The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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I find shedinja lack luster though, my hoppip could take it easy with an aerial ace or acrobatics XD now thats just sad

EDIT: O believe me that stone luck will never happen again...lets just say i have decided to wait till route 10 to evolve my murkrow sadly. i almost decided to do the same for Froslass but then i figured it wouldnt hurt to try for an hour or so just in case and BAM!! was slammed with a dawn stone lol.
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I have been severely slacking on my Platinum scramble. All I did is get the second route and train my Shinx a little bit.
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  • #273
That's what happened every other time. ¬_¬

Stop your slackin' Nick. :p
i got bored with my challenge just restarted the game over at celestial tower holding a lv 37 emboar, 36 seismitoad, 34 joltik, and a 28 deerling... pansage being an hm slave lwith ducklett learning to fly.... lol
Hi am back,I lost the pokemon platinum and just found it and will be starting the challenge again with the same team of Giratina ,Glaceon,Umbreon,Piplup,Roserade and Lumineon.

The game was deleted by my friend because he thought it was his,So i will be restarting.
Piplup will be
evolved because of the rule of no unevolved pokemon rule in the scramble challenge.
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Found my DS, and started White again. I just got into the electric cave, and cam currently grinding my Joltik. That makes 3 bugs. Just need one more.
Thats too bad, rosekid....

Its pretty sweet that youre using my second favorite type, J.

Im probably never going to get around to finishing my challenge... .__.
Idea for a challenge the eevee challenge,as kinda implied you can only use pokemon from the evolution line of eevee.

Edit:eek:nly have
Piplup and i beat the first gym by using bubble only.Can't beat the second gym try 2 times so far.
Piplup(prinny)Lvl 18

I beat the second gym then i trade with my friends to get the two eevees then when and galactic commander jupiter and made my way to hearthome city i use the female alot more then the male eevee,not the best day.
Prinny lvl 30
eevee lvl 21

eevee lvl 10

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  • #279
Welcome back to the fray, Rosekid. =D Sorry to hear 'bout your friend getting into some save file mischief... I know the pain. ;_;

Im probably never going to get around to finishing my challenge... .__.

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  • #280
Double post: don' give a FU'

It's been ages since I said I'll speed run a game from every generation, so I think it's 'bout time I got to it, what with it being 2012 now.

Pokemon Blue Speed Run

I'll also be doing a single run, but only because I want the fastest time possible, so this doesn't qualify as a multi-challenge of Speed and Single. That's all that needs to be said; I'll be posting a progress update soon (probably a triple post... blehhhh).
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  • #282
Blue Update 1

Grabbed my free potion, got a Squirtle, almost lost to rival because speed ties are gay. Encountered WAY too many Pokes for a professional speed run, but oh well, this is for fun. Angered that I can't proceed without delivering that gender-confused asshole's parcel, I begrudgingly do so.

Come Viridian Forest, and I forgot to bring an Antidote. I feel like that bug trainer at the entrance I've mocked all these years... T_T Luckily, a potion and not taking poison damage on turns the opponent is KO'd meant I didn't end up losing to Caterpies and Weedles, thank god.


Mad dash through Mt. Moon, Squirtle evolves early on inside. I decide to save as to not waste time while I look up Paras encounter rates; not looking good. So I decide if I find a Clefairy first, I'll capture it for flash, and Sandshrew later. Captured said Clefairy, Paras shows up only a few steps later: ****, A MINUTE WASTED MY LIFE HAS ENDED!

Forgot TM 01 (Mega Punch) was down a ladder half the room back. DAMNIT ANOTHER MINUTE WASTED LIFE=END!

Owned Misty thanks to Mega Punch and some crit hax (didn't need to use any potions thanks to the crits :D), epic win. Lose to rival because I skipped the Pokemon center, missed Mega Punch twice and was met by a hyper fang finish. Saved prior to the fight though, so I breezed through by not risking Mega Punch with my new Bubblebeam TM. Destroyed all the trainers in the way, get S.S. Ticket, mad dash to Vermillion City. Get and teach Dig to C along the way, of course.

Own rival again, get cut, cut trees, get annoyed at electric locks in trash cans, destroy Surge with dig because he thinks Raichu using an X-Speed is a better move than Thundershock (or T-bolt if he has it in Red/Blue). Run to get bike voucher from the Rapidash beastiality fan club chairman, run back to Cerulean to get bike, and run off to Rock Tunnel.

Forgot about getting flash once I go into the cave. ****! Isn't as pitch black as in Fire red/leaf green; awesome. You can easily see all the walls 'n such, just nothing else. Thus I skip getting flash (would of taken... I don't know, a 5 minute trip back and forth?) which only causes a few seconds of bumping into trainers and walls of lost time, good trade off.

Quickly get to Celadon, go destroy the rockets and Giovanni, C is level 35; really? Luckily I picked up a rare candy in the same area, got me a Blastoise, and ran off to the Celadon gym. Victreebel's crit with Razor Leaf almost did me in, but two digs got rid of it. Erika sends out Tangela, I cower behind my Paras while I use potions (didn't buy any super potions... woops). >_>; Strategy works, Mega Kick OHKO's her Tangela (picked TM 05 up when I visited the Celadon mart before hand to buy super repels and such), Dig 2HKOs her Vileplume. Petal Dance had me at low HP making it close, but I had two revives anyway, so losing was not an option.

Oh, and I also got and taught Fly to Spearow. Saved here.

This session's results:

C: Level 37. Bubblebeam, Dig, [STRIKE]FALCON[/STRIKE] Mega Punch, [STRIKE]FALCON[/STRIKE] Mega Kick.
Spearow: Fly slave
Paras: Cut slave
Clefairy: Rotting-in-the-PC slave

Badges: 4

Playtime: 1:38

Not bad so far, but I've lost cumulative time with a handful of trainer battles I didn't want, a few herpaderp mistakes, and not being anal about the really small things that make or break pro records. But yeah, I think I'll still have a good playtime, just nothing too amazing. I'm anticipating someone to beat it already. ;)
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  • #284
^ You ****ing ninja'd me! AT 8 AM! Dx

For speed runs, I would say yes. It's obviously better than Bulbasaur, and it trashes Brock and Misty (to an extent, anywho) quickly, and handles any following challenges just as quickler as Charmander can. I still believe Charizard is the best starter as a competitive Pokemon, though (in all generations :p).
So... yeah. I'm about to start grinding Joltik so he will be up to speed with Leavanny and Durant.

Where is the Name Rater? They need name changes ASAP.

And when do I get that Bug/Fire Pokemon?
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