The One Character That Would've Made Brawl Perfect

amy can use piko piko hammer and maybe she can throw her hammer at her opponents i like amy rose a lot but i am sad because she not in ssbb i wish amy rose was in ssbb i love to use her hammer. >=)

Not only is it a run-on scentence(one HELL of a run-on scentence), but it has little to no pronouns aswell! =D

Well atleast someone finally posted in this thread again. I might make a moveset now. :p

By the way Amy Rose is an annoying, crazy, obsessed *****.

Reminds me of my ex... lol. Good to see you around again Bodine
Crash Bandicoot would be awesome!!
he could have standard punching & kicking for his "A" moveset
all his spinning and slamming for his "B" moveset
and his final smash could be him wearing his tiki mask (cant remember the name lol) and charge at everyone on the stage,instantly killing them (like super sonic but w/o the flying)
Gimme Geno!

Ive heard rumors... but all of them just say its SE's fault.
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  • #799
I've been working on this for a while... It's finally done and I'm ready to show it. Please, everyone, tell me what you think.
PROS: Long Reach, Moderately powerful A Attacks, Multiple Jumps, Fast in Air, EXCELLENT air game, can float slowly in air when wings are outstretched (after jump)

CONS: Moderately slow ground attacks, slow on ground, no Up B recovery (Side B can be used for decent horizontal gain), Falls like a rock when wings are not outstretched, weak B attacks

Neutral A: Ridley does a single claw swipe.

Neutral A Combo: 2 swipes with claws. Average speed, average damage, but long reach. Enemy recovers quickly.

<-or-> Tilt A: A quick bite attack. Fast, good damage, and knocks enemies back. Best used as a follow-up to the A combo.

Dash A: A lunge with wings outstretched. Very powerful, but extremely slow and leaves Ridley vulnerable to attacks from the rear. Only useful when opponents are distracted.

\/ Tilt A Ridley slaps the ground in front of him with his tail. Slow, but moderately strong and knocks straight up in the air.

^ Tilt A: Ridley snaps upwards with his jaws. Slow, but hits twice. Hard to hit people on ground with (will hit if they're right next to him) but has decent vertical range. Keeps opponents in the air.

<- or -> Smash A: Ridley opens his mouth and issues a short range explosion of flame. Slow, but strong, and has a 25% chance of dealing extra fire damage. This and Ridley's lunge are his only two ground attacks used primarily for K.O.s.

\/ Smash A: Ridley spins around with claws outstretched, hitting on both sides. Slow with moderately high damage and knocks foes away diagonally through the air. Intersperse with ^ Smash A to keep opponents on their toes.

^ Smash A:Ridley does a somersault and kicks his legs and tail out, hitting on both sides and above. Average speed and damage, but knocks opponents straight up high. Primarily used to initiate air game.

Neutral A Air: Ridley does a spin in the air similar to Meta-Knight's n-air, but slower and stronger. Can be used to K.O. off the top of the stage fairly easily at high % (100% and up).

<- or -> A Air: Ridley swipes down with both claws. Fast, strong, and deals fire damage if claw tips connect (like C. Falcon's lightning knee). Meteor Smash if sweet spot connects, but may leave Ridley vulnerable to counterattacks.

^ A Air: Ridley boosts up and swipes with claws upwards. Moderately fast with average damage, but grants slight vertical boost (Think Meta-Knight's u-air). Used to rack up damage and keep Ridley and opponents in the air.

\/ A Air: Ridley dives down with his tail outstretched to strike opponents below (a la Super Metroid). Average speed and moderately weak, but hits multiple times if it connects. The final blow sends foes spinning diagonally downwards in the direction Ridley faces. USed as a finishing blow to an air combo, and can K.O. if close enough to the edge.

Neutral B- Fireball: Ridley shoots a fireball straight forward (or diagonally downward if he's in the air). You can charge up the shot for increased strength, size, and distance. Strong, but slow and easily avoidable.

<- or -> B- Feral Dash: Ridley dashes forward. If he makes contact with an opponent, he blows through them with fire, sending them up in the air. Fast with decent damage, and hitting opponents when this attack is used in the air increases the duration of the lunge. Used for horizontal recovery and is arguably the best of Ridley's B moves.

^ B-Phazon Plasma: Ridley points his head in the air and lets loose a stream of concentrated Phazon. If you continue to hold B, you can then control the direction which Ridley spews Phazon with <- and ->. Moderately short range with average damage, but can hit repeatedly and can be hard to escape if it ensnares an opponent. The longer Ridley uses this attack, the shorter and shorter the stream will get. If it gets too short, Ridley will have to wait about 10 seconds for it to recharge back to full power. Ridley is immobile while he uses this attack.

\/ B-Tail Drill: Similar to his d-air, Ridley flies low across the ground, dragging his tail along the stage. Foes that get caught in this will continue to receive damage until the attack ends. Can be difficult to avoid, but leaves Ridley open if it misses.

Jumps: Ridley can jump up to four times in a row, each jump slightly shorter than the previous. If he holds jump on any of these, he glides like Meta-Knight, Pit or Charizard. After jumping once, Ridley's wings become outstretched and he falls much slower than normal. This can be cancelled by pressing \/.

When Ridley uses a Smash Ball, he is consumed in a ball of electrical light and emerges as the ferocious Meta-Ridley, who immediately takes to the sky. Meta Ridley is invincible in this form, but says at the top of the screen. You can move Meta Ridley back and forth with <- and ->, and fire fireballs (fast with average damage) with A and plasma (slow with strong damage) with B. This form lasts for approximately 15 second, at which point Ridley returns to normal. (Think of it like Diddy Kong's Final Smash except with more options, but harder to aim.)

Up Taunt: Ridley takes out the Metroid hatchling from behind him and examines it for a second, then puts it away while growling.

Side Taunt: Ridley points his head upward and roars his classic Super Metroid roar while fully outstretching his wings and arms. A truly terrifying sight.

Down Taunt: Ridley angrily growls "Saaaamuuss..." while hunched over as his eyes glow yellow.

Block: Ridley shields himself with his wings while the usual blocking orb appears around him.

Dodges: Ridley dashes around or away from the opponent like a feral beast on all fours.

Basic Ridley
Zero Mission Ridley (brown with redder eyes)
Meta-Ridley- Silvery with yellower wings
Ridley X- Sickly purple with orange eyes
Dark Ridley- Dark grey with vibrantly red eyes and brown wings

Phew... I worked a while on that...
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Ummm...I read as much as I could. I guess it sounds pretty good, just please space between each attack.
i dont know why they took mew two out but mine would be arceus from pokemon or the character wii where your the wii remote and nunchuk that would be cool and funny
I think Shadow the Hedgehog would really be a good character. And it would be even better if you could use your own Mii on ssbb. That would be funny
I think Shadow the Hedgehog would really be a good character. And it would be even better if you could use your own Mii on ssbb. That would be funny

I've heard both suggestions over 9000 times, lol... But I can certainly agree with a Mii being a customizable character and the like.

LOL @ Boxman avatar.

i dont know why they took mew two out but mine would be arceus from pokemon or the character wii where your the wii remote and nunchuk that would be cool and funny

Mewtwo and Lucario are essentially "clones" of eachother by playstyle, although that's far from the truth, is Nintendo's reasoning for replacing Mewtwo. I'm the only one who's happy about that, I'm sure. :lol:

... I don't see how a hulking horse-shaped god pokemon would fight, or even be sized down, in Brawl... Keep him to being a pokeball poke in the next one, lol.
Ok I posted something like this awhile back. ive made a few changes

Majoras Mask Link

Move set for
child link:

everything the same as reg link except smash attack and on down b (like pokemon trainer) you just change back and forth between the three masks (deku, goron, and zora) to no mask again

Smash Attack: Link dons the Fierce Deity Mask and is almost invulnerable to damage and does tons of damage with each sword hit. It lasts for a limited amount of time

Deku Child

A: spin attack in place
A + right or left
(at same time): headbutt
A while moving left or right: Spin attack
A + down: Low Headbutt\spin thingy (idk what else)
A + up: High headbutt

B: Build a bubble and hold to get get bigger until you shoot in direction youre facing
or the bubble explodes
B + right or left: spins in direction (like rob maybe)

Left or right: headbutt into ground like Donkey Kong does
B + up: use flower petals to fly. While flying press A to drop Deku bombs
B + down: change mask

Smash Attack: deku child makes a bubble which envelops opponent in front of you. Deku Child thens makes a huge bubble which explodes propelling everyone else offstage


A: hit with fist combo 3 times
A + right or left: Strong punch
(at same time)
A while moving left or right: fall onto opponent
A + down: backspin punch
A + up: high punch

B: power up punch like Donkey Kong
B + right or left: rolls into a spike ball for a small period of time kinda like sonic and
B while moving
Left or right: grab then headbutt repeatedly
B + up: rolls into a ball and does the spin thing like samus (idk)
B + down: change mask
Smash Attack: Goron grabs opponent in front of him. He pounds him onto the ground. Goron rolls into spike ball and stays in one place on top of person while rolling and the oppent suffers damage and then shoots out behind goron in direction goron is not facing


A: hits with fins for 3 hit combo
A + right or left
(at same time): strong fin attack
A while moving
left or right: hits with fins
A + down: low round kick
A + up: High fin attack

B: hold fins in front of chest charges and shoots like links boomerang and comes back
B + right or left: does the fast thing kinda like fox and falco
B while moving Left or right: does flying kick
B + up: does like marth and jumps up but instead of hiting people with a
sword he hits with his fins
B + down: change mask

Smash Attack: Zora shoots boomerang fins to catch foe and then unleashes a series of various bombardments and hits against foe and sends him flying off screen

4 different smash attacks would be neat but it might be a little much

As far as im concerned i wanna see something like this
why do you guys have all the move combinations and not just a list of characters for example Mario,Zelda,Micheal Jackson,Link, Samus, Hentai Samus, Samus on the beach, Manly Peach