The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

Goldie's been over here as "dad uk" for quite some time! Oh, and welcome to WiiChat Trench-man! :thumbsup:
I Call shenanigans on the WiiMote.
I've been trying the WiiMote out for today.
And the advantage it has over the other controllers it just too much.
Even a total WiiMote noob like me can hipfire like there is no tomorrow with it.
Plus the bullet control (amount of bullets you spree) is much easier as well.

What is worse, having come completely aware of this adavntage there is nothing i can actually do about it, since
the iiMote hold a particular trap for me.
I can't play with it comfortable.
Because of the position of my tv, my sofa, and the sensor bar are comepletely wrong for eachother, and i can't really modify their positions.
The only time i can use the WiiMote is when i'm sitting in a uncoformtable maddenings posiition.

So once again, i call shenanigans on the whole thing!
Goldie's been over here as "dad uk" for quite some time! Oh, and welcome to WiiChat Trench-man! :thumbsup:
Thank you, thank you. My first GE forum post was here, then I went to FAQs. I was born a WC. x:

On-topic: GGs to those other 7 guys whom I can't remember. Yeah...!
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Thank you "GOD" for spoiling what was a very fun game of Golden Gun by joining near the end, using god mode and killing everyone that spawned.

You c***.
Anyone got some helpful WiiMote settings i can use?
i'm currently the one i found on gamefaqs.

After 3 hours of WiiMote play, i can get a positive k/D ratio, almost 2 to 1 in most games.
After cranking up the sensor Bar sensitivity the WiiMote responds a little better, i can sit a little less cramped.
But every game still feels like a struggle with myself, to get the WiiMote to make my character do which i want it to do.
Something that i must say comes/came naturally with the CCP.
Especially quick turns, when the gun seems to go horizontal are a problem still.

After one whole day, i am ending my WiiMote experiment.
I mean i'm already feeling it on my wrists.
Yes, hipfiring from a certain distance is a lot easier.
hell, the thing practically does it for you!
But all the others things the WiiMote brings to the table.
Messy turning, schocky screen/feelling/running makes it that i'm barely half as good with it.

It's clear that if you fully master it, you probably gonna be better at this game than with CCP.
It just ain't worth the headaches that comes prior to mastering it.
At least not for me. At the end of the day, i just want to have fun.
Even if that mean that in the long run, i'll be a a little less competetive.
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@Redcrow: You just need to keep messing around with the wiimote settings to figure out what works for you.

: I assume you mean the one we had in archives... That was a quad? I thought it was a triple? Oh well, what-evs. When you get a 5-kill in conflict with an RTM, then we'll talk! I know you get quads every other day in team matches with how well you use RTM's. In fact, I expect at least 1 per day when I am playing with you! LOL ;) Also, lmao'd at "Tampa'sTroll" earlier. Good one!

@DelaBnda[E7] & Xanax[E7]: Fun times earlier with the hip-fire toros only games! Pity Xanax and some "008" guy had to drag out the proxies. I probably would've won every single one of those games if they hadn't! Oh well. Xanax: You used proxies and lost to my hip fire toros??? :ihih: heh heh

@123: GG's in conflict earlier. You just edged me out in that last game. I really enjoy our games together - good competition! Seems like we have a nice little "race" up the eliminations leaderboard going, don't we? :devil:
It was a quad, but the lag meant someone's death confirmation was earlier than other others XD. And yeah, I became your 'troll' for lola and because I was doing badly.
I had an awesome TC Docks match today.
I absolutely refused to engage the camp fight near the boat room.
After getting a few kills on the stragglers, and my own team doing badly in the snipe fight on the opposite of Docks,
they started to copy me.
Before long nobody was engaging the Boatcampers anymore.
And they where forced out of hiding.
(It helps too that afterwards we won the game)

It was so fun to see a typcial boring docks evolve into a fun docks match.
My sentiments exactly RedCrow. Tried learning the Wii Mote too and came away with the same conclusion.

It just ain't worth the headaches that comes prior to mastering it.
At least not for me. At the end of the day, i just want to have fun.
Even if that mean that in the long run, i'll be a a little less competetive.
Played with yet another proxyton spammer, australia-69 (How mature)

Best thing about Outpost? Trolling noobs on the ladders.

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