This is so Gay!! Stupid Nintendo

If this is true, it's just Nintendo's way of establishing some standards and regulations on what online should and will be like. And it assures that consumers stick to their games for online play. I have no problem with this, seeing as all my 2007 purchases are being developed or published by Nintendo.

This is their first online console, and they want to make sure that it is done right. (right meaning friend codes and extremely limited human interaction)
So does this mean that there's no online play until '08? This means that Super Smash Bros. will either have no online or won't be out til next year? Nintendo ****ed up, especially with Smash Bros. First no Wiimote usage, now, possibly, no online...
KCBlack said:
So does this mean that there's no online play until '08? This means that Super Smash Bros. will either have no online or won't be out til next year? Nintendo ****ed up, especially with Smash Bros. First no Wiimote usage, now, possibly, no online...

No, what the article says, is that no NON-NINTENDO games will be online until 2008. Which excludes metroid, ssbb and battallion wars, as well as pokemon.
I don't trust Wii-UK im afraid. I always wait for IGN or Official Nintendo Magazine so :p

And I think they will make a new system for Online then start to release Online games. It took the 360 some time to get this perfect so give the Wii some room
Wii_Smurf said:
I don't trust Wii-UK im afraid. I always wait for IGN or Official Nintendo Magazine so :p

And I think they will make a new system for Online then start to release Online games. It took the 360 some time to get this perfect so give the Wii some room

If Nintendo has just barely sent out online dev kits to developers (as reported by Reggie), then no game that's close to release at this point in time is going to have online multiplayer.
I dont really care cuz thats why i got a 360!
i will geet the wii for nintendo-ish games like mario zelda etc...
just got a wait for them to be easier to get..
well duh! nintendo= family company! The only thing "adult" aboutn the wii is that you can acess hard core pr0n through the opera browser. But nintendo will probably put sum sort of parental control on to fix that too!

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