Super Smash Bros. 4

You mean this one?
So, Mario Kart 8 has this feature which allows you to upload replays directly to YouTube
I wonder what this means for the Wii U version of Smash

This doesn't necessarily mean they'l allow videos they hold copyrights to t' be monetized. Hell, this could be the very reason why they're bein' so anal 'bout their videos on youtube: their plan all along could of been t' literally use their youtube fanbase to bolster profits.

... The case is already taken.

It also takes less effort, no like for you.
Damn, that really took some time reading back.
You guys are really pro's at posting epic forum posts... I never really got into forums, but you guys are really cool ^^.

Just got back from Italy and it was epic. Just epic. Really epic.
Good to see you back as well, Splash_King

So. I giggled quite a few times, especially at the "When did I pick this up" and the comment about Lysandre's terrible haircut xD

But yeah, I'm in for both Ganon and Ghirahim, but if I had to choose I'd go for Ghirahim.
And yeah it's really ****ed up about not being able to play with stocks in for glory. I hope they'll change that soon and show us as well.
Of course battlefield stages would be very much appreciated as well in the for glory mode (FD only could get kinda boring, even if there are different kinds of FD's), but stocks is way more important imo.

I got quite some GameXplain vids to watch back, so yeah... that's gonna take some time. Bye
Oh and I freakin love the new tether recovery. But that's not only the better recovery for link.
GameXplain pointed out that Links up special is vertically buffed as well :D
Smash 4 is still in beta. All these Link changes could be taken away, and he'll be Hyrule tier again.

I'm sure you recall Sakurai's mentioning of DK bein' broken earlier on in development, and that he'd need to be toned down a bit.
We will see when we see
I am hoping Namco will be a good buffer for Skaurai's balancing

If he does a poor job, Namco will be there to fix it.
I wonder if there would ever be any downloadable updates to rebalance the roster. If it does, I hope it doesn't end up like other fighting games where you have to pay $15 for that + 3 or 4 new characters. (I'm looking at you, Street Fighter.)

And yeah, everything that's shown to us is still in development. For all we know Link's up B could be absolute crap like in the other games.
I wonder if there would ever be any downloadable updates to rebalance the roster.

Doubtful, as that ain't really Ninty's gig. More importantly, this Namco partnership ain't meant to last; not for this specific series, anyways. Assumin' things are the same as with Brawl, this amalgamation of developers etc. from various companies will disband upon the game's release. Even if Sakurai green-lighted patches post-release, many of the pre-release workers tasked with balancing would be missing, gone off to work with other projects.
Íf they decide to bring DLC balance the roster, I doubt that it'll cost money. And it's weird to bring DLC for balancing anyway, it's more often that someone brings DLC and has to update it later on, cause they're either under- or overpowered.
So for balancing updates seem more useful, but there won't be new characters just because of an update.

I really hope for DLC's, cause I'd even pay 20 Euro's (which is about 27 dollars) just to get 3 or 4 more characters. I find it so worth it, cause the more characters the better and we'll have to wait at least 5 more years for the next SSB release with new characters.