The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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  • #348
CK, it's only special if I get this shiny Giratina myself. Thanks for the offer through.

Figured you'd say that. Have fun with that, bro. :lol:

So how do we go about getting my egg?

I'll breed 'em all for ya. Meditite, Buizel, and Jigglypuff (Route 14 is post-story; your challenge is done once you beat Ghetsis, so you wouldn't be able to get Jigglypuff prior to the end of the challenge lol), yeah? Visitor Message/Private Message me so we can set up a trade time.

You were on at 2 AM Eastern (I'm in New York), so I can definitely show up 'round that time. Whether you message me or not by then, I'll try to show up with the eggs at 2 AM EST or so. :thumbsup:
I told you, my Wi-fi was being screwy the day I tried to trade him it!

I'm ready whenever, now that it's working.

Imma start my Platinum run here soon. I mean it this time.

Team is:


If allowed, can someone suggest something to replace Garchomp? I would rather not use it. It's not like I hate it or anything, I just want something not so overpowered that I preferably have not used before.
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Kind of a late update, but here it is.

I got the normal type gym badge and retrieved the dragon skull from team plasma.

Meditite is Lv. 21

The rest are all Lv. 17

My challenge will be on hiatus because I gave up video games for lent, so I will start again after Easter.
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  • #354
Will be getting to finish my Blue speed run soon. Perhaps gettin' to my GSC speed run also soon.

Nick, I don't even remember what the **** your challenge was at this point. It was a plain ol' scramble, yeah?

If that's the case, no switching pokes for you, much as I know what it's like to ban Garchomp... ¬_¬ Ban pokes that aren't banned by the rules before you receive 'em and want the bastards banned. Otherwise, it ain't in the spirit of a scramble.

Meditite is Lv. 21

The rest are all Lv. 17

Somebody likes egg moves. :lol:

We'll be waitin' for your return. :thumbsup:
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  • #356
I'll be nice and let ya beg whoever gave it to you to change it. :p This is your own scramble freebie change, though.

/everybody gets one
Putting Tynamo on the same level as Magikarp is insulting to the electric leech. Its stats are better than Magikarps, and so is its movepool.
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