The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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okie dokie now once my friend has all of my eggs ready i will start my challenges thanks for the pokemon guys :p (-_- jumpluff) lol

Black Update: So i recieved my Snorunt, Swinub and Shelder from my friend at lvl 1 and started to train them right off the bat. So the best way to do that.....Audino hunting here i come (-_-). Since i have terrible luck trying to find me some Audino to slaughter ive been sitting here since 8 am (it is now noon) and i have finally gotten all of my lvl 1's to 13 *sigh* that was very very annoying and to think i have to do this again on white just to get more lvl 1's up to fighting lvl *implodes*

Snorunt lvl 13
Swinub lvl 13
Shelder lvl 13

White Update: I am now about to begin the audino hunting to lvl up my Skarmory, Murkrow, Yanma, and the ever annoying Hoppip. Hopefully the finding of audino goes much better this time around

EDIT: Ok finally finished Audino hunting for my White team....i got distracted with things to do and OMG hoppip is gunna be an uber burden through this play through. The poor thing couldnt even take an audino the same lvl lol. but i have all 4 of my mons to lvl 12 now so they should be able to hold their own hopefully for now. i will head for the second gym tonight maybe or tomorrow but for now i break cuz pokemon is frustrating me XD

Skarmory lvl 12
Murkrow lvl 12
Yanma lvl 12
Hoppip (>_<) lvl 12
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^ You... really don't deserve to be forced to use a Hoppip. Mofo needs an EXP share.

I'm cool with him using those two. I love Yanmega, and the other I don't use very much. So that should be cool.

Once hoppip got to 10 it wasnt as hard to use....i imagine as i get further into the game its gunna get even more useless haha i will make due even if its just to be used as healing fodder during the elite 4
White Update: I started my adventure in the pokecenter of Striation city and headed off toward Wellspring cave and a Cheren battle. I wanted it over with quickly so i sent skarmory out and had no trouble taking care of all of his pokemon quickly. I then headed the rest of the way to Wellspring cave and took out Team plasma. Afterwards it was time to catch my woobat and luckily the first one i run into is lvl 13 which is the same lvl as most of my pokemon and i catch it with ease. After that i head back to my treck to Nacrene city. I lvled up my skarmory to 18, Woobat to 16 and the rest to 14 so that i can have a decent run in with the gym leader. Surprisingly woobat did well against Lenora's Herdier because it killed itself with take down barely leaving woobat with 2 HP. When she sends out Watchog i send out my wonderful meat sheild Hoppip just incase retaliate is her plan but she decides to leer so that gives Hoppip time to get off a Stun Spore before she retaliates Hoppip into oblivion. So i use skarmory to mop up whats left of Watchog for a rather easy win. I then do the team plasma plot twist with the skull and run to Castelia City to the pokecenter where i save and quit for now. I will catch black up to this spot tomorrow sometime.

Skarmory lvl 18
Woobat lvl 17
Yanma lvl 17
Murkrow lvl 18
Skiploom lvl 18

EDIT: I will hate on jumpluff to the end of my days XD after this run its on my refusal list lol
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Dont be hatin on Jumpluff! >:C

EDIT: I will hate on jumpluff to the end of my days XD after this run its on my refusal list lol

QUICK! Add Swablu to the list before it's too late! Dx
Magikarp is the most epic of all epic pokemon ever in the list of epicness XD and thats my story and im sticking to it.

Black Update: I started once again in Striation city and headed off toward the Cheren battle on route 3 which shelder took him out with ease cuz of Icicle spear + Skill Link which makes him that much more enjoyable to use :p. Afterwards i did the wellspring cave team plasma stuff no problem and decided i would look for swirling dust to see if i can get the stone to evolve snorunt.....I run around and see my first cloud of dust as i enter it i think of the chances to get a dawn stone and want to cry but......OMG FIRST TRY!!! I recieved a Dawn stone in one shot now thats what i call super luck so i proceed to evolve snorunt into froslass to make it that much better. I proceed to Narcene City blowing all trainers out of the water with my new Froslass (ty CK :p). After ariving in Narcene city i decide to train my mons up a bit before attempting the gym. So i go to outer pinwheel forest to take on the trainers and a lil bit of Audino Hunting where i get all my Mons to 17 for good measure. For the battle with Lenora i thought i would give my Swinub a shot at her Herdier but it came down to a draw with both of them dieing from a take down in the end (no exp for me -_-). So then out comes her Watchog so i send out the best choice i have and taht would be Froslass so Retaliate cant touch her (thank god for ghost types). Froslass had no trouble exterminating the rodent in 3 icy winds. So all in all it was another easy win from Lenora just like in white. So now i head off to pinwheel forest to do the dragon skull plasma plot twist thing as fast as possible which im sure everyone breezes through it with ease. I head off to Castelia City where i heal and save at the pokecenter and call it quits for now. I will continue on white after a short break XD

Froslass lvl 19
Shelder lvl 20
Swinub lvl 20

EDIT: If u guys want more detail let me know and i can give more i just do this all from memory after each time i play so some of its a bit fuzzy.
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.....I run around and see my first cloud of dust as i enter it i think of the chances to get a dawn stone and want to cry but......OMG FIRST TRY!!! I recieved a Dawn stone in one shot now thats what i call super luck

I'm envious of that luck... ._.

I think Magikarp would find a battle vs Shedinja quite frustrating.

Splash bypasses abilities akin to Mold Breaker, and it's OHKO power laughs hilariously at your bug carcass' 1 HP.

.... You leave my Swablu alone....

Never... Not for all the pain it caused me. ;_;
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