List of all known Items (*SPOILERS*)


Feb 24, 2008
Currently in England
List of all known Items, Pokeballs and Assist Trophies Updated (*SPOILERS*)

With Descriptions
*= Description from Brawl Central

• Final Smash Orb- Allows characters to preform their Final Smashes
• Assist Trophy- Sends out a character to help out the character who picked it up
• Pokeball- Sends out a pokemon to help out the character who picked it up
• Sandbag- Hitting the Sandbag makes items come out*
• Starman- Makes the user invincible
• Metal Box- Makes the user metal and heavier, harder to be hit around
• Bunny Hood- Makes the user super fast and able to jump higher
• Spicy Curry- Makes the user spit out fireballs
• Stopwatch- When used, all players will slow down, except the user. It can backfire and cause the user to only slow down*
• Thunderbolt- Touching this item shrinks all opponents. It can also have a reverse effect, where the user grows giant sized*
• Beam Sword- Able to be picked up by a character and can hit characters around
• Home Run Bat- Able to hit characters and do special home run moves that SMAAASH!es characters around
• Fan- Can hit around characters and reverse their direction
• Lip's Stick- Can hit characters and poison them
• Star Rod- Able to hit characters hard and use long range projectile attacks
• Hammer- Used to be the most powerful item in Melee. Super powerful.
• Golden Hammer- The most powerful item in the game. Ultra Powerful
• Super Scope- Able to shoot multiple hits and attack with a super powerful charged shot
• Ray Gun- Able to shoot fast beams long-range
• Fire Flower- Shoots fire out of it. Keeps the character in a constant flame
• Cracker Launcher- Can be aimed. like the Ray Gun, but does more damage.
• Bob-omb- Can be thrown and exploded. If not touched, it starts walking around and exploded when it touches a character
• Motion Sensor Bomb- Can be thrown onto a wall or the floor, explodes when walked over.
• Sticky Bomb- An item that can stick to characters and eventually explodes.
• Smart Bomb- An item that can be thrown and makes a giant explosion
• Deku Nut- When thrown at an enemy, stuns them.
• Mr. Freezie- When thrown at an enemy, freezes them and throws them into the air.
• Party Ball- When attacked enough or throws, it floats up and many random items come out
• Pitfall- When thrown at a character, buries them so they are stunned.
• Hothead- When thrown, it rotates around the terrain, inflicting damage to those who touch it. Attacking it causes it to get bigger, but shortens its duration. It can grow to nearly the size of an entire stage.*
• Mr. Saturn- Can be thrown at enemies. Walks around the stage, and bounces very easily.
• Green Shell- When thrown, slides across the stages and does damage.
• Banana Peel- When thrown on the ground, characters can slip over it.
• Bumper- Can be thrown on the ground or in the air, and when characters touch it, they bounce off of it and go flying
• Spring- Players can jump up and get a boost.
• Unira- A blue spiky ball that is thrown by a player. Once thrown, spikes emerge and it causes damage to anyone who touches it.*
• Soccer Ball- This item cannot be thrown. Instead, it has to be kicked. It gets more powerful each time it is kicked.
• Team Healer- Only appears during team battles, and heals everyone on the team of the grabber.
• Franklin Badge- When worn, deflects projectiles
• Screw Attack- Makes jumps higher and offensive, and can be thrown at an enemy for the same effect.

• Bellossom- Puts anyone around it to sleep.
• Bonsly- Can be thrown around. Eventually performs Self Destruct.
• Celebi- Does nothing, but sometimes drops trophies.*
• Chikorita- Performs Razor Leaf, which shoots projectiles across the screen.
• Deoxys- Performs Hyper Beam, which shoots down a powerful shot from the sky.
• Electrode- Performs Explosion, which explodes everything around it. Can also be picked up, but picking it up almost guarantees a death.
• Entei- Traps enemies in a ring of fire.
• Gardevoir- Makes a shield against projectiles around a spot of the stage.
• Goldeen- Uses Splash, which does absolutely nothing.
• Groudon- Usese overheat, and when touched, does massive damage.
• Gulpin- Inhales an opponent, and if the player doesn't get out soon enough, it spits the player out.*
• Ho-oh- Uses Sacred Fire, like Entei's, but with more damage.
• Jirachi- Does the same thing as Celebi, but drops Stickers instead.
• Kyogre- Flies across the stage and performs Spout, which is similar to Mario's FLUDD attack. The water pushes enemies back, but does no damage. However, if you touch Kyogre, you will get damaged.*
• Latios and Latias- Flies across the stage very quickly, and does a lot of damage.
• Lugia- Uses a super powerful move from behind the stage.
• Manaphy- Uses Heart Swap, which switches players with their opponent for a short period. Players must play as their opponent, and if they kill themselves, they're still the ones who lose points.
• Meowth- Shoots coins out and tries to shoot players off the stage.
• Metagross- Uses Earthquake, which pushes players into the ground. Another stomp throws players into the air.
• Mew- Does the same as Jirachi and Celebi, but drops CDs.
• Moltres- Uses Overheat, which deals lots of damage and a lot of knockback.*
• Munchlax- Runs about the stage and eats any items it sees.
• Piplup- Uses Splash, and much like Meowth, tries to push players off the stage.
• Snorlax- Throws itself in the air, and then comes back down, doing massive damage.
• Staryu- Hones in on players and then barrages them with projectiles.
• Suicune- Is different from Melee: It sends out a powerful aura blast.
• Togepi- Uses Metronome, which is a variety of different moves, like Flash, which poisons characters, or Nightshade, which makes the stage dark.
• Torchic- Makes a blast of fire around it which does damage to anyone who touches it.
• Weavile- Dashes and stuns foes, with the same effect as a shield break.*
• Wobuffet- Wiggles back and forth, damaging everyone, even the player who released it.

Assist Trophies:
• Andross: Appears in the background and sends polygons across the stage.
• Barbara: Form the Japanese only game, Daigasso! Band Brothers; Sends shockwaves out with her guitar.
• Devil: Points in any direction, which causes the screen to scroll that way. This makes it very hard to stay on the stage.
• Dr. Wright- Makes a city pop out the ground, with small range, but high power.
• Excitebike- In their 8-bit form, these riders move across the stage and hit anyone in their path.*
• Gray Fox- Hurls towards players and slashes them with his sword. Any projectiles are reflected off of him.*
• Hammer Bro- throw hammers which are very easy to avoid and do small amounts of damage.
• Helirin- Spins in a large circle. Able to be jumped on and walked on.
• Isaac- Uses "push" psynergy, which makes a large projectile shoot forward.
• Jeff- Quickly uses his ability to make bottle rockets, which then hone in on opponents and do large amounts of damage.
• Jill and Drill Dozer- Zooms across the stage and can jump. She pushes characters along her path.
• Kat and Ana- Much like Latias and Latios, zoom quickly across the stage.
• Knucle Joe- Punches enemies and finishes off with a powerful punch or kick.
• Lakitu and Spinies- Zooms above the stage and throws small damaging spinies onto the stage, which then walk around.
• Little Mac- Goes up to one opponent and does damage by punching twice and finishes with a strong uppercut.
• Lyn- Crouches and charages up, then unleashes a powerful sword attack.
• Metroid- Flies about the stage, attaching itself to opponents and does damage.
• Mr. Resetti- Simply makes a big text bubble across about half the stage, which will put players to sleep.
• Nintendog- LIke Mr. Resetti, simply blocks the screen by going and licking and playing right in front of the camera.
• Ray Mk- This custom robo zooms across the stage and flings projectiles at enemies.
• Saki Amamiya- Walks across the stage hitting players with a sword, but the sword is also a gun!
• Samurai Goroh- Just goes and slashes opponents with his swords.
• Shadow the Hedgehog- Uses a move the shockwaves across the stage and slows down enemies.*
• Stafy- Simply spins into enemies and is easily knocked away.
• Advance Wars- Rolls across the stage knocking foes back, and occasionally shoots enemies.
• Tingle- Makes lots of interesting effects, like flowers, or making hammer items appear on the stage. He can also make a group of balloons appear that do nothing.
• Waluigi- Hits opponents into the stage and with a final hit, attacks them with his tennis racket with huge knockback.
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Yeah I think that is pretty sweet. Although Mr. Resetti would have made a decent character, but I'm okay with him being an item instead. :)
Foosoo said:
Yeah I think that is pretty sweet. Although Mr. Resetti would have made a decent character, but I'm okay with him being an item instead. :)

No, lol. i mean, in ure discription, u just say "to annoy players".

he acctually makes people fall asleep.

look :

The major thing that disturbs me about this is the clear absence of the eggplant wizard as an AT or the eggplant itself as an item. It was soo obvious.

Why did it not occur to them to include the hilarity of watching helpless characters running around the stage unable to attack and with a huge eggplant on their heads?

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