The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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  • #331
fricking gengar


Back in Gen 2 when Ghost was Physical, Morty was a damn pushover. My first time fighting him in HG/SS, I actually lost because he outsped my underleveled Quilava; and since it already took damage from the trainers earlier, the normal 2HKO Shadow Ball downed Quilava, and I was ****ed. :lol: Gengar is actually dangerous when it can use it's GOOD offensive stat. But a trip to Ecruteak's center and back to Morty, and I barely nicked a win through some bullshit tactics and a super potion or two.
I never understood why Ghost was physical and Dark was Special. Nowadays, Ghost moves are mostly special and almost all Dark moves are physical.
And Night Daze.

J: Use this instead of Weepinbell.


-Earth Power
-Rock Slide (TM)
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  • #339

... You bloody dick. :lol: Tynamo ain't allowed. Way too pathetic. TYNAMO = BANNED under the "no useless Pokemon" for Scramble challenges rule.

Unless Blaze wants to torture himself by using that terrible eel, for whatever reason lol.

I want to do unevolved/scramble challenge with black version

'Ey there Blaze, welcome to the forums. =) Specify how many Pokemon you want your team to be comprised of, and your challenge is accepted. :thumbsup:

Anywho, for your challenge I'll give ya Drillbur and, if you're using a team of 6, Meditite (I'll trade ya an egg).
... You bloody dick. :lol: Tynamo ain't allowed. Way too pathetic. TYNAMO = BANNED under the "no useless Pokemon" for Scramble challenges rule.

Unless Blaze wants to torture himself by using that terrible eel, for whatever reason lol.

'Ey there Blaze, welcome to the forums. =) Specify how many Pokemon you want your team to be comprised of, and your challenge is accepted. :thumbsup:

Anywho, for your challenge I'll give ya Drillbur and, if you're using a team of 6, Meditite (I'll trade ya an egg).

If Tynamo is banned, ok then.

6 Pokemon Team
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I've decided to soft reset my girlfriend a shiny Giratina in Platinum.

So I'm going to actually complete my Platinum challenge! YAY~!
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  • #343
If Tynamo is banned, ok then.

6 Pokemon Team

Challenge accepted!

As of now, your scramble team is Blitzle, Jigglypuff, Drillbur, and Meditite.

Nick, replace that useless Tynamo with something less worthless for Blaze, yeah?

J, give 'em a second Poke too.


I've decided to soft reset my girlfriend a shiny Giratina in Platinum.

So I'm going to actually complete my Platinum challenge! YAY~!

Uh... I have a shiny Giratina 'cause I'm full of win (read: because Fox is ****ing awesome). Interested? ;)

I tried soft resetting but I've never ever EVERRR gotten a shiny from doing it =[

Just like some people never encounter a wild shiny, you may never get a soft reset-shiny after years of trying... I've certainly never got a softy-shiny.

Though, I've encountered countless wild, random shinnies. :D
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CK, it's only special if I get this shiny Giratina myself. Thanks for the offer through.

And instead of Tynamo use Woobat.
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