We Want Your Thoughts - SOTW: Topic (???)

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Aedus said:
There's lots of ways to vary it.

You can split SOTW into 2 categories, first category being for more experienced sig makers that get given a theme, obviously it is much easier for people who are experienced to make a good sig with what's been given.
And the second category for newer people to sigs, who get to do Freestyle each week until they feel confident enough to step up to theme'd sigs.
(Lets be honest here, the reason people like Freestyle is because it's a lot harder to make a nice sig with a set theme, most people open photoshop or GIMP and do something until it looks nice)
You mean like Planetrender's "SOTW" & "NSOTW". While this may be a good idea, I don't think there's enough people currently. Definitely something that I'll remember though, good suggestion.
Next is to simply let the winner of the SOTW pick the theme for the next week
That's how we used to have it, however it seems as though people want change. A lot of the time, we had themes picked where maybe 5 people entered. With a more member-involved theme choice, more people are happy. That's what we're truly trying to figure out here.
Next is to give members 4 new options every week on what to pick, out of the 3 that aren't picked for that week they go over to the next week and a new 1 is put in the 1 that was picked place
Interesting suggestion. However, it might be smart to also knock off the topic that came in last, then choose 2 new ones.
Every other week is also good to vary it

Just a few put out there for ideas
Thanks, Aedus. :)
ssbb_lover said:
Interesting suggestion. However, it might be smart to also knock off the topic that came in last, then choose 2 new ones.

Ah yeah possibly even better =o] More variation!

I'll try and think of some more ideas.
As long as the SOTW competitions continue to run, I am not too worried about the topics. Freestyle or not, I am always ready to participate whenever I can. :)
ssbb_lover said:
I.E. Anime. :lol:

Keep the suggestions coming, everyone. :)

I literally said anime then deleted it from my post...GET OUTA MY MIND MANG.
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Aedus said:
I'll try and think of some more ideas.
Good idea. :p
Byuakuya said:
As long as the SOTW competitions continue to run, I am not too worried about the topics. Freestyle or not, I am always ready to participate whenever I can. :)
Of course, Pras. However, a veteran graphics artist who participates almost every week means a lot to hear from, so any thoughts about this you have are more than welcome.
Cpt.McCloud said:
I literally said anime then deleted it from my post...GET OUTA MY MIND MANG.
You know we're awesome.

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