The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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I think you've got it backwards, I think putting anything on the level of Magikarp is an insult to the Karp itself

Now for an easy like from CK
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  • #366
Tynamo sounds almost as good as Magikarp

Well, in plain sight, sure. But it lacks the secret, devastating powers all 'Karp withhold... As does Arceus and every other Poke.

Now for an easy like from CK


"You got a like!"

it was a speed challenge

... You never posted 'bout any challenge, bro. You've gotta post here requesting it before it's accepted.
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  • #368
... Weren't you complaining 'bout Garchomp, not Luxray?

Well, suit yourself then.
Me and J made a deal. He uses Sharpedo in BW, and I use Houndoom in this.

[strike]Luxray[/strike] Houndoom
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Platinum Scramble Challenge: Part 1.5 (Because it's not the very start of the game)


Piplup (Bubblebeak)

So I go out of Jublife City, and to my annoyance Barry wants to battle me. And due to you jerks I only have a Piplup to fight him with. His Starly spammed Growl, which make Pound useless against his Turtwig. When Starly died, it was time to fight the dangerous grass turtle. I braced myself, waiting to get owned by its deadly Absorb while I was forced spam Bubble.


But because Barry is such a derp, all he did was spam Withdraw. Even though I clearly was only using special attacks. Way to go, genius.

So after a little more traveling I get a Rock Smash HM, and arrive at Oreburgh. I go into the mine, get Roark, and head to the Gym. I fight the trainers there so I can get Piplup to evolve into Prinplup. Sure enough, it does, and I take on Roark with my new Prinplup.

Gym Leader: Roark

Geodude dies. Onix does pathetic damage with Rock Throw and dies. Cranidos uses Pursuit; Bubble, being full of suck, fails to kill it. Roark uses a Potion. Headbutt actually does decent damage to Bubblebeak, but in the end, I score another easy victory. And get the Coal Badge!

And I get Stealth Rock.

Time to go to Floaroma.....and on the way.

-Go through a lot of grass, with a lot of annoying random encounters, just to get an item on the other side
-The item is a Repel


But before getting to my destination, I gotta battle some Galactic Noobs with Dawn. ¬_¬

Last time I did this, in my Platinum Nuzlocke, her Clefairy used an Metronome Explosion and killed my Jolteon. Not good memories....

I heal at a Pokemon Center and head through a cave requiring Rock Smash and get to Floaroma. I get TM Rock Tomb on the way there. And Bullet Seed.

Ignoring the town itself, I go to Valley Windworks (Because it's Friday) to capture the biggest Rebecca Black fan on the planet; Drifloon. But that goddamn Team Galactic had to go scare it off....gah...uncool, man.

While doing the Galactic thing, Prinplup learns Bubblebeam! Yes! ^_^

I also get some sweet honey I can use to get Cherubi later.

I infiltrate the Valley Windworks, and take on Mars. I have a fairly easy time beating her and her Purugly. And humorously, it gives me 666 Exp. points upon fainting. xD

I have to screw with the DS clock because apparently it won't appear now cause of Team Failactic.

After screwing with the date and making it the 9th, I go back to find that Drifloon.....still. Isn't. There.

It's about now where I ragequit and throw the DS out the window.

Pokemon Obtained: None
Current Position: Valley Windworks
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  • #371
Last time I did this, in my Platinum Nuzlocke, her Clefairy used an Metronome Explosion and killed my Jolteon. Not good memories....

Still lol'ing over that.

Set the clock to Thursday, a minute or two before midnight. Get into the game before it turns midnight, make sure you're not at the valley windworks/the route beside it, save, turn off DS. Restart, and hopefully it'l be there.
Set the clock to Thursday, a minute or two before midnight. Get into the game before it turns midnight, make sure you're not at the valley windworks/the route beside it, save, turn off DS. Restart, and hopefully it'l be there.
Thanks, I'll try that. :l
hey i wnat to do a monotype challenge on pokemon black with ground type is it ok if i use an action replay to get the pokemon they will be the same level they are in the first route they will still have normal base stats and will still be there first evo
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  • #374
'Ey Riko, welcome to the forums! =)

Challenge accepted!

Only if ya don't have the capabilities to trade over wi-fi with someone else to get the eggs for your pokes (namely me, I usually supply anyone's needed eggs for challenges), you are permitted to use an AR to get your team; they all need to still be hacked in as eggs, however.
Stuff happened

I just got past Cycling Road, and have a Cherubi (Sunsweet), Prinplup (Bubblebeak), and Drifloon (Hellium). The Cherubi is on the verge of evolving, it's such a pain to level up.
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