Super Powers with a Twist

Granted. You can now perform a Kamehamena wave on Pluto. I want the power of turning anything digital into real life!
You accidentally bring your alarm clock to life and it never shuts up...

I want the power to cause women to orgasm just by looking at them.
Granted. You can now make women orgasm by looking at them when you have an orgasm. I want the power of making money grow on trees!
Granted, but it doesn't work this time of year because it is too cold for trees to grow leaves. Frustrated by this lack of progress making money, you give up and never realize that it would work in the spring. No $ 4 u.

I wish for the power to levitate objects with my mind.
(Actually, I'm In australia, so it's summer. Leaves are still growing!) Granted. You can now levitate inanimate objects that your mind has touched with your mind. I wish for the power of complete silence
Granted. You are now deaf.

I wish for the power to shoot crap out of my butt 100 feet in any direction I choose.
You get 1 ticket to fly on an airplane.

I wish for the power to kill anyone I type about here on Wiichat.
You are now so epic that you appear on the front of every tabloid newspaper and the whole world hates you. You are now target number one for all world assassins because you are so hated.

I wish for the power of an administrator on this website.
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You have the power of i0n but are just as inactive as he is.

I want the power to fire ma lazer!

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