
Banjo would be terrible in my opinion, but then again i've never been to fond for him. I would LOVE to see a new ganondorf and viewtiful joe.

And as for Snake not using his guns...u can look that up on pretty much any website. Miyamoto (however u spell) said that snake will not be using any guns, only explosives and melee.
that's weird though cuz snake really doesn't have many explosives c4 and claymores and that's ab it except for the rocket launchers
yeah but idk it just is weird to me cuz I'm a fan to the mgs series and he should at least be able to use his socom like fox des or something
He might use some type of gun, but Maiyamoto said that he would be using more cartoonish explosives, possibly not mgs original ones. By cartoonish I don't mean it literally, I just mean more SSBish. There's a big diff. between an explosion on SSB and then one on Solid, see wut i'm sayin?
Deoxys are extremely overrated, and I'll be very mad if it replaces Mewtwo, the strongest Pokemon in the world (and also my favorite). I think it would be neat if Espeon could be a playable character.
A cat? no way dude. I think the best pokemon for this game (and most would have to agree) is....igglybuff!!! Jk Blaziken is my favorite and the best for this kind of game, he's a fighting type, and he's the pimpest fighting type. And he's a fire pokemon, that's a bonus. If they were to add some pokemon they should add hitmonlee, (not hitmonchamp) blaziken, vigoroth, etc. I could name a million more (yes I was onen of the biggest pokemon fans ever) but I don't want to waste space.

One more thing I would also like to remind ppl is that now Hal Lab has all the pokemon from the ruby and saphire games to choose from to put in pokeballs that u can send out.
I'm surprised no one has said this character: Peach!! Sorry, I know we've been saying we want more female characters, but Peach is overly feminine and I don't know any friend of mine who's a girl that would play as her.

Perhaps if they changed her outfit and made her more interesting, like Shiek, then maybe, but that's not Peach, so.

Peach could be replaced by Jade from Beyond Good & Evil. Gosh, that idea just popped into my head and now I REALLLY WANT JADE!!
Here's a pic of her; I've sadly never played it, but have seen video reviews and it was supposed to be a really refreshing game:

I agree with you, Kalimar, that Mewtwo must stay, although it'd be interesting to put Mew in, although it would probably be just another clone and I too want to see the clones leave, or get their own moves...EXCEPT FOR FALCO, WHO MUST DIE!!!!
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Peach is not the worst character, shes great at surviving and has a few strong moves. Whats wrong with Falco? Hes my best character. You don't even want his moves to change?

ssbb_lover- thats fox not falco
ssbb_lover said:
He might use some type of gun, but Maiyamoto said that he would be using more cartoonish explosives, possibly not mgs original ones. By cartoonish I don't mean it literally, I just mean more SSBish. There's a big diff. between an explosion on SSB and then one on Solid, see wut i'm sayin?

oh I understand , one character I want gone and ill prolly get some hate mail for this one but I want to se yoshi leave that stupid dinosaur annoys the crap out of me
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ninjade said:
oh I understand , one character I want gone and ill prolly get some hate mail for this one but I want to se yoshi leave that stupid dinosaur annoys the crap out of me
they probably wont do that because shes one of the main mario characters and she was in the original SSB. it would really suck if birdo came in as a yoshi clone:(

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