The Moveset Thread

Randomly Searching Through the Thread

Bleh, I knew I should'a finished the moveset yesterday... You win this round. ¬_¬ Not readin' it 'till I'm done with mine, obviously.
Like your anywhere near being done
All I have left t' do is finalize the few remainin' A moves and turnin' the gigantic wall of text into somethin' properly readable.
Seeing is believing Karpy
Then see you shall, El Ratto.
It's amazing what interesting (preferably forgotten) things can be found in old posts.
My motivation t' finish the moveset was trashed by not bein' able t' scream "FIIIIIIIIIRST!!1!11!!10!111!1!!" like the trollkarp I am. I'll never force a work'a art outta myself, so unfinished it remains. I'll happily eat my words so long as it means I can be a lazy bastard. :lol:

Just in case I somehow do give a **** at a later date, still not readin' ya Connor moveset.

It's amazing what interesting things ya can find when you don't have selective quotin'.

I haven't touched the moveset since the only night I worked on it, but it is nearly done. Can't be arsed t' find the post where I specified, but all that's left is the finalization of some A-moves I may want t' change, and makin' it look presentable rather than copypasta-ing a giant wall'a unreadable text.
I'll make another moveset.

Someday. I mean, I have the character and general idea down, but there's way too many options to sort through so I'd need a lot of time to think it through.

NOTE: I have only searched the Moveset Thread, meaning that there are many missing movesets that haven't been posted.

These are the ones I found, all in chronological order by creator.
Current Moveset Makers

Mr. MR


Mr. MR and Tragonight moveset archives are now complete. Viewable in the OP. And this post.


These may need working on. Unless of course they're the only movesets you guys made.

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