The One Character That Would've Made Brawl Perfect

^^^ No, he'd be cheap. Cheaper than Meta Knight cheap. God tier cheap. Magikarp would break the game more than a skater breaks his everything throughout his/her life time.

Still love the support for the king of karp, though. :D

So if he is, Magikarp will get upgraded from pokeball to a character hmmm....lets see what they say now!!!
I don't know who Fanky Konk or dokey kong is, but I have an original idea for Funky Kong from the Donkey Kong series as a character. Genius, isn't it?
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^^^ They should focus on making his newer games good before adding him to Smash Bros. :p

Not to mention he's not a first party title character anyways. He's a Ubisoft posterboy; or at least he was when his games were good, lol.
^^^ Not even Revelations could make up for an insult like that. =/

They figured out how to get Snake in, so Ubisoft could damn-well figure out how to throw Ezio in there. Particularly with that new Assassin's Creed Wii game and it's cell-shaded graphics (and probably less intense gore... probably).
Second the vote on Travis, but... Waluigi can kiss ass and stay as an assist trophy, IMO. He could have a moveset worked out for 'em no problem, but... No. Just no, lol. So many other characters, particularly non-Mario related fighters, deserve a spot more than 'em.
should include lots other chars from anime and stuff with different skills and stuns.
should include lots other chars from anime and stuff with different skills and stuns.

This is a Nintendo fighting game, thus, pretty much only characters from video games appear....and theyre all Nintendo as well, with the exception of Snake and Sonic.

Anyways, I think a character from Chrono Trigger would be pretty awesome. Too bad Square wont allow it... [noparse]:([/noparse]
The day anime gets in my Smash Bros. is the day I spit in Sakurai's face... For something besides tripping.

Anyways, I think a character from Chrono Trigger would be pretty awesome. Too bad Square wont allow it... [noparse]:([/noparse]

ohai Geno

I don't think Squeenix wouldn't mind breathing life into Crono and giving 'em a bit more fighting style personality. Not like he has to talk in Brawl, after all. We don't have any characters that widely use light other than the electric rat either (Ganon's two moves aren't enough :p).
I dunno, Square is weird.

I would much rather Magus be playable than Crono, but we all know thats not happening. >_>
I would much rather Magus be playable than Crono, but we all know thats not happening. >_>

The day Magus has a cameo before Crono is when an officially Nintendo-endorsed Mario Bros. fighting game comes out. :lol:

I'd think Crono would be a better choice for the SSBU roster, though. Magus has too much room to choose and make his moves from, most of which are spells. Crono can be akin to Marth in that he has a shitton of slash moves, but combines electric and light spells/attacks into the mix so people don't ***** about him being a clone (you know they will...).