Super Smash Bros. 4


You are correct, the video was not entirely about Smash Bros. However, it was about E3 -- an event where Smash Bros information is known to be announced -- a Smash Bros demo, and a Smash bros tourny. Obviously the video is largely about Smash Bros, even if it is about other things too.


You are right that the guardian's theme hardly matters, because the guardians are not characters who would cause commotion in the fanbase -- nobody really cares about them. They can use the guardian's music however they wish because using it does not imply anything other than Skyward Sword representation. Ghirahim, on the other hand, is considered to be a likely newcomer candidate. Using his theme in official Nintendo videos is obviously going to cause some sparks.


So what if the target audience is America? Are you implying that a hint can't just be directed at one country? A very, very important country, at that. Not every hint has to be shown to fans in every country. I would search for examples, but that seems unnecessary, as it should be obvious without them. Your logic is flimsy, Mr. Wright.

hey, bunnying is against the rules...

Your avoiding the questions Edgeworth!

Why would Nintendo leak the character to Nintendo of America? And why would Nintendo of America leak the information to tell the Mega64, a group who are obviously video gamers who's loyalties might not only be with Nintendo? If Nintendo wants to avoid leaks, why would they put valuable information into untrustworthy hands?
Seems unlikely to me.


(How did this get into my hand?)
Sakurai directly states in the Nintendo Smash Direct that he is in the Namco Bandai building in Japan.
This means the game itself is being made in Japan. Even though America is an important country, if anything leaks, it first leaks in Japan!

Where is the proof that Nintendo leaked it first in Japan!!!


...Mr. Demon, would you please sit down. I'm trying to defend you here.


He is right to object, of course. To my knowledge, there is no evidence that this leaked in Japan. It does not matter whether there is a leak or not. What matters is potential leaks, not confirmed ones.


As you stated, Mr. Wright, the devs might be worried about giving secret information to the wrong people. They might leak it, after all. However, it seems entirely possible that they would supply Mega64 with secret information and simply proceed to keep a close eye on them. There might be a contact involved, a contract which Mega64 would get in trouble for breaking.


Even if that's not the case, they could have simply instructed Mega64 to use the song and not give reasoning. Mega64 would not know for sure whether or not Ghirahim was playable, they would simply be following the instructions of Nintendo, Sakurai, or whoever.

(Wait, I have those papers, don't I? Perhaps I should have presented them earlier, but I didn't want to resort to forged evidence unless I needed to...)


It just so happens, Mr. Wright, that I've been saving some evidence to present at the proper time. It is a screenshot of the Mega64 channel posting a comment on the video itself. This comment said the following: "The mystery, it's killing us too! What could it all mean?" This comment was deleted in a manner of minutes. It is rather vague, but it suggests that the Mega64 people themselves are confused about something in the video. What else is there to be confused about other than the music choice, Mr. Wright? That's right, this evidence suggests that they were indeed just following instructions given to them.

(I've got him now...)

OOC: I was actually just arguing at first but it's developed into a roleplay/argument hybrid.
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(Edgeworth would do anything to get Ghirahim in the roster! Even forge evidence!)

Your Honor!
I would like to call a witness to the stands.

Really who?

A person who was there during the Smash tryouts!



Who is this witness Mr. Wright?

None other than Lysandre!!!
From Pokémon X/Y.

Very Well. The court will hear his testimony.
Next time present your witnesses before the trial Mr. Wright.

(This feels weird. Edgeworth is usually the Prosecutor.)



Please state your name and please tell us why you were at the Smash tryouts.

My name is Lysandre, and I am the villain in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.
I was there on the day of the villain tryouts.

Can anyone verify that you where indeed there?

Yes. I passed by Mewtwo on the way from the Pokémon block. I asked him if he made the cut but he didn't say a word. He probably knew what I was thinking anyway. You have to be careful around Psychic Pokémon.

Anyway, I decided to see how the other villains were doing. That's when I heard commotion in the Legend of Zelda block. I went over to see what happened. At that moment Ghirahim came out foswa and raging. He was rambling on about how he was the best villain of all time. He kept saying how he was new and hip and how Ganon was just an old swine.

Even though I am a villain I am not a bad person. I knew what he was going through because I was rejected that morning. I heard later from Ganondorf about what happened.

He told me Sakurai threw a banana on stage and made Ghirahim trip. Heh, it could have been worse. Ghirahim demanded that items be turned off but Sakurai threw another banana at him making him trip again. After Ghirahim left fuming, I saw Sakurai cut him from the roster.

Your Honor!
We have a decisive witness stating Ghirahim did not make the roster. I see no further reason to go on.


Wright, you cannot ignore the law. I have a right to cross-examine the witness. A right I insist on using.

Very well. You may begin with the cross-examination.
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So, Mario Kart 8 has this feature which allows you to upload replays directly to YouTube
I wonder what this means for the Wii U version of Smash
So, Mario Kart 8 has this feature which allows you to upload replays directly to YouTube
I wonder what this means for the Wii U version of Smash

More importantly that feature shows a big change in Ninty. No more shooting themselves in the foot.


(Looks like I'll have to shoot some holes in this ironic.)



Anyway, I decided to see how the other villains were doing. That's when I heard commotion in the Legend of Zelda block. I went over to see what happened. At that moment Ghirahim came out foswa and raging. He was rambling on about how he was the best villain of all time. He kept saying how he was new and hip and how Ganon was just an old swine.



What exactly is "foswa" supposed to mean?


I believe it means something along the lines of "foaming, offended, stuck with armadillos". I'm not sure, you know, I've just heard Ghirahim throw it around as an adjective in place of "mad" or "upset".


Then weren't you stating the same thing twice when you said "foswa and raging"?


I...suppose so. Why should that matter?



Even though I am a villain I am not a bad person. I knew what he was going through because I was rejected that morning. I heard later from Ganondorf about what happened.


He told me Sakurai threw a banana on stage and made Ghirahim trip. Heh, it could have been worse. Ghirahim demanded that items be turned off but Sakurai threw another banana at him making him trip again. After Ghirahim left fuming, I saw Sakurai cut him from the roster.



Ganandorf cannot be trusted. He's even worse than you, Lysandre.


Hmph. Resorting to low blows now, are we? At least my motives aren't centered around liking water or something...


That's not the point. Ganandorf is an infamous villain, he's not just your run of the mill minor villain. With a reputation like that, I don't see how you could trust him like that.


Run of the mill minor villain? Kind of like Ghirahim, huh?


(He seems to have something against the Demon Lord...contain yourself, Miles.)


There's more. You stated that Ghirahim walked away from Sakurai after the supposed incident. Ghirahim does not simply "walk off".


What are you getting at?


Have you not played Skyward Sword? You clearly need to get your priorities in order. After being defeated, Ghirahim is known to teleport away using magic. It appears to be a way of "leaving with style". After such an embarrassing incident, why would Ghirahim just walk away? It's unlike him. It makes no sense. Like this entire story.


I assure you that I'm just telling you how I saw the events unfold.


Which brings me to my next question. How did you know Sakurai cut Ghirahim from the roster? You did not say.


He told me when I asked about it.


You claim that Sakurai just told you confidential information? You were just denied a spot earlier that day. He has absolutely no reason to trust you, for all he knows you might be fuming about not being added.


You have a point, but...


Your Honor, this is a waste of the court's time. Lysandre's testimony is complete well as his haircut, for that matter. His motivation for making up this story probably has to due with jealously of Ghirahim, another one-shot villain who is being given far more attention than him.

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Lysandre is getting plenty of attention. He's going to be in an all new game titled... Pokemon Z :lol:
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You still haven't gotten to AA3. Pshaw, you haven't even tried Edgey's own duology. You've no right to defend him. And even prosecutor Blackquill would easily give him a run for his money.
I was still acting in character, I would probably like Godot more than Edgy if I knew a bit more about him.
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Is it wrong of me to think that Marth looks particularly great with the leaf powerup...?

Also I'm happy to see that Peach's "la la la, la la la!" taunt is confirmed. Love spamming it next to someone who's immobilized during goofing off matches.

One last thing: Look at Archdan's Fox post in the comments. Funny and gets me thinking about how that's actually gonna go down...