Super Smash Bros. 4

After reading everyone's response to this post, I doubt anyone on here isn't sarcastic.
You missed a couple
Let me fix it

Greninja is final evolution of Froakie from starter pokemon x and y

I thought Greninja was the final evolution of Charmander.

No, dumbass. That's Lucario.

I thought Legendaries don't evolve?

...Huh? Every Legendary in the series so far has three evolutionary forms, not including Mega Evolution of course.

Gah, now I'm confused. I thought Porygon evolved into Lucario.

Porygon for Smash: CONFIRMED.

Yeah. For example, Arbok evolves into Seviper, who evolves into Rayquaza. Contrary to popular belief, Ekans is a separate Pokemon.

Geodude evolves into Onix, which evolves into Regirock, right?

Guys, my Gyrados evolved into a Geno from Super Mario RPG. Should I be worried?

Yeah now I remember, Magikarp evolves into Feebas which evolves back into Magikarp... or was that Garbodor... I can't remember. All I know is Frodo is the best Pokémon.

magikarp --> feebas --> garbodor
kyogre --> arceus --> stunfisk

those are the lines

My lvl 55 George Costanza can beat your Frodo anytime.



That guy should have guessed. Both of them were right

Wait a minute
It goes Kyogre --> Arceus --> Pichu
Nice try squid

Guys, there's a new character being announced tomorrow and the info is already leaked.

"The lengendary Pokemon you've all been waiting for returns! Reintroducing... Captain Caveman! CONFIRMED."


Love me some Captains
Who's next? Captain Iglo?

Captain Mors

Captain Morgan and Captain Planet CONFIRMED

I saw a very convincing leak that pretty much confirms Captain N is going to make a playable appearance.


If Captain Mors is in they need Captain Nemo
And maybe Captain Ahab

Captain Kirk and Captain Jack Sparrow join the fray.

What about Captain Picard?

Captain America marches in!

Captain Crunch sails on!

Captain Marvel booms in!

Captain Hook clocks in!

Captain Marvel is a good one
If he gets in Captain Nazi has a chance
I honestly don't know why I didn't include Captain Ginyu.


they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's themethey use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's themethey use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's themethey use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's themethey use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme


they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's themethey use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's themethey use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's themethey use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's themethey use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme they use ghirahim's theme

lol'd hard
i do it literally all the time, even on mobile

come at me bro

[9:37:58 PM] Mr. MR: Btw I am glad you posted it there
[9:38:15 PM] Mr. MR: I posted it on the other thread because dirge needs to see it

***** I win