The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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  • #241
I wouldn't recommend that, in all honesty. It's always best to start with all the eggs (perhaps leaving one out for after the first or second gym) and catch everythin' else as ya go. Otherwise you've got a team level 1s that need to be level grinded.

'Course, it's your challenge, do it as ya want. :p Just a suggestion.
XD true maybe its not the greatest idea...i will check in tomorrow to see if i have my other 2 pokemon selected for me so i can contact my friend to get started on egg collecting and get started asap will prolly start saturday or sunday if everything goes quickly :p wish me luck ive not done a single type challenge before
I also wanna start a monotype/scramble on Black with Ice type, team of 6 as well as my monotype/scramble on white with flying, team of 6. I will give everyone a few more days before i get impatient XD If by monday i dont have both full teams would u mind filling them for me SSBfreakCK

so far my white team is
(i still need 2 more)

and once i get my black team I will keep it even in gym badges with my white run

i do have a close friend that can provide me with eggs so choose away XD
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  • #244
If by monday i dont have both full teams would u mind filling them for me SSBfreakCK

You got it bro. :thumbsup:

Good choice on the Ice type scramble. I'll give ya Beartic and Froslass for your team. I just might give some Ice-type challenges a go some time soon, since I do loves me some Ice pokes.
hopefully someone gives me one of my favorite ice types :p i think ice pokemon are underated most of the time because of how many ppl like rock, fighting, fire and steel pokemon so most find them weak but i really like their ability for variety of attacks

i was reading some of the older posts and im not surprised u didnt give me a swablu SSBfreakCK XD i was like :sick: poor guy with swablu
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  • #246
hopefully someone gives me one of my favorite ice types :p i think ice pokemon are underated most of the time because of how many ppl like rock, fighting, fire and steel pokemon so most find them weak but i really like their ability for variety of attacks

Yep. How common fighting and rock moves are on a good team, Ice types usually have a rough time performing to the best of their ability. It's why Kyurem, with it's epic movepool and stats, isn't banned like other legendaries with similarly high stats.

i was reading some of the older posts and im not surprised u didnt give me a swablu SSfreakCK XD i was like :sick: poor guy with swablu

Give a fellow trainer a Swablu for no reason? I'm not evil, bro. :p
Give a fellow trainer a Swablu for no reason? I'm not evil, bro. :p

Thats good to know. I remember the first time i seen swablu i wanted one and after i caught it and battled with it i promptly released it.


on both black and white i battled my way to the first gym to finish everything to unlock trading. Had a real fun time trying to beat the first gym with my starter only but i managed to do it after spending most of my money on potions to make sure my mon didnt die XD. now just need to wait for my teams to be filled by you all so that i can get on with the story line :p

White Team:
Oshawott 15

Black Team:

Tepig 15
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  • #248
now just need to wait for my teams to be filled by you all so that i can get on with the story line :p

My apologies. ;_; I don't know where everyone suddenly left to. As you probably noticed, we had a few people currently taking scramble challenges like yourself. Life's probably got 'em busy, I suppose...
its no biggy i dont mind waiting till monday to give them time. i will check back in tomorrow to see if anyone has given me more mons :p

Well it is officially Monday lol U can go ahead and pick the rest of my groups for me or have some of ur friends do it so its a bit more random XD the weekend took way to long to get over i was so bored :sick:
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  • #250
Everyone tends to disappear all at once... Nick didn't even give ya your ice types. ._.

EDIT: Well, what grand timing you have, J.

For your Ice team, I'll give ya Mamoswine and Cryogonal.

Enjoy your challenges, bro. :thumbsup:
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Hey guys. I'm back... I think. It's been a while. But, I still have work to do. I need to finish my bug only run, but I have no desire. you can probably guess which games have been taking my time up.
Everyone tends to disappear all at once... Nick didn't even give ya your ice types. ._.

EDIT: Well, what grand timing you have, J.

For your Ice team, I'll give ya Mamoswine and Cryogonal.

Enjoy your challenges, bro. :thumbsup:


For the ice team, if it isnt already complete, I give you Cloyster and Vanilluxe.

Of course, if I read everything right, it looks like CK already finished your team.
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now if J could just give me 2 more flying types i can get both runs set and on the way at the same time :p but for now i will have my friend get my eggs ready for the older gen pokemon
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i dont plan on starting them till tomorrow since it is 10:32 PM where i am at if he does not answer by noon tomorrow i will use those 2 flying mons yes :p
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