The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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... Remind me, this was just a simple Single, right? I can't keep track of all these challenges at once... @_@
Yeah it was just a normal single

I am probably going to be last done of everyone, seeing as I still don't have my Abra bred yet :p (Bleh school)
Challenge update

Just destroyed the Ice gym leader, so got my seventh badge. Garchomp is LV 53, play time is 7:02.

Now it is time to go sleep. Will finish my challenge tomorrow.
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  • #665
Precisely why ya wanted Garchomp... Those two levels would of meant the difference between a Dragonair and a Dragonite (not that a little grinding wouldn't solve that).

I just realized poison doesn't do field damage anymore when walking... Electivire got status'd by one of Burgh's gym trainers' Whirlipede and it's Poison Point.

Anywho, challenge update.

Smacked some Plasma goons around to retrieve Nacrene Gym's Dragon Skull, knocked MOAR of the thieving bastards around, and then went onto the gym. Would of went straight after Burgh if I didn't get poisoned...

A center visit later, time for a battle of the badge. Whirlipede got a bloody crit with poison tail right off the bat; Electivire didn't get poisoned, but if it did, I would of started sweating. It was 2HKO'd easily. Dwebble was in the same situation thanks to it's damned sturdy.

Leavanny comes out, hits hard with... string shot. :lol: Not that it would of mattered. I outsped and could get a 2HKO, so Burgh wastes a turn using a Hyper Potion and then proceeds to Razor Leaf. I was left at half health, so even a crit wouldn't of managed to KO. Insect badge get!

T'was certainly easier than the basic badge.
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  • #667
What? My threads, neat? You're bloody mad.

Get anywhere on your challenge yet?
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  • #669
... On a Wednesday evening, you're at church, able to use the internets but not play a DS?

Blasphemy. Magikarp is the true god.
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  • #671
I've been sayin' "Enjoy your Magikarp." each time I trade ya an egg for... what, a year? It's about damn time lmfao. Oh, and guess what, you can use that 'Karp for your Nuzlocke's main Poke. Generous, ain't I? :thumbsup:

Challenge update

Rival battles, trainer battles, criticals against the Pokes I should be catching... Yep. Stuff.

Once again got irked by a physical-contact ability, this time Static. From the FIRST gym trainer's Pokemon... Just like my last Black playthrough. >=/ But Electivire and his Motor Drive is win, so I plowed through the entire gym paralyzed, and fought Elesa as is.

Both her Emolga died horribly in one shot, no sweat. Zebstrika took two hits, but no big deal. Bolt Badge get! Oh, and Electivire was never unable to move... Which shocks me, considering my recent luck during my Soul Silver Rhyhorn challenge... ;_;

Onto Driftveil.

I'm not quite sure what happened, but when I went to grind this Magikarp, I told it to use Splash, ya know, because it's a boss. It then told me I had fled the battle. Little did I know Magikarp's Splash leaping mountains was an understatement, and landed in N's castle. Being impressed by my Magikarp, Ghetsis offered me a proposition: Give him the Magikarp and he'll make all of his Pokemon faint without doing anything.

So yeah, my level 1 Magikarp just beat Ghetsis. Challenge Complete.
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  • #673
^ This is what really would of happened if you could catch Magikarp before the end game.
Challenge completed!!!

That was surprisingly easy, but probably because of the awesomeness of Garchomp, thank you SSBfreakCK for convincing me to use him.

Play time 9:59 (maybe I should have added speed challenge to the list)
Completed on my second try(Dratini died in my first attempt)
Sharky (Garchomp) LV 73
Total deaths 4, poor little fodders.
Challenge was Single no item nuzlocke
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  • #675
Well, that's what I get for my complacency... Ah well. :lol: Well done bro, added to the Hall of Fame. Now I've gotta one up ya further; and I think I'll do that by adding Nuzlocke to my Rhyhorn challenge. Can't remember what I've used as fodder, so I'll have to release all of 'em but Rhyhorn. Hopefully I can catch somethin' with cut...

Challenge update

Dropped more Plasma fools, and ruined Clay pretty damn well; his entire team got OHKO'd. Good thing his Krokorok didn't have Intimidate, or else Excadrill might'a survived a single Brick Break. Quake Badge get!

Rival battle, moar Plasma pwning, and off to the Celestial Tower. I actually had a bit of a close call in here. When I was catching a Litwick, it burned me with Will-O-Wisp. I used a lowly Pokeball at first, but when I realized how much damage it's Flame Burst was doing in conjunction with, Electivire was gonna get KO'd in two turns. Switched to an Ultra Ball and caught it before disaster struck.

Then, I got paralyzed by an Emolga's Static (for the third bloody time! .___.), and was slowly racking up damage. What made things worse is that I derp'd and battled two extra trainers accidentally. Electivire was in the red by the time the Nurse on the semi-top floor healed 'em. Status sure is giving me hell in this no-item run. :lol:

Fly back to Mistralton, a trip to the center, and save. Mistralton's gym is in for a shock.

/most unoriginal pun ever
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