The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

Xplosive, aside from the score of times i muttered godd-amn lag,i h-ate hosting, yippie ka yee we have achieved teleportation,... we had ourselves a nice heroes run.
Once we properly teamed up i don't think we lost a game.
Me thinks E7 is getting loaded with quality players. I'm looking forward to our next clan war! :thumbsup:
This is a bit early, since we can still play together, but good games to Tampa and Rorschach of E7! Great conflict games, nice to have competition. Mayhaps we can do some team games next time ;)
Yep, we went for a TC run of 18 wins. GG indeed.

Xplode, srr for leaving so soon, but you caught me at the end of a long gaming night.
I just wanted to get a game in with [E7]Koopa+ so i didn't have to switch alts next time i went on Goldeneye.
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After two quad kills with an asterisk (killing 3 with RTM whilst killing the fourth at nearly the same time with my gun) i finally have my quad kill without an asterisk.
I wasn't even expecting it, didn't know there was more then one player there, when all of a sudden four names popped up when i used my RTM.

In another note after a nice run in goldeneye mode (srr xplode i was in a nice game series so i decided to forego the invite) i managed to almost complete all the proficiencies of the SLY shotgun.Started up on when the game series started. I was laughing so hard when during one game, i was coming down from the number 1 hacking spot, and my adversary was reaching the number 4 spot. We both saw each other and ended up staring at each other true the glass. I couldn't get near, cause i knew he was using the strata and my range with the SLY just wasn't enough. He couldn't get near cause he knew that i was gonna use the corner by the glass to my advantage, and in all likelyhood kill him with my shotgun before he could do me on. (By then we had already played for several rounds so we knew what we could expect from the other). So after starting at each other for several long seconds,he purposely starts to hack the 4spot in the hopes of lure me on, i pretend to take the bait the first time but withdraw quickly, the second time he tries it i was ready for it using my nades. He was not expecting that, and i woud have had him, if the hit was a tad cleaner, he managed to run back just enough. So of we go again staring at each other through the glass, when i am forced to disengage cause i hear an enemy creeping up from behind me. And the moment was ended, i killed the enemy, he hacked the number 4 spot, and the game moved on. I so wish that for once i could be bothered to tape my games. Okay so my telling does not sound all that funny, but it's moments like that, that make the game so fun.

Btw, i once more reached lvl51 yesterday, and in my mind immediately popped up: i Got the magnum! (sounding like: i got the power!)

Today i finished up my proficiencies (except Gambit, Ivana, and Masteron -haven't unlocked them yet). As well as most remaining combat abilities.
The only one that remains is killing people by shooting at mines, and i really can't be bothered with that one. I had some fun with the flash grenades though.

[RS] Goldie was that you i played 1 archives game with, or was that someone else, who used you alt?

Reached lvl 16 with my sniperAlt. It only took me 8-9 freaking playing hours. Lvl'ing with sniper only goes sooo slow.
I still need 4 more lvls till i get my silencer and you get the Toros at 26 or so... . Me and my idea to have a sniper only alt...
Seriously there is something wrong with me. It's kinda funny though to have a marksmanship rating of 32%. (it would probably be even higher if i did not use my sniper to run&gun) And even more so the fact that i hit about 750 people with my sniper but already have 1050 kills. Meaning 300 kills comes from melee'ing/grenades and probably the odd double kill.
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OK, so quite a few "GG's" going out tonight...

GG to BlackOpp[E7] - Nice to see you online again!
GG to DelaBnda[E7] - We made a great team in BB tonight!
GG to [+]Woad!e - Nice Heroes performance & teamwork! We always seem to make a good team.
GG to [+]KevMote - Thanks for the great conflict match earlier! It was fun to have good competition! You can get your rematch anytime!
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I see some names here that I have run into from time to time. GGs to all, I always have a blast win or lose. I play on two profiles, [RS]coffee and DroppingSeed. see you ingame :)