What's up with People Wanting to do and be everything Japanese??

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  • #17
i dun need to pretend
i am japanese

though i wonder, everytime i do something from the american culture, do i lose something from my japanese culture?

Honestly, I have never had any Japanese classmates before, the only Japanese people I have seen in real life was at a Japanese Restaurant. I'm sure people are worshiping you without you even knowing it, just because you are Japanese hahaha.

You moving away from your Japanese culture by moving closer to the American culture, but while this is true, it doesn't change the "blood" you have in you--Japanese "blood" lol.

Yeah lol, but I'm starting to be annoyed by racism
I draw alot so that doesn't help me lol :lol:
"y can all japanese ppl draw?!... Can u make me into an anime char?" -my friend
I think about it alot though

Even though it is in my blood, it can still get tainted
Pure bloods always die out
My friend (mentioned above) is Japanese(barely)/French/Italian

Well, you were being stereotyped, your friend (judging only on what he said) did not intend "racism" or "hatred" towards Japanese people. Many Italian-Americans these days don't realize that their image is a completely stereotyped one, they are just too cocky (not by any means all Italians) to realize that the automatic "cool" vibe they get is just a stereotype like any other, just not a negatively appealing one.

Also, the fact that you love to draw and are particularly good at drawing anime-like figures could very well be from the fact that you are Japanese, but not from blood, but rather culture and parenting. It's the same reason why many Asian males (this is all about sociology) can play the piano exceptionally, or why many Asians get good grades (it's true). Let's see if you got my point: Parenting and culture are the prime factors that lead to such things.
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  • #19
I didn't say I wasn't being a stereotype >_<
+ u dun know my friend like I do

o_0 how'd u know I played the piano? Get outta my head!
We get good grades because @ a young age, we r taught to be obedient, so we dun talk back much (therefore we dun talk much in school to authorites [mostly females]) and expect to do our best

So yes, it is based on culture, but relies heavily on parenting
My culture does run through my veins, so theoretically, it's in my blood

Well I said judging solely on what he said because that's what you based his being "racist" on. And if he's actually being racist then why is he your friend? Yes, claiming or assuming that you can draw anime-like pictures, and really well, is a stereotype, its not being racist. Calling you a Jap would be being racist, or implying hatred of Japanese people is racism.

Anyways, the parenting aspect comes from the culture, doesn't it? What many people know, but don't accept as complete truth, is that their personalities are simply reflections of the society, for the most part. And there are many different personalities for different experiences and what not that occur within that society (hence why ALL people are different), but still under that society.

Yes, parenting comes from the culture and is acquired through teaching (that is, learning from others) and of course by experience.

Oh and, I didn't know that you play the piano quite well, when I said it's quite common for Asian males to play the piano well, I meant a low percentage, yet still high in numbers. For instance, definitely not beyond 50% of all male Asians can play the piano well, but even if its 5% thats 1 in 20.

Oh and there's no such thing that the "culture runs in your blood". You are taught everything. There was a story of a man of European decent who was born in China and lived there all his life. He returned to his home country in Europe to visit his family, where he was disgusted by some of the foods they ate. They, too, were disgusted with the food he found to be tasty and edible. While he had never eaten the stereotypical "cat", he did try and enjoy and prefer many dishes that were foreign and nasty to his relatives "back home".

I will try and get the full version to get the full message acros...the point is, you are human (the I with your primitive self) and the society makes you what you are, and you act accordingly to your experiences, way you are raised, etc. The "Me" is your socialized self.
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  • #21
Man, do u love to talk, not that I have a problem
I mean I would 2, but my cpu is down... again...

I dun have a problem against racist, I accept it
I'm even a racism myself (at times)
If I can accept it, then maybe others can 2

Every1 is different for a reason
And yes, of course parenting is based on personal experience and what they've been taught

The person who inspired me to play the piano was Nobuo Uematsu (inspired by Elton John) so I decided to try it out. Once I started, it felt like I was able to play 2 instruments @ once or riding a bike, once u learn, it's hard to forget

Of course that's a false statement, it's just a saying that relates to me in general (theoretically)
I understand the "I" and "Me" part, as we said, everyone is different

Yeah...I suppose for a relatively small thing (but the concept is huge!:yesnod:) I did give a long response...to put it shortly, I like a discussion, I like to get the most information out and effectively. Compared to people writing BOOKS on the most minute details and specific topics, I come closer to writing summed up, brief information =D

And I didn't know Nobuo Uematsu was inspired by Elton John! That's interesting...Nobuo Uematsu has inspired MANY others as a result
Mmm... Drawing the Animu style just comes from conditioning on my part. It's what I saw on the Television. Anime and the Simpsons mainly. Yer, I can also draw a donkey with it's head up it's own arse. Usually that happens when I'm on my Screamo binges.

My semi-rant:

Japanese works and Tech have very much strong-armed their way into mainstream media these days.

Look at Marvel Comics today and look at them 20 odd years ago. The streamlined look is in. That's because the first-world likes slimness and bloom effects in general. They're still edgier and focus more on 'awesome' rather than 'cute' or 'beauty', but the influence is still huge as ****.

You should ask mainstream media why they're adopting more Japanese styles. It's pretty cheap to produce the stuff like Naruto, but it's still appealing in our slimness loving culture.

Also, EVERYTHING is animated in studios based in Korea these days, so yeah. We really don't give enough credit to the actual laborers.

The food. My town has many cultural restaurants with the food prepared much akin to the way it was in it's native country. Korean, Thai, Japanese, Indian. It's pretty expensive, but they all taste great when my family pays.

I cannot accept racism. I can just ignore it. Honestly though, it's as vile as Homophobia.
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  • #23
Oh that's the other thing I noticed. Among these people (and don't take it the wrong way that I'm referring to them as "these people", I'm pretty sure weaboo is more of an insult than anything else), many of them are bisexuals, or just gay. Is that which drives these people who love anime and everything Japanese the same thing that influences their sexuality, or is it their sexuality that attracts them to such things? I'm not implying that a certain majortiy does so and so, so I'm not generalizing here completely (because I know there are few and far in between, remember I said even 5% is a lot cuz that's still 1 out of 20, not like 1 in a thousand).
Oh that's the other thing I noticed. Among these people (and don't take it the wrong way that I'm referring to them as "these people", I'm pretty sure weaboo is more of an insult than anything else), many of them are bisexuals, or just gay. Is that which drives these people who love anime and everything Japanese the same thing that influences their sexuality, or is it their sexuality that attracts them to such things? I'm not implying that a certain majortiy does so and so, so I'm not generalizing here completely (because I know there are few and far in between, remember I said even 5% is a lot cuz that's still 1 out of 20, not like 1 in a thousand).

Your typing out of your arse there.
(Id say talking but there words on a screen)
So in your eyes if someone like people of the same sex there are more or less a anmie fan?
I reckon if I go round the village tomorrow and ask a few of them most wont know what im talking about.
Your theory falls flat on its face
Oh that's the other thing I noticed. Among these people (and don't take it the wrong way that I'm referring to them as "these people", I'm pretty sure weaboo is more of an insult than anything else), many of them are bisexuals, or just gay. Is that which drives these people who love anime and everything Japanese the same thing that influences their sexuality, or is it their sexuality that attracts them to such things? I'm not implying that a certain majortiy does so and so, so I'm not generalizing here completely (because I know there are few and far in between, remember I said even 5% is a lot cuz that's still 1 out of 20, not like 1 in a thousand).
Buh? Since when was there a correlation between Japanophilia and sexuality?
Buh? Since when was there a correlation between Japanophilia and sexuality?

Since his brain said so.

If its "mostly" gay/people that like both ends that like it.
Why are there so many animes with female leeds the are easy on the eye or females that seem to be attracted to the main character and so few good yaoi ones?
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  • #28
Guys I was simply stating something that I've seen, I have never said for it to be completely true. I have not accused the majority of such people as being "gay" or "bi", rather I said that there is a slight tendency to be the case from what I have seen. I have not pointed out a certain nationality that falls into this category, not just because I can't pinpoint one, but that would be making too much of a statement here.

I liked that term "Japanophilia". I didn't relate it directly to one's sexuality, however. At the same time, only when I went on a open forum did I find a lot of people openly gay or bi, something I rarely see where I'm from (it is also still abhorred here, and by no means am I in the Bible Belt). I'm noticing that in other places, it's the complete opposite--if you have a negative thought or make an even slightly negative comment about hojmosexuals, you are labeled as homophobic and simply inconsiderate and disrespectful or ignorant.

And yes, although I am straight, I have come to realize that being gay or bi is not a choice, but rather a gradual event that takes results from nature (that is, not genetics but rather one's surroundings and environment, be it at the home or at school) and nurture (the overall parenting process), not just one or the other. Both of these appear to contribute to the life experiences of the personin such a way that it affects their "sexuality". Any psychologist will agree with this statement.
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(that is, not genetics but rather one's surroundings and environment, be it at the home or at school).
Err... that's nurture. In the 'nature vs. nurture' debate, 'nature' refers to innate characteristics which you're born with, while 'nurture' refers to the way you're brought up, be it parenting or environment.
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  • #30
(that is, not genetics but rather one's surroundings and environment, be it at the home or at school).
Err... that's nurture. In the 'nature vs. nurture' debate, 'nature' refers to innate characteristics which you're born with, while 'nurture' refers to the way you're brought up, be it parenting or environment.

It depends on who you are talking to and in what context you are speaking that defines those terms. When I read it in a psychology textbook, "nature" was those things that affected the person in their surroundings, whereas the "nurture" aspect was almost strictly the parenting process and other experiences with guardian-like figures or authorities.

Ok so in your case, and in my words, homosexuality (sorry to delve into this topic, but it blends in with what we were talking about earlier) is NOT by nature, but rather by nurture alone. You are not born with "gay" genes. It's a sociological occurrence, it was accepted in daily life in ancient Greece and was revived (thoroughly) in the 1960s where it sprung from there.

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