The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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  • #301
Congrats J, you finally finished a challenge. :lol: Welcome to the Hall of Fame.

First on the board for Monotype too.
Speaking of, I was talking to Squid, and for my next challenge, I would like this challenge:

Pokemon Emerald

Squid wants me to use a Carvanha (go figure)
so I need 4 more Pokemon. Suggestions?
For the pre evolution of the best Pokemon ever, the moveset I choose is....

-Ice Beam
-Double Edge
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hello guys i want to restart my monotype/scramble challenge on pokemon heart gold. this time I'm trying a poison monotype. 6 pokemon ,suggestion on pokemon. BTW I'll be playing on my E-(forbidden word) so i cannot get pokemon that required trade/gts,etc... unless I'm allowed to use cheat and catch them on the wild(like the wild pokemon mod cheat).for my black challenge it will be on hiatus until i can some clarification on the use of cheat due to my party have zoroark and some other pokemon, which i wont be obtaining if i play on my E-(forbidden word).
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  • #307
Nick, I don't think J has the sources in Gen 3 to breed a Poke with a moveset like that... ... ...

Speaking of, I was talking to Squid, and for my next challenge, I would like this challenge:

Pokemon Emerald

Squid wants me to use a Carvanha (go figure)
so I need 4 more Pokemon. Suggestions?

y u want team of 5? =/ It ain't exactly user-friendly to want five (now three) unevolved, random Pokes with custom movesets; and that challenge is going to be quite difficult too.

Challenge accepted!

For said challenge, I'll give ya a Ponyta with the following moveset;

Bounce (I completely forgot it was introduced in the 3rd Gen...)
Fire Blast
Overheat (TM)

Best of luck bro, you'll need it (you'll also need it just to get this challenge's team elected :lol: ). Someone give this poor dude a Scyther since I refuse to, what with how I did an unevolved challenge with it.

hello guys i want to restart my monotype/scramble challenge on pokemon heart gold. this time I'm trying a poison monotype. 6 pokemon ,suggestion on pokemon.

Challenge accepted!

For your monotype, I'll give ya Seviper and Toxicroak. Squid and rocker, give this dude some Pokes ASAP.

BTW I'll be playing on my E-(forbidden word) so i cannot get pokemon that required trade/gts,etc... unless I'm allowed to use cheat and catch them on the wild(like the wild pokemon mod cheat).

In this rare occasion, I will permit hax to obtain Pokemon you couldn't otherwise; won't affect your status on the leaderboard either, of course. :thumbsup:
J is only using 5 Pokemon so the 6th can be an HM slave, I think. And I'll get the Carvanha for J.

J's Challenge: If not enough people give a Pokemon, use a Weepinbell with:

-Solarbeam (TM)
-Sleep Powder
-Sludge Bomb (TM)
-Sunny Day (TM)

Poison Challenge: Swalot and Qwilfish, please!
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  • #309
And I'll get the Carvanha for J.

... What part of "3rd Gen" do you not understand? :lol:

J's Challenge: If not enough people give a Pokemon, use a Weepinbell with:

-Sleep Powder
-Sludge Bomb
-Sunny Day

Poison Challenge: Swalot and Qwilfish, please!

Oi, specify your TM move(s).
Wynaut? I'll give a Weezing and a Victreebel.

If it's anymore convenient, I can do it on Pokemon Platinum. Will that increase or decrease the difficulty? I can still do it on Emerald, but obtaining the TMs and Pokemon will be much more difficult.
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  • #312
If it's anymore convenient, I can do it on Pokemon Platinum. Will that increase or decrease the difficulty? I can still do it on Emerald, but obtaining the TMs and Pokemon will be much more difficult.

... It's for you to decide how difficult you want your challenge to be bro, lol.
It's up to you, J. Either one will work.

Not sure if it would make it more difficult....
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  • #314
Well, lack of egg moves would obviously make certain Pokes moar shitty, and therefore the challenge becomes tougher.

A generation forward gives some better pre-evolves that he could get picked onto his team, too.
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