This is so Gay!! Stupid Nintendo

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i am very sry that i put this is so gay! in the title i didn't know that you all thought that it was bad.... i am very sry.. mod can you change the title to "Stupid Nintendo!!!" and take out the "this is so gay!!"
I dont believe it. But if it's true. Mehh... I've never really believed in Nintendo...
ssbb_lover said:
islandvic said:
Not exactly fair for you to be leashing out though. You have friends/family mems etc. that are gay, then you're from Canada too....and you're dissing those exact things. I bet if you didn't know anyone gay, you wouldn't care as much, but just because you do know people that are gay, it makes you feel that it's wrong for anyone to say it. I admit, I use to say it about 1 or 2 years ago. Believe it or not, since then i've matured greatly (just look at my posts from a year ago compared to the ones I make these days...point made), I don't care if people throw around the term loosely (like MysticGohan is doing). But, if they do say it, I get the idea they're a bit immature.

Just saying, not trying to be the bully, but even you have to agree with me here. The reason you're so touchy on this issue is the reason you have personal experiences that make you feel more sensitive; just like if you said Christians are to uptight and suck, I would flip out, but I would question you why you think so. I bet you didn't even know I was a Christian, just because of the way I act, not very uptight am I?

I know people who are gay even some of my best friends and they use it too that's what upsets me is that people aren't even conscious of it so it's actually the homophobes that are uncomfortable about talking about gay people that say "Don't say that" and by the way the first person to say that's so gay meant it as a good thing like awesome I can't even imagine that anymore
callme.nasty said:
you have to realize that when people say "thats gay" they aren't purposely being offensive to gays. Like it or not, its a common phrase. People say oh my god and jesus christ all the time, and thats very offensive to god and jesus. But, when you say it, you aren't meaning any offense. its just a common phrase.

I realise that the person most likely did not mean it in a mean-spirited way. I am pointing out the ignorance in saying such a thing because it can affect other people. It is disprespectful to use phrases like that, and it only perpetuates the notion that it is acceptable. I also realise the 10-16 year old set is probably responding to this the most, who lack the life experience to understand such a concept as this. All I am asking is to think before you say such things off the cuff.

And to ssbb lover, it was a typo.. 'mad' should have said 'made' in, "not a lot of sense to be made there".:thumbsup:
wait, so no Madden 2008 online? ( there 3rd party, Ea, right??)

o man.. i was looking foward to that. Nintendo please, dont do that and please please please, release a date for Mario strikers charged and SSBB with online!!!!!
FlashStar said:
Well hell it's not like they've delayed it for the last year already...:nonod:

No, I'm saying, would you have preferred it that Nintendo not sell the Wii at all until their online system was fully up and running? We'd still be sitting around waiting for release day, watching the PS3 and XBox360 run away with the gaming market.
callme.nasty said:
you have to realize that when people say "thats gay" they aren't purposely being offensive to gays. Like it or not, its a common phrase.

Maybe if you're 12 (or can only communicate at the level of a 12 year old).
islandvic said:
And to ssbb lover, it was a typo.. 'mad' should have said 'made' in, "not a lot of sense to be made there".:thumbsup:
What a coincidence, that the exact letters and dropping the 'e' could still make the sentence valid, but it's a totally different meaning. :ee5k:
callme.nasty said:
you have to realize that when people say "thats gay" they aren't purposely being offensive to gays. Like it or not, its a common phrase. People say oh my god and jesus christ all the time, and thats very offensive to god and jesus. But, when you say it, you aren't meaning any offense. its just a common phrase.
Ya...that's pretty much it.
Your information is wrong. Apparently, a game by Sega called Pachinko will use wifi and mii's this year. Maybe there's just no love for western developers?! Who knows... but wifi will be available in 3rd party games this year.
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Skippy said:
No, I'm saying, would you have preferred it that Nintendo not sell the Wii at all until their online system was fully up and running? We'd still be sitting around waiting for release day, watching the PS3 and XBox360 run away with the gaming market.
Chill dude.:yesnod:
If they cannot have accessibility, then they don't.
What I am trying to say is..they could have released it later to have it.
But hell I guess it would ruin it, huh?:wtf:
If it's marketing and competing then yes..
Quality always but not :O
I'll bet it has something to do with Nintendo wanting to keep online to their standards and expectations. Which honestly makes me think online play is D.O.A. for the Wii. With Nintendo in charge of online play I'll be willing to bet my money that online play will be exactly like the online play of the DS. Either get put up against 3 other random players with no voice chat.....or even text chat for that matter. Or register a friends code to be able to voice chat before the game starts. Which I think is crap. If Nintendo wants to get over all the critisism of being called a "Kiddy" system, then they need to do how X-box live worked, idealy the way Socom3 worked on PS2.

I want to pop in battalion wars 2, go online, enter a lobby, see if anyone on my clan is online, see all the games available on different maps to play, join what game I want, be able to voice chat with my team mates, finish the map and hell maybe gain EXP for an online ranking system. Lather, rinse, repeat.

But that's not gonna happen with Nintendo at the wheel of the online service.
callme.nasty said:
you have to realize that when people say "thats gay" they aren't purposely being offensive to gays. Like it or not, its a common phrase. People say oh my god and jesus christ all the time, and thats very offensive to god and jesus. But, when you say it, you aren't meaning any offense. its just a common phrase.

Yeah, I'm sure no one knew that. BTW the "n" word used to be a common phrase too.

When you say things like that's gay or christ, whether you like it or not it makes you look like a disrespectful jerk or dumbass. Whether your intentions are good or bad, the fact that you don't think before using words makes you a dumbass.

I don't want to look like an ignorant bigot, so I choose my words thoughtfully. Only an idiot or bigot would go and justify especially after someone says they aren't comfortable with them. The words do have meanings and they all originated from a bunch of bigots daily talk.

Are you that dense that gay is the only word that can come to your mind when you think of something being stupid?
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Rahnter said:
Your information is wrong. Apparently, a game by Sega called Pachinko will use wifi and mii's this year. Maybe there's just no love for western developers?! Who knows... but wifi will be available in 3rd party games this year.
thats very odd.... i wish Blazing angle was online...
Oh thank God.

I just can't beleive it going to be a crappy Pok'emon game.

Well, rather have it on a crap game and have glitches and whatnot than have glitches on a good game! ^_^
ya that is gay, I want to play some good players around the world, and now there gling to ban it for 07 thats pretty gay if you ask me. playing you brother or sister is laim becuase you always seem to beat them.

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