The Alternate Plot



Tyre's anger suddenly peaked at Raine. You have absolutely no reason to be here, you lazy, rude, little brat. You criticize everything our rebel group does, and you won't even help us out on something we want. You don't deserve to be here in the least. He looked the sleeping Pokemon and lowered his horn, clawed the ground, and nearly charged, but ended up thinking better of it. As much as I hate him, we're still working for the same cause. I mustn't hurt him unless we're in a practice battle.

"Horn Drill!" Tyre charged into a tree and cut it up with his horn. Like Hako did, he made his as flat as possible, trimming it with his spinning horn. He did this several times, until there were about ten long planks around him.

Then, he got stuck. "Does anyone know how to tie these together?" he wondered aloud. Suddenly, it hit him. "We need psychic powers to tie these together!"He turned to Forma instead of Raine, not wanting to bother the ornery Slowpoke. "Could you tie these together using the psychic powers of Psybeam?"

Not anymore... the 7-posts-a-day rule is now officially void.

Forma looked at the river. The current seemed to be moving quickly, almost too fast. If Raine isn't careful, he'd be taken away from the group by the rushing waters. Just then, Forma heard a tree fall. He turned around and saw that Tyre had knocked down a good-sized tree and had cut it into ten pieces. Tyre then looked away from the resting Slowpoke and asked Forma, "Could you tie these together using the psychic powers of Psybeam?"

Forma nodded and turned to the planks. He closed his eyes, and started focusing a Psybeam. His blue, pointy nose had the rainbow aura around again. He opened his eyes quickly and used the Psybeam on the planks. Even though it took a lot of concentration, Forma moved the Psybeam around the planks until it tied them all together. Then, when it did, he let the beam go, as if it were a rope. It stayed on the planks, tying them together.
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"Thanks!" Tyre said to Forma. He pushed the raft to the edge of the river so that it was ready to go off with a small nudge. "Okay, everybody, get on!"

He waled over to Raine and gave the Slowpoke a gentle kick in the side-- nothing painful, but enough to wake him up. "Come on, Raine, we're leaving. The raft is leaving soon."



Eterna breathed a sigh if relief. "Okay, that's good. I'm glad the Onix isn't gonna get me." She realized she was being inconsiderate of Rocky, so she quickly offered him one of her Oran Berries. "Here you go," she said as she put it in front of him.
"All right! Let's go!"
Despite being a fire-type Pokemon, Hako was eager to go rafting. He had always loved the water, partially because he was forbidden to ever go swimming- his tail would snuff out, and he would never be able to use fire attacks again. Jumping on the raft, he made sure his burning tail stayed away from the flammable wood. Pausing to think, something bothered him.
This is the first time I can ever remember going on a raft... but if so, how did I get off of Cinnabar? There's miles and miles of sea in every direction! Hmm... I just can't remember...
OOC: Glad to see things getting active again.


"Thanks!" Tyre said to Forma. He pushed the raft to the edge of the river so that it was ready to go off with a small nudge. "Okay, everybody, get on!"

He waled over to Raine and gave the Slowpoke a gentle kick in the side-- nothing painful, but enough to wake him up. "Come on, Raine, we're leaving. The raft is leaving soon."



Eterna breathed a sigh if relief. "Okay, that's good. I'm glad the Onix isn't gonna get me." She realized she was being inconsiderate of Rocky, so she quickly offered him one of her Oran Berries. "Here you go," she said as she put it in front of him.

Storm & Vladmir


Storm smoothely soared down upon a very poor looking town. "Heads up, Pokes, we have arrived in Violet City, better known as the armpit of Johto!" Vladmir smiled. He had been to Violet before, and he knew its dangers. Only the roughest and toughest pokes hung out here. If they wanted to remain hidden, they would need to stand out.

He smoothely sailed down and landed near the base of Sprout tower. He scowled at the structure. How could they devote such a monument to such a pathetic Pokemon? He quickly forgot his anger, and slid the Pokemon off his back. "Watch your step!"

Storm slid onto the ground with a bang. He quickly recovered though, and seemed ancy as he jittered and jolted. "Oh, this place looks tough!" he pointed to a bar, "Let's go here and see what strong opponents we can find!"

The group went into the bar, and got a table. Storm looked around the place, seeing if there was a challenge worthy for a poke of his stature. He saw a Ditto sitting at a table with some friends sniffing some white, powdery substance. Brightpowder... he thought to himself.

He also saw another table of pokemon, it consisted of four. A Croagunk, a Corphish, a Houndour, and what appeared to be the leader, a Mightyena. Storm looked to his friends behind him, "Watch my back!" He puffed up his chest and trotted over to the group. Vladmir eyed him carefully. Be cautious Storm, you dont know these Pokes...

Storm stood straight up behind the Mightyena. He prodded the dog's shoulder. The beast turned around and stared menacingly at Storm, launching its intimidate ability.

Storm was not shaken. He stood straight up, cocked back his fist, and threw it forward with force. "Focus PUNCH!" he yelled as his fist crashed into the giant dog. He smiled wildly, and opened his eyes. The Mightyena hadnt even flinched. The other pokes at the table started chuckling and backed away from the table.

Storms face went white with fear, and he froze in place. Suddenly, the Mightyena dashed behind him, then back to the front. "Faint Attack." it muttered as it crashed into Storm. He hit the ground with a thud. He clambered to his feet and dashed toward the Mightyena, swinging his fists wildly.

"Agility..." it muttered as it sped around him, getting behind him in under half a second. Storm was unable to respond due to his truant. "Take Down..." The Mightyena crashed into Storms back, and Storm yelled in pain as he crashed into the bar. Able to react again, he stood up, and grabbed a drink off the counter.

"Ahhh..." he said as he read the bottle, "Protein...just what I need." He sucked down a pint and wiped is face with a grin. He then dashed forward, "Slash!" he yelled, cutting at the Beast. The Mightyena dashed out of the way again, and then reappeared at his front. "Damn this Truant!" Storm yelled, once again immobile.

The Mightyena opened its mouth wide, "Roar..." And a gaping wind spewed from Mightyena's mouth, along with a howling sound. Storm once again flew back into the wall.

Storm gasped for breathe, sweat dripping from his forhead. He couldnt take it anymore, he needed to get rid of this Truant now. "YAAAAA!" Storm screamed as he shone bright white, light pouring out of him. He was quickly completeyly covered in white, and his body structure started to change. He grew 13 inches taller, his arms legthened greatly, and his legs became big and muscular. His entire body went under a transformation, including his face.

It became very Apelike. His hands sprouted new, stronger, more durable claws, and a small red tuft of hair appeared on top of his head. Then, the light stopped shining, and he opened his new eyes. It happened, he had evolved into a Vigoroth, replacing Truant with Insomnia, and gaining a phenominal increase in Attack and Speed.


Storm the Vigoroth now faced off against the Mightyena. He rushed forward, and swung at him wildly. The Mightyena dashed around him, attempting to attack again. Storm was ready this time. He rapidly ran around the Mightyena, and attacked. "Brick Break!" The Mightyena was caught offguard, and ate the full power of the hit. Being super effective, the punch took alot of damage. The Mightyena gasped for breath, but it still had some fight left.

The Mightyena used its Howl move, then charged forward. "Take Down," it yelled as it charged forward. Storm the Vigoroth quickly dodged the attack, and let loose another Brick Break. Once the Mightyena hit the ground, Storm quickly pounced on him using Fury Swipes. The Mightyena was knocked out cold, and the other pokes that were at the table backed up.

Storm walked back to the group, cleaning his claws. He stared at them for a moment. Then, he walked up to the bartender, "Ill take a Protein, and a Carbos please." He waited for his drink patiently.

Vladmir shook his head in dissapprovement. This would certainly draw attention.

Ooc: my lonmgest post i beleive...for this RP anyway.

EDIT: Ok, I edited the last parts.
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Siesis saw the Areodactl arrive with other pokemon on its back.
Finally. These must be the rebels. He jumped from the top of sprout tower on the nerest tree then to the ground. He went running to them to introduce himself, but stoped when he saw the Slakoth approch a Mightyena, at first he thought that he was mistaken by who they are, but then he saw the Slakoth attack. He watched the fight and was about to interupt when Slakoth evolved into a Vigoroth, and defeat the Mightyena. He walked up to the Vigoroth and sat next to him.
"Nice job you did to that Mightyena, but you should keep a low profile not attracting atention. By the way i'm Siesis, and I want to help you take down Zigaram." Siesis was ready for a fight if thats what it came to.


Maxis was trilled about going rafting he has only done it once and he loved it. He thought he sensed somthing happen to Storm but cast it aside since Storm had Vladmir. He jumped on the raft and waited for their departure eagarness on his face.

Siesis saw the Areodactl arrive with other pokemon on its back.
Finally. These must be the rebels. He jumped from the top of sprout tower on the nerest tree then to the ground. He went running to them to introduce himself, but stoped when he saw the Slakoth approch a Mightyena, at first he thought that he was mistaken by who they are, but then he saw the Slakoth attack. He watched the fight and was about to interupt when Slakoth evolved into a Vigoroth, and defeat the Mightyena. He walked up to the Vigoroth and sat next to him.
"Nice job you did to that Mightyena, but you should keep a low profile not attracting atention. By the way i'm Siesis, and I want to help you take down Zigaram." Siesis was ready for a fight if thats what it came to.


Maxis was trilled about going rafting he has only done it once and he loved it. He thought he sensed somthing happen to Storm but cast it aside since Storm had Vladmir. He jumped on the raft and waited for their departure eagarness on his face.

Storm and Vladmir


Storm was happy by the compliment given by the Grovyle. "Thanks, Im Storm. This is my compadre Vladmir," he said pointing to the Aerodactyl, "And that Squirtle their is Jet. We are waiting to meet up with another group of Pokemon." Storm smiled and took a swig of his Protein.

"Bartender," he shouted, "Get my friend here a Protein as well, and a Calcium." Storm smiled at Siesis. "I can feel it, you are a very powerful poke, we would gladly welcome your help. And perhaps we could train sometime."

Jet took a look around his surroundings, and was quickly excited by his new surroundings. There were a lot of mean looking pokemon and some who didn't seem to be quiet right in the head, but Jet was eger to explore this new town. He quickly ducked out of a side enterence into an alley, adjusting his dark sunglasses and headband to attempt to blend in. He followed the dark alley, which seemed to stink of rotten food, down to a main road leading through town. He tried to keep his distance from other pokemon, not wanting to draw wandering eyes or worse anger someone.

Jet stepped into a nicer-looking store and began filling his pack. He grabbed all the essential items, food, some survial gear, and medical supplies. After paying for his purchase, Jet moved back though the streets looking for the bar. He wondered around awhile, having no luck and began to try and find the side alley he had used to get here. It was then during his constent changing of direction and crossing streets did he notice he was being followed.

A lone Poliwhirl was keeping a safe distance back, following Jet through the streets. Jet turned a corner and quickened his pace. He was able to turn down the orginal alley, but found the door leading to the bar was locked. Jet searched for an exit, but the Poliwhirl entered the other side of the dark corador, blocking the only way out. In the dim light, Jet could see the Poliwhirl has a few tattoos on him, was smoking a joint and wabbled a bit as he walked.

The Squirtle didn't want to use any special attacks and got into a boxing stance, arms up. The Poliwhirl took a few steps forward closing the distance and softly threw a left to Jet's body. Jet backed up, keeping the Poliwhirl away with his jab. A bit shooking up, The Poliwhirl unleashed two lazy hooks, only impacting on one of them. Jet was up quickly however and began to go to work on the body. It didn't do much damage, but the Poliwhirl began to drop his hands, opening up Jet's one-two shots.

A few combos of right and lefts sent the Poliwhirl to his knees, and Jet began to slowly move away into the street. However the Poliwhirl didn't want to quit just yet. It tossed all of its momentum into an all out sprint towards the Squirtle. Both combatents crashed through the wooden door, and into the dimly light bar. Jet grabbed a pole stick from the counter and unleashed blow after blow at the Poliwhirl, until his face was a bloody mess.

Angered by his misfortune, Jet flipped over a table and joined the others at the bar. However he only reconized one, he saw the remnets of a fight, some broken tables and glass, but no Storm. Jet walked over to Vlad and asked in a hushed wisper, "What happened, and who is that Grovyle
OOC: Posting on my friends Laptop, and things went wrong and a post double the length got deleted. This is my abridged version due to time contraints and annoyance.



Raine awoke, looking around for the group. It appeared they had already begun boarding the raft. He rubbed his stomach, where a red mark, which seemed to come from a rock of sorts, and stood up. He walked towards the water, reaching the edge of the river. The current was strong and the whote, foamy residue sprayed onto his face. He walked into the water, feeling the pull on the rushing waters. "Dive" he yelled, and dove below the water. He saw the sand and rocks below, and looked up. The rough, brown outline of the wooden raft was marred, but still visible, by the rushing bubbly current. "Icy Wind!" he said again, and although his speech was mostly just bubbles and inaudible, the icy wind shot out behind him propelling him slowly forward, just fast enough to keep pace with the raft. He wondered how long it would take them to get to Violet, as he could not tell how far away they were from underwater. He resolved to wait at the bottom and wait, and come up for air when needed, but keep conversation with the others to a minimum, they seemed rather emotional and childish to him. Even their leader let his emotions cloud his judgment. He shook the thought away as he waiting for the raft to pick up speed.
Storm and Vladmir


Storm was happy by the compliment given by the Grovyle. "Thanks, Im Storm. This is my compadre Vladmir," he said pointing to the Aerodactyl, "And that Squirtle their is Jet. We are waiting to meet up with another group of Pokemon." Storm smiled and took a swig of his Protein.

"Bartender," he shouted, "Get my friend here a Protein as well, and a Calcium." Storm smiled at Siesis. "I can feel it, you are a very powerful poke, we would gladly welcome your help. And perhaps we could train sometime."


"Why thank you for the drinks, if you need a place to rest I know where you can go. If you want to see around Violet then I can give the grand tour, and since you seem to love fighting I know a place you would love. I'll take you up on that training offer soon." Siesis finished his drinks and then walked over to Vladmir and Jet.
"Hello i'm Siesis, it's nice meet you ask if you need anything."
OoC: finally know basic johto terrain:D i can make better posts now


Takai & Kensei

The two were flying on the back of the Manic Salamence. "So, Takai, ever been to the ruins?" Takai shook his head. "This is my first time in Johto. I've been to Hoenn, Kanto, and Sinnoh before. Never Johto or Orre." Kensei smiled, "Yeah, well I was born here but found it boring and left. I know the basic layout but not a lot else. However I love the ruins so stick close to me and we'll win this."

They flew over Violet city, not going to land there. A few pokemon looked up and saw them. Some ran frightend others cheered them on. The Manic was much bigger than the average Sslamence so it was recognizable. It was even more noticable with Takai and Kensei on its back. Only one Absol and Elekid worked together and could be with a Manic. "Hey Kensei look. We've got fans back there."

They landed on top of the ruins, wanting to hide there location. They jumped off the Manic so it could rest. "And now we wait. When the rebels get here we can break these rocks and cause them to be crushed or trapped inside. And the best part is that they'll think it was an accident so the survivors won't question it so much." Takai smiled, this is easier than he thought.

Siesis noticed a Salenmence fly above.
"Is that Salenmence one of your firends?" Siesis noticed that it flew toward the ruins.
Well we're in for a fight when we get to the ruins.
"Storm follow me to the Gym so you can get stronger." Siesis walked toward the Violet Gym.
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Everyone was on the raft, and so Tyre charged at it. "Take Down!" he cried. The raft began to fall into the river, but not before Tyre managed to jump onto it, causing it to sway to and fro before righting itself again.

And they were off! The raft was moving at a very quick pace, and Tyre had to focus on balancing so as not to fall off. They passed by many trees and hills, but it was all a blur , and Tyre couldn't see it well.

Eventually, the river began slowing down, and Tyre knew that they were approaching the two springs in the northern outskirts of Violet where the two rivers ended.

They arrived in due time, and Tyre spotted the famous Sprout Tower in the distance. It looked very warn-down, but that was to be expected-- it was an old building.

When the raft stopped by the lake's edge, Tyre stepped off. "Anyone else coming?" he asked, albeit rhetorically.

Everyone was on the raft, and so Tyre charged at it. "Take Down!" he cried. The raft began to fall into the river, but not before Tyre managed to jump onto it, causing it to sway to and fro before righting itself again.

And they were off! The raft was moving at a very quick pace, and Tyre had to focus on balancing so as not to fall off. They passed by many trees and hills, but it was all a blur , and Tyre couldn't see it well.

Eventually, the river began slowing down, and Tyre knew that they were approaching the two springs in the northern outskirts of Violet where the two rivers ended.

They arrived in due time, and Tyre spotted the famous Sprout Tower in the distance. It looked very warn-down, but that was to be expected-- it was an old building.

When the raft stopped by the lake's edge, Tyre stepped off. "Anyone else coming?" he asked, albeit rhetorically.

Forma hovered off the raft. The trip down the river wasn't too rough, as it seemed that everyone get here okay. He looked t his right. There was the infamous Sprout Tower. Once, a wonderful place were monks trained with their fellow Bellsprout. Now, however, it was corrupted. All of the poor monks died after thugs swarmed and ransacked the place. Today, it is basically a hangout for the most rugged of Pokemon.

Forma then had a thought. Where was Raine? He looked around; not a Slowpoke to be seen. Had he not gone after we did? Or did something happen to him? Forma thought to himself. He looked at the river, worriedly, Who knows how Tyre will act if Raine never shows up?
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Maxis jumped off the raft and looked around he sprout tower and noticed it was old. After looking around he started sensing for the others and he found them and noticed a Grovle was with them this time, and that Storm had evolved.
"Tyre apparently the others found a new friend and Storm evolved into a Vigoroth." Maxis instantly headed in the direction of the rest.
Siesis was talking with Storm, Vladmir, and Jet about getting some training in the gym when he noticed a Riolu run up to them. This Riolu is different. Insted of black it has white. They told me about him, so that's Maxis. Siesis waited till Maxis stoped in front of them.
"Hello friend my name is Siesis and your friends here told me that your Maxis. We were discussing about getting some traing in the gym so that your ready for enemy attacks."
"Well i'm astonish that we would find another ally to help us out, so whats your reson for wanting to beat him."
"I was serching for you guys and found out you were headed here so I waited, and my resons i'll explain in the near future."
"Okay. I'm gonna tell the others about this." Maxis left and told Tyre about what happened and waited for an anwser.

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