Nintendo's Online... Or lack there of...

yungblood6 said:
See atomic maybe you see what i deal with on a daily basis, whether your sticking up for nintendo or complaining nobody likes to read any more, thus they make stupid comments. He is supporting nintendo and basicly giving a rebutle to me and the rest who think nintendo had enough time to get it right, i mean they did have all of the rest of the gamecubes life span to think about it, then they had all the time that they developed the wii to think about it, hmm thats enough time to me. Esp since every one else did it right out the bat the first and second time. So why can't nintendo get it right the first time, its not like they don't have a blue print to follow or improve on already with the other two consoles. The world may never know.

So no his post is not another i hate nintendo post but a why doesnt every one just wait some more on nintendo post. by the way COD4 is the ****, i had to stop cause my hands hurt. Owning noobs just like imma do next week in MOHH2 who wants it. Hey we can always bring our tv next to the computer and use some chat program to communicat till nintendo gets a mic:shocked:

you know they make programs specifically for gamers to voice chat right?

PS maybe they were thinking about like, developing a NEW CONSOLE as the gamecube was dying, I dont know, developing FREAKIN MOTION CONTROL, EVERY WII CHANNEL, EVERY USER INTERFACE, EVERY FREAKIN MENU THAT NEEDED TO BE THOUGHT OF TO MAKE THE WII WHAT IT IS AND WILL BE. I am sure there is a lot more to this than we all think, and it's really not fair to ***** about it because microsofts a freakin computer company, and sony was online last gen as well. Considering the Wii is the only system that is truly innovative, I think I personally can cut them some slack for having good and not great online support right out of the gate.

PS Atomic guy, nice original post. Too bad most of the haters don't want to admit it makes sense.
FRuMMaGe said:
Nice rant.

I'm hoping Ninty will improve the online for when the hard hitters come out (SSBB, Mario Kart)

So basically cheat the 3rd parties now, and save all the benefits for themselves?

I've always suspected that they intend to release voicechat along with Mario Kart, for precisely that reason. Nintendo has always played hardball in the software department, giving themselves an edge over 3rd parties. I'd prefer to be wrong about that still being the case, since it has the potential to hurt my gaming prospects.
Frummage and Fireflower didnt really read...

Its not a rant hes opposing the rants!

Nice article and drawings ! Too bad the last screen in youre sig does not really fit in the cloud
AtomicB said:

Did I draw an 'N' stabbing Canada?

Nice Picture XD

Look at the 360's online! It's freaking booming!
I prefer to call the 360's online 'Super Mega Happy Fun-time Channel Ultra'. But that's just me. Anyways, no duh the 360's online is amazing!
1. It's Microsoft. You know, the guys who make computers?
2. Microsoft already had decent online last-gen!
3. They also had a years head-start on the other two current-gen consoles!

Microsoft generally makes Operating Systems XD
i hate how you can't talk i think you should atleast be able to talk through a USB keyboard. and on mario strikers charger you should be able to pick your opponents and be able to have your hole team filled with people not just 1-4 people playing online form your console. I agree Nintendo jumped in a bit to late.
Well, one thing N definitely got right on the Wii was the wireless network connection.

You would think that with the network experience MS had with the Xbox that wireless would have been a given for the 360.
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heres one example that annoys me..

lego star wars complete saga has co-operative online for PS3 and 360, yet that left it out in Wii.. why i ask?? Wii is more then capable of that feature as well.
AtomicB said:
But who knows. Q1 2008? Brawl was delayed for a reason! And who knows what it was.

I have been having the same feeling. I've been desperately hoping that this is the case. Of course, if not we will still have forums and such to set up matches and tourneys as always.

I really enjoyed that rant. You brought up some points that I had been stating as well; 360 having an established online community and has had a head start.

The thing for me is, I don't care right now how bad Nintendo's online is. I moved into a town with no broadband available a month before Super Mario Strikers Charged came out. I really haven't experienced online on the Wii yet. That is why I can't wait until this Wednesday when I get highspeed. :D
AtomicB said:
Online is brand new for Nintendo. Give them some time.

AtomicB said:
Look, it's been established that Nintendo is hopping into the Online pool a bit late

Gotta disagree with ya there mate because here comes one of those weird facts:

The Super Nintendo had a modem that allowed online gaming and it could also download gaming news and specially designed games. It launched in Japan around 1995 so I reckon 12 years is long enough for a company as great as Nintendo to figure out how to develop and put in place a complete online service.

I own a DS and a Wii and they are both amazing but Nintendo has made some fairly obvious mistakes with the Wii. For a console that cost me over €400 I did expect a much better online experience than this.

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