Nintendo Answer VC questions........

XBOX service is arcade perfect ports with online features. VC is SNES ports with no added features and cost a couple bucks more. I do a little programing myself and I know for a fact that making a game online is not that hard. I think nintendo plan is to rank in a bunch of cash with the VC. Thier target is the older non tech customers who don't know their getting rip off. A friend of mine mother bought a whole bunch of the VC games because she thought it was a great deal comparing it to new Wii games :crazy: . Thats there plan and their target customers.
why do you guys ***** so much about the slightest ****?

if you want to play it online, get an emulator. they've been promising from day one that you would not be able to play the VC games online. they are however developing *NEW* VC games.

You are right though, it is easy to allow for, SNES9X does it with the actual roms, just involves writing a little back end code. I can see them maybe doing it at some point, but it's probably not a priority at this point.
whats the big deal with no online play? the vc is meant to bring back games from the past, not rewrite them and make them completely different. i cant wait til i can get some points
Yeah but some of you are missing the point, it isn't rewriting the games to make them different, you're not changing the story, characters, items or anything. All you're doing is taking the V.S screen and instead of having someone sat next to you plugging a remote in connecting to someone else online.

End result? Game stays the same, V.S mode is now online as well, people are happy. You cannot tell me in good faith that that would be expensive to do...
wow everyone is taking this to such extremes.. its kinda funny..

first of all, to all of you "die hard gamers" who say that the VC should be bringing back old games, and not rewriting completely knew ones, stop being f***ing drama queens....simply adding online multiplayer to a game isnt rewriting a new game so stop making it into some huge problem with changing classics, taking a game with multiplayer, and making it so the player's you're playing against dont have to be at your house is in no way changing the game itself, so just stop whining..

that being said, i dont really care that there is no online play, im fine with the originals, doesnt matter to me, online play woulda been cool, but im not gunna cry over the lack of it..
Samster said:
How large (in storage terms) will VC games be? At present what is the average size for games on each of the formats?

Nintendo: Games vary in size but approximately NES games will be 1MB, SNES 5MB and N64 32MB.

How will VC games be organised on the channels page? Will each game be an individual channel or can users group say all the titles of one format (SNES) or all the titles of one series (Zelda)?

Nintendo: Each VC title downloaded will be displayed as an individual channel. Users may move these channels around to suit them.
All VC games don't have a defenate size, NEs games range for 15kb to 1.5 mb, Snes 400kb-8mb, N64 7mb-60mb. Nintendo has given you a bad estimate, all of the VC games will not be the size they mentioned.
xpirate77 said:
that being said, i dont really care that there is no online play, im fine with the originals, doesnt matter to me, online play woulda been cool, but im not gunna cry over the lack of it..

Thats all I am saying. . .I am not whinning like alot of people on here that they didn't expand the game to include online multi-player; it would have been a nice feature to add, but the originals were great too, and I will still have a ton of fun having my friends over to play.
I figured there wouldn't be a multiplayer since day 1...but nobody believed me. If you've been around games and such as long as I have, to tend to have the answers to many questions quite early.
But look at emulators on the PC, lots of these achieve internet multiplayer through the CONTROLLER plugins, they just basically send the signals to the other players "virtual controller" and it puts the inputs in on their side. Albiet this is probably not the most accurate method to achieve internet multiplayer in classic games, but it does indeed leave the roms intact.
Sure for games that are multiplayer enabled. Nintendo didn't go through with this because they thinks it's useless to make multiplayer options for only a few games. The majority of the games that will be on the VC will not be 2-player games.
Agreed I'd like to see online play in some of these games. Also keep in mind the XBL is charging you $60 a year for the service on top of the XBLA costs. Wii-connect is free for the time being.
I'm pretty sure it will remain free. I think if we ever see multiplayer VC, it will be 3rd party. But don't hold your breath.

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