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So Stoukaph, u agree w/ me on screwing luigi? That's good.
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ssbb_lover said:
So Stoukaph, u agree w/ me on screwing luigi? That's good.
that might be who you are, but im not that kind of guy. but whatever floats your boat. im just wanting his moves to be changed:p
I would rather keep luigi then mario...but I know they would never screw him, thats y I said luigi. I'm not being bios, lol.
I know some people who would crap themselves if they took luigi out he's so fun to pla as cuz he's just ridiculously strong for a medium characters
But...he sucks, and I would think he was gay if daisy wasn't married to him. (or his girlfriend, I'm not sure)
Yeah, wut would be hilarious if this game was M, when u turn the game on, at the beginning of the little video that starts up if u don't hit start has all the players they're "killing" off on their knees w/ blindfolds on and they get shot in the head:lol:.
but first they just torture pihu for a while idk by like rubbin dirt on him(earth is electric weakness right?) and then having a fireing line haha
Yeah, instead of taking some out (pichu & jiggly) and replacing them...dam baby pokemon, why do u have to be so cute? Blaziken should take pichu's spot and charmelon should take jiggy's.(I know they're both fire, but r'nt the fire 1's the coolest?

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