The One Character That Would've Made Brawl Perfect

bah .. i think pichu .. she was very good .. píka is worse ... also roy .. i mean i wanted the three fire emblem chars to be in brawl.. poor roy .. and about pichu . yeas u made urself damag but her a side smash charged was a very very powerfull move
Gaaaaah! What's happened to this thread?!

Details people, elaborate why you want the character in Brawl, how they'd be a good edition, movesets, etc. You don't have to go this far, but here's an example of a great post. Try to follow example. =)

Character moveset time!

Character: Ninten

Game: Mother 1

Appearance: Similar to Ness, but his hair is a bit longer with bangs swishing to the right side of his face just above his eyes. His hat is facing with the bill forward like a cap usually is worn instead to the side like Ness'. His shirt is striped like Ness and Lucas's but colored red and blue instead of Ness's blue and yellow or Lucas's yellow and red. Around his neck he wears a red bandana, haning on the front and tied on the back. His shorts are a dark greyish color and his shoes are red. Also, his hat looks different from Ness's. The bill looks more like the bill of a normal hat and is grey instead of blue, but the rest of it is red like Ness's. And if you look closely you can see the faded handdrawn "NINTEN" he wrote on the front. Also his weapon of choice is the bat, which would later be used by Ness in Mother 2/Earthbound.

Moveset: Ninten relys more heavily on his bat for phyisical attacks than Ness, so even when not attacking he keeps it out, as if a sword.

a: hits with butt of bat
aa: a short kick
aaa: after the kick, or should I say during, he spins around greeting his enemy with his bat using the force of the spin.

light over a: Sort of a jab with the tip of the bat
hard over a: full swing, same as Ness
light up a: a light swing of the bat over his head
hard up a: does a frontflip without hardly leaving the ground and uses the force of the spin to swing his bat
light down a: a weak low kick
hard down a: Sweep with the bat

a while walking: light bat swing
a while running: jumps forward with a kick

aerial a: a jab without the bat
aerial aa: a kick
aerial aaa: an "uppercut" with the bat

aerial over a: bat spin
aerial up a: flips upside down and gives a strong upwards kick
aerial down a: While charging he looks downward with his bat held above his head, then brings it down with great force.

b: PK Hypnosis- tap b repeatidly to emit waves of hypnotizing psyco-kenetic energy. The more you hit b the stronger the effect. Those who come in contact with the PKE waves get hypnotized into a sleep-like trance. If only done for a short time they'll wake up almost soon after falling asleep.

B up: PK Fire- For Ness and Lucas, PK Fire was over B and it was used to shoot a spark of psyco-kentic fire at an enemy using pyrokinesis. For Ninten however, he uses it as a close range attack when on the ground and a recovery move while airbourne. On the ground, Ninten points one hand ahead of him, and the other behind him, and emits a short and powerful burst of flames from each hand, damaging enemies in front and from behind him. While airbourne, he thrusts his hand downward and gives off a burts of fire propelling him upward. It only lifts him a small bit, but while airbourne this move can be used 3 times consecuatively, each time raising him higher. After 3 times, he can no longer use any attacks till he lands like every other character after using a recovery move.

B over: PK Thunder- Ninten sends out a small spark of psyco-kenetic elictricity that sticks to an opponent. It then deals out a small amount of damage to whoever it's stuck to every 5 seconds within the 15 second time period it stays on an enemy. This move is good for obtaining openings for attacks or if he's trying to get back on stage.

B down: PSI Sheild- same as Ness or Lucas except it causes damage if touched.

Final Smash: Eight Melodies- Ninten takes center stage as his friends Lloyd, Ana, and Teddy appear and join him. Togeter they sing (not really sing, more like acappella "Oh"s) the Eight Melodies song that helped them defeat Giguse. During this you must hit the attack button at the right time, to the rythm of the song, for maximum damage. None of the enemies will fly off the screen till the short song is over as well as the attack. Depending on how well you did determines whether or not your enemies are KOed.

Here's the Eight Melodies for those unfamiliar with Mother/Earthbound. This is the version that was set to be put in Brawl but got cut.

Taunts: over- scrates head, up- looks at screen and transforms into original sprite then back again, down- readys bat like he's about to hit a ball
hell, if spyro makes it, i should be a character. I can see it now.. I'd be able to... Heck, just showing up in front of them would make them fall. *BoZ steps up to ike, and stares into his eyes* ike: o shat! *passes out* *bOz steps up to mario, and shakes his head at him* Mario: Oh no, my popularity!! *runs aways* next stop, zero suit samus.. xDDDDDDDDDDDD
Hmm...ill try..


Appearance: Like I would like to see a 3D pacman instead of a flat one.Dont need another game and watch. The costume colors would be its normal yellow in the old game, other ones would be Ms.Pacman,a french pacman:Like have one if those black hats on its head,and a little tooth pic hanging from his mouth,an evil one with horns coming out of his head with sharp teeth.Sorta like the devil.But since it would be boring to have a character without hands and arm, i would give him them.

AA:Another punch but a hook like a fighter.
AAA: He would do like a a charge with his head.(head butt)

ugh...its so hard making one for him since you can virtually can take nothing from the game.I thing

His final smash:Everyone would turn all blue,easily to be knocked of but pacman would be opening and closing his mouth repeatitly. He would be untouchable for the time given.Like 17seconds. Sadly, he would be limited to one high jump, to make it easier to dodge, not an unstopable finisher.

I need help with the rest which is a lot. :lol:
Hmm...ill try..


Appearance: Like I would like to see a 3D pacman instead of a flat one.Dont need another game and watch. The costume colors would be its normal yellow in the old game, other ones would be Ms.Pacman,a french pacman:Like have one if those black hats on its head,and a little tooth pic hanging from his mouth,an evil one with horns coming out of his head with sharp teeth.Sorta like the devil.But since it would be boring to have a character without hands and arm, i would give him them.

AA:Another punch but a hook like a fighter.
AAA: He would do like a a charge with his head.(head butt)

ugh...its so hard making one for him since you can virtually can take nothing from the game.I thing

His final smash:Everyone would turn all blue,easily to be knocked of but pacman would be opening and closing his mouth repeatitly. He would be untouchable for the time given.Like 17seconds. Sadly, he would be limited to one high jump, to make it easier to dodge, not an unstopable finisher.

I need help with the rest which is a lot. :lol:

no offence CK but no one wants to type it out. Fail.

Orly? :p

Pretty good start, DG. ... I can't think of **** though, as you said, Pacman really does have nothing to base attacks off of. .-. You could probably give him some type of rolling attack for his Dash, ala Kirby from Melee.

For sake of mention... Up B is:

amy can use piko piko hammer and maybe she can throw her hammer at her opponents i like amy rose a lot but i am sad because she not in ssbb i wish amy rose was in ssbb i love to use her hammer. >=)

Not only is it a run-on scentence(one HELL of a run-on scentence), but it has little to no pronouns aswell! =D

Well atleast someone finally posted in this thread again. I might make a moveset now. :p

By the way Amy Rose is an annoying, crazy, obsessed *****.