology textbook, "nature" was those things that affected the person in their surroundings, whereas the "nurture" aspect was almost strictly the parenting process and other experiences with guardian-like figures or authorities.
I'm pretty sure you've read that textbook wrong. The debate is about whether people are born with innate ideas and morals ('nature'), or whether they acquire them later on during their upbringing ('nurture').

Ok so in your case, and in my words, homosexuality (sorry to delve into this topic, but it blends in with what we were talking about earlier) is NOT by nature, but rather by nurture alone. You are not born with "gay" genes. It's a sociological occurrence, it was accepted in daily life in ancient Greece and was revived (thoroughly) in the 1960s where it sprung from there.
And where's your proof of this claim? As far as I'm aware the jury's still out on the 'gay genes' issue.
Thanks for your well-thought out comment! It was well worth reading.

When I say "I" it refers to something specific to MY experience. I'm not stereotyping, rather I am relating one aspect to another. A sociologist would probably say that the questions I pose are relevant and have meaning to them. I guess I should reconfigure who my audience is and try to make my points again in a fashion that is more understandable to the general people (and no, I am by no means belittling anyone or calling them inferior).

The nature of what I was stating was something similar to a question like this: "Why are most serial killers white males?" Having nothing to do with racism, it is a relevant question that begs to be answered in the mind of a sociologist (I am not a sociologist by degree, but anyone can be a "sociologist" if they have the proper mindset, just like anyone can be a "free thinker" or anything else that doesn't necessarily require special skills or knowledge).

Similarly, I posed a question that relates one thing to another and seeks to understand the relationship between the two.
I'm home!! :D

Sorry, I really didn't mean to be so hostile, but I still can't agree with your way of portraying your points. I can see that you're definitely going for a diplomatic angle. That doesn't help your brief opinion based argument.

You started this topic with the fact that you were annoyed by these rabid anime fans and then asked for others to provide their grievances with these types rather than putting your own down first. The only lead to go by was that you met these people on the internet, no examples.

The scenario I immediately constructed was that you brushed by these people and their presence must have annoyed you so much you had to post a topic on it.
Anyone can say 'this bugs me', but it just leaves people bitter and understandably annoyed/confused when the instigator fails to elaborate.

"Hmmm... Oh well. I'll go along and post my own experiences and reasons for enjoying Japanese media."
I also came across a set Marvel illustrations on this blog that were very manga-esque and decided to post a little rant about that here. My angle was that the general interest in Japanese works is not as obscure, as you made clear in your first post, or new as you make it out to be with your experiences with your location and that it is a large global industry as well. I was trying to show how it isn't quite as surprising either.
Still, I actually wasn't opposing you. At all. Perhaps I was mildly offended by your general use of 'anime fans' and 'trying to be Japanese' together making for a rather glib initial argument.
Maybe I'm not hitting your 'main' grievance, but I was trying to go by your most detailed lead, your apparent location. I also strung a comment loosely tied to the slurs the people in your town would apparently use on these anime fans.
I abhor it. I abhor such homophobia, and racism. I find it's horribly unfair and rooted in traditionalism because of the arguments people tend to use when attacking it.

After that you brought out an obvious 'hot button' and posted that correlation out of, what looks to be, thin air. Again, you posted that it was from 'your' experience with no example to go by and expected that to be taken with... I don't know. What were you expecting? You dropped your previous topic almost entirely in favor of the next risque topic.

By there I didn't know what you were trying to actually do.

It's a question like "Why are most serial killers white men?" you say, but that's like asking:
"Why are most black guys such horrible thugs?"
"Why are women so manipulative and bitchy?"
"Why are geeks so weird and immature?"
"Why are politicians so stupid?"
"Why are Americans so selfish and rude?"
"Why are gays so flamboyant?"
"Why don't minorities ever quit whining about their people's oppression?"
"Why are men such insensitive dicks?"
"Why are religious people so stupid?"
"Why are blonde girls so dumb?"
"Why are Asians so nerdy and good at Math?"
"Why are the Chinese such misers and bad drivers?"
"Why are Jews so good with money and why are they so shrewish?"
"Why are Italians such hard-assed thugs?"
"Why do women only go after bad boys?"
"Why do old people complain so much?"
"Why do the Asian guys have such tiny dicks?"
"Why is my wife so ****ing bipolar?!"
"Why is my husband so ****ing incompetent?!"
"Why are kids such spoiled shits?"
"Why do homeless deserve my money when all they'll do is buy liquor?!"
"Why are Southerners such gun-toting maniacs?"
"Why do guys love football so much?"
"Why does Canada love hockey?"
"Canadians? They live in igloos, right?"
"Why are the Japanese so stoic?"
"Why are organic eaters such pompous prep types?"
"Why is Iraq all like 'Jihad' and stuff?"
"Why is everything that comes out of your mouth a broad question validated only by overblown stereotypes?"

Egads! I'm like one of those anti-homophobia ads. :lol:
Still, I've heard an alarming amount of these types of questions word-for-word and they don't come across nearly as benign as you put it.
Not all of those questions have to be offensive initially, but they are in the sense that they all carry a derogatory connotation with a broad and generally pejorative stereotype.

Sure there are people who fit the description of each question above and they've become well known due to their portrayal in general media. You'll even meet them along with many different types of people.

I just feel that the lack of defined assertiveness in your posts were generally a passive way of avoiding confrontation or a real argument. The problem is that you're not laying into your actual demands of the discussion and it's participants.
It bugged me. I'm a nitpicky, hypocritical, and overtly loquacious freak. I'm aware. :sick:

Also, people pursue their interest based on who they are, not the other way around despite how it looks at times. Their pursuits may lead to more expression of who they are and may branch their personal qualities further as they learn new terms and concepts to explain certain things.
It's much like 'If you can't articulate it, you can't think it', but instead of being so absolute it's more or less 'If you can't define it somehow, you only have a vague underdeveloped notion of what it is.' 'It' in this case are aspects of an individual's interests and sexuality.

This forum needs and Off-topic button! I would fit that entire spiel in an OT box. You only need to read beyond this point to get my response to the original topic question.

Insane fandoms exist far beyond the Anime market. Hit up Rule 34, furries and Twilight and you will see what I mean.

To illustrate:

*Note: This doesn't bother me, but I can't post anthropomorphous bestiality porn on this forum, which I doubt is a problem for anyone.

*Note: The underarm really is a hilarious touch.

*Note: The shirt is the clincher here.

They cross over as well. That's when it gets really out there.
Just turn off the Google Safe-search.
There's your bucket of lulz for the day... or tank of Nightmare Fuel... or Fetish Fuel. :sick:

I feel you can't complain about one overdone fandom without seeing the rest. You might be surprised by your own interests and how deep they run. I was when I came across the net. It was quite jarring, but as I accepted different fandoms I managed to ease into my own interests better.

Still didn't get my self-esteem back. Give it back, vile internet!!
To be continued...

Sorry for writing a book. I'm just trying to be precise. Unfortunately I'm just plain abysmal at being concise.
I r a poet! :lol:
No, I'm just fairly certain that I have a mild form of Aspergers.
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I've never understood this obsession with Japan either. I have more of a reverence for Germany, land of the beer, sausage and the German language.

  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #40
Thanks again for your comment, I enjoyed reading it!

Don't worry, I end up writing lots of information with lots of detail, but compared to a whole book on minute topics and specifics, mine are nice and brief =D

I will get back to this topic shortly, I have a chemistry common coming up in less than 7 hours from now and I'm pulling an all-nighter lol. Can't wait to respond. =P
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It was used all over the place before they made it a sign of evil.
The only really good thing to come out of there is Kraftwerk
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #44
I'm home!! :D

Sorry, I really didn't mean to be so hostile, but I still can't agree with your way of portraying your points. I can see that you're definitely going for a diplomatic angle. That doesn't help your brief opinion based argument.

You started this topic with the fact that you were annoyed by these rabid anime fans and then asked for others to provide their grievances with these types rather than putting your own down first. The only lead to go by was that you met these people on the internet, no examples.

The scenario I immediately constructed was that you brushed by these people and their presence must have annoyed you so much you had to post a topic on it.
Anyone can say 'this bugs me', but it just leaves people bitter and understandably annoyed/confused when the instigator fails to elaborate.

"Hmmm... Oh well. I'll go along and post my own experiences and reasons for enjoying Japanese media."
I also came across a set Marvel illustrations on this blog that were very manga-esque and decided to post a little rant about that here. My angle was that the general interest in Japanese works is not as obscure, as you made clear in your first post, or new as you make it out to be with your experiences with your location and that it is a large global industry as well. I was trying to show how it isn't quite as surprising either.
Still, I actually wasn't opposing you. At all. Perhaps I was mildly offended by your general use of 'anime fans' and 'trying to be Japanese' together making for a rather glib initial argument.
Maybe I'm not hitting your 'main' grievance, but I was trying to go by your most detailed lead, your apparent location. I also strung a comment loosely tied to the slurs the people in your town would apparently use on these anime fans.
I abhor it. I abhor such homophobia, and racism. I find it's horribly unfair and rooted in traditionalism because of the arguments people tend to use when attacking it.

After that you brought out an obvious 'hot button' and posted that correlation out of, what looks to be, thin air. Again, you posted that it was from 'your' experience with no example to go by and expected that to be taken with... I don't know. What were you expecting? You dropped your previous topic almost entirely in favor of the next risque topic.

By there I didn't know what you were trying to actually do.

It's a question like "Why are most serial killers white men?" you say, but that's like asking:
"Why are most black guys such horrible thugs?"
"Why are women so manipulative and bitchy?"
"Why are geeks so weird and immature?"
"Why are politicians so stupid?"
"Why are Americans so selfish and rude?"
"Why are gays so flamboyant?"
"Why don't minorities ever quit whining about their people's oppression?"
"Why are men such insensitive dicks?"
"Why are religious people so stupid?"
"Why are blonde girls so dumb?"
"Why are Asians so nerdy and good at Math?"
"Why are the Chinese such misers and bad drivers?"
"Why are Jews so good with money and why are they so shrewish?"
"Why are Italians such hard-assed thugs?"
"Why do women only go after bad boys?"
"Why do old people complain so much?"
"Why do the Asian guys have such tiny dicks?"
"Why is my wife so ****ing bipolar?!"
"Why is my husband so ****ing incompetent?!"
"Why are kids such spoiled shits?"
"Why do homeless deserve my money when all they'll do is buy liquor?!"
"Why are Southerners such gun-toting maniacs?"
"Why do guys love football so much?"
"Why does Canada love hockey?"
"Canadians? They live in igloos, right?"
"Why are the Japanese so stoic?"
"Why are organic eaters such pompous prep types?"
"Why is Iraq all like 'Jihad' and stuff?"
"Why is everything that comes out of your mouth a broad question validated only by overblown stereotypes?"

Egads! I'm like one of those anti-homophobia ads. :lol:
Still, I've heard an alarming amount of these types of questions word-for-word and they don't come across nearly as benign as you put it.
Not all of those questions have to be offensive initially, but they are in the sense that they all carry a derogatory connotation with a broad and generally pejorative stereotype.

Sure there are people who fit the description of each question above and they've become well known due to their portrayal in general media. You'll even meet them along with many different types of people.

I just feel that the lack of defined assertiveness in your posts were generally a passive way of avoiding confrontation or a real argument. The problem is that you're not laying into your actual demands of the discussion and it's participants.
It bugged me. I'm a nitpicky, hypocritical, and overtly loquacious freak. I'm aware. :sick:

Also, people pursue their interest based on who they are, not the other way around despite how it looks at times. Their pursuits may lead to more expression of who they are and may branch their personal qualities further as they learn new terms and concepts to explain certain things.
It's much like 'If you can't articulate it, you can't think it', but instead of being so absolute it's more or less 'If you can't define it somehow, you only have a vague underdeveloped notion of what it is.' 'It' in this case are aspects of an individual's interests and sexuality.

This forum needs and Off-topic button! I would fit that entire spiel in an OT box. You only need to read beyond this point to get my response to the original topic question.

Insane fandoms exist far beyond the Anime market. Hit up Rule 34, furries and Twilight and you will see what I mean.

To illustrate:

*Note: This doesn't bother me, but I can't post anthropomorphous bestiality porn on this forum, which I doubt is a problem for anyone.

*Note: The underarm really is a hilarious touch.

*Note: The shirt is the clincher here.

They cross over as well. That's when it gets really out there.
Just turn off the Google Safe-search.
There's your bucket of lulz for the day... or tank of Nightmare Fuel... or Fetish Fuel. :sick:

I feel you can't complain about one overdone fandom without seeing the rest. You might be surprised by your own interests and how deep they run. I was when I came across the net. It was quite jarring, but as I accepted different fandoms I managed to ease into my own interests better.

Still didn't get my self-esteem back. Give it back, vile internet!!
To be continued...

Sorry for writing a book. I'm just trying to be precise. Unfortunately I'm just plain abysmal at being concise.
I r a poet! :lol:
No, I'm just fairly certain that I have a mild form of Aspergers.

Alright, I'm back! So my response to what you have to another interesting comment is:

Ok so in order for you to understand more properly what I was attempting to state, I'll first give you a little background as to why I brought up the "Why are most Serial Killers white males?". Note I didn't say "why are most white males serial killers?-->This would be considered a stereotype, even though it is completely untrue for ANY group of people. The examples that you posted were ALL stereotypes of people, things that are associated with them that place somewhat of a stigma on their image. Whereas I said something that was not a stereotype at all, but rather more a statement than anything else. Because it IS true that most serial killers (in America) are and were white males, and the reason behind it is what sociologists seek for anything that relates one thing to the other. They try to relate how one thing is related to another. Just like how I was wondering how this "Japanophilia" is related to one's behavior and background, their obsession for anime, and in my town in general--the avoidance of animes and RPG-like video games, which are considered "gay" and for "faggots".

Okay, let's drop the sexuality aspect out of the discussion for now, this is something more relevant and more tolerant of a subject: If it is true that many "weaboos'" parents are divorced, then is it this life experience that branches out to an interest in Japanese Everything, or is it the fact that the child is in a state of "weaboo" that is related to the relationship of their parents? Note that I am not asking whether or not the child's obsession for Japanese Everything is causing the parents stress and results in a divorce, but rather seeking the relation. This is just a branch of what divorced parents may lead to.

Alright to make this a bit easier to explain on my part and to understand on the reader's part, I'll explain a personal example. While it may not be true in many cases, this is what I found in one case.

I walked into the Game Room in my college (I went there on occasion when waiting for a class or had nothing better to do). Because I see them rather often and am in an environment where socializing is appropriate, I found out about the majority of their backgrounds. Most were Asian or white, with blacks not too far behind, with little Hispanic presence (though it was there). Most were straight, but I found that maybe one in ten were gay, and the few girls mostly bi. Even one in ten is a definite majority, it is a big figure, and thus not negligible. Some of you may be thinking I asked around too much, but who doesn't know these things about their classmates or acquaintances? It wasn't me asking around, but rather finding out gradually.

So back to the point: I was simply wondering what one thing had to do with the other; another quick example: "why are many overweight people depressed?" In other words, what is the relation between the person being overweight and being depressed at the same time that it is a high rate in our society? What does being overweight have to do with the person being depressed, and as a result many overweight people are included in the statistics of "depression"? Note that I didn't say "most", because even if the amount doesn't actually exceed 50%, it doesn't matter if it is the majority, but rather the fact that it is not under 1%. Remember, this is just an example, so I don't actually need an answer. It is also important to note that the question posed is not why "many depressed people are overweight". This is another question.

Edit: Sorry about that, I had to tend to an emergency situation!
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lol I always end up reading something interesting from you, Turk. Never fails me =P I like where you get at, it makes a lot of sense to me.

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