The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

Had fun with you tonight, Stephen (TmpaBndo[E7]). It was an interesting first for me, just to smoke up the whole map. :) We need to do it again! ;)
Tampa i don't think i've ever played against you.
Which is probably a good thing, cause i'm at best an above average players.
Don't sell yourself short, RedCrow. I am sure you are one tough competitor! And no...looking at the signature line in your above post, I don't remember playing against any of those. If you are located in Belgium and I am in Florida, is probably not surprising given the time difference. Don't worry, though. I am sure we will have the chance to annihilate each other at some point! :ihih:
ggs to TampaBondo, LMAOatYou and Revenge[E7] on saturday. [E7] clan warred [+] in a 3v3, and it was a great time with several close matches. We hope to do it again guys, hopefully we can get a 4v4 next time.
After getting annoyed that for the umptieth time i switched to my revolver instead of triggering my remote mine, i decided to whip up the old gamecube controller (i had all the systems since the SNES from Nintendo, that is till a friend of my broke my old SNES grr and with it the opportunity to decently play Mariokart, F-zero, ISS, ... emulators are just no good) and give it a shot in the hope that this controller did trigger the mine when i wanted it to. Only to find that the alternate button is a pain in the butt, and the trigger thingie does not always function properly.

By now i'm utterly convinced that those who actually manage to play with the wiiMote got a distinct advantage. Please some1 tell me it has it glitches as well. Cause try as i might the WiiMote has only ever managed to give me dizzying spells. I can't figure the thing out.

Today i've countered tons of people using weapons hacks... damn annoying.
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If any1 knows Pussys Cheat, ask him if he enjoyed watching me in action from close up.
He can follow me around any day of the week...

Btw, does killing 3 people with an RTM followed immediately (withing the same second) by killing the 4th with my weapon count as a quad kill?
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Perhaps if the previous kills were still being displayed for exp when the fourth was killed, then it probably counts.