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  • #16
(heh, more unwanted pokemon) i like the current line up for SSBM except for pichu. they should replace him with a different fighting type. maybe even fighting like machamp?
I don't care how many females are in there, as long as they're good (in fact I tend to prefer them in fighting games, since they're usually faster).

Oh, and I don't want them to put in Pichu or anything to do with Nintendogs.
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  • #18
Napalmbrain said:
Oh, and I don't want them to put in Pichu or anything to do with Nintendogs.
I completely agree. Although it looks like we are going to get some Nintendogs seeing the trailer.
The bounty hunters from prime I believe wont be playable characters. They are to much like samus, it would be unruly to put in all those characters and only have one difference. If they choose to switch your super move [ I dont know if that was it in the trailer] THey could somehow incorporate the hunters with samus into one big attack. Also down with pichu.
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  • #20
pit18 said:
THey could somehow incorporate the hunters with samus into one big attack.
That would look awesome as Samus' super.

Any Rare or Sega characters you don't want to see in the next SSB? I don't want to see another Kong in it because it would get too wild. I like Donkey Kong in it because he's more serious.
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  • #22
Jigglypuff was in the original SSB, and pichu...i dont really know...
I totally agree with killing off most the pokémon like jigglypuff and pichu and I also think someclone characters like ganondorf not really kill them ff but give them unique moes like ganondorf should have some range attacks he does in oot and he should be dual weilding like ww who needs dr mario he's the same has mario don't need him and falco no andfor more female charaters why don't they add the chick from eternal darkness or some gerudo chicks with swords
I think Dr Mario is just pointless and most of the clones. Pichu tru least used character in SSBM wit Ice Climbers and Game & Watch. But if Nintendo really thinks about kickin out clones...DONT TAKE OUT ROY KILL MARTH.
I agree marth was kinda weird but idk clones aren't fun like young link didn't need to be in it sure he's more agile but weaker and gets owned pretty easily he's one of my characters but I still think the clones should get the boot
But even tho they were clones they played different...its weird actully. Roy is my best character im really good wit him but when i try to fight with Marth i suck. Also im good wit young link but not so good wit link. BUT STILL each character deserves there own set of moves
I totally agree and I still think they messed up one putting pichu in it haha and two giving ganondorf cat falcons moves that really bugs me but if he stays they have to change it imagine his super attack he'll turn into ganon from the end of oot how pimp would that be?
oh btw I heard a rumor that snakes not using his guns do you know anything on this? cuz what will he do that three hit combo and chocking is that it?
also they have lots of similar characters in SSB so that there is a slow/powerful version and a quick/weak version (eg Roy and Marsh) so they could work out the Bounty Hunters with Samus.

I can think of a lot of Rare stars I don't want to see.... Bond and Joanna Dark for example. Though Banjo and Kazooie would be cool
they would be but kazooie would have to be in the bag and banjo is weird but its a good idea has range with the eggs and hand to hand with banjo and when grab someone kazooie could peck them for the prethrown hits

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