SSBM fave character combos?

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  • #31
she'll just dodge to the side and kick your psychic ass before you know whats happening
Only if the opponent knows how the player uses Mewtwo or if he/she has fast reflexes to pull off a dodge at the right time. Hence the reason why human players are alot more fun to fight with/against in SSBM - they can adjust according to the situation to their advantage.
NateTheGreat said:
I haven't played SSBM in so long, I forgot mewtwo was slow...but he hovers, thus he is forgiven for his speed.:D Really would be a shame if they droped him. Maybe they'll put another non-nintendo psychic in SSBB...the guy from PsiOps; he could possess people and explode their heads! That's totally kid-friendly, right?:lol:

mewtwo is nintendo. all the pokemon games have been for nintendo systems
Wii_Rulez said:
Dexoys is another good Psychic pokemon they could put in.

I think they should stick to the original series (i.e. take out pichu) because it would just get complicated for the old school pokemon players like myself.
Some new school pokemon are better than old school especially the legandary new school
Dexoys would be a cool addtion cuz it has different modes it can switch too normal defense and attack
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  • #38
Hmmm... seems this convo is getting sidetracked. I really don't care about whether the game has pokemon or not, as a far as I'm concerned its the abilities that each character has in SSBM. Even if Deoxys was to be added to SSBB, which is highly unlikely according to the SSBB video, it would have to change between states to make up for its advantages / disadvantages, like Zelda / Sheik. But that would be the same as adding another Fire Emblem Character to the list of fighters. Haven't we got enough pokemon characters in SSBM? I reckon they should have stuck with Jigglypuff and Pikachu as I have minimal use for Mewtwo and Pichu.

I used to like battling with Pikachu in SSB 64 as he/she was easy to control. Now we have a more balanced list of fighters and I tried using him first in SSBM. I found he was one of the most unweildy fighters to train with. Hence the reason I stuck with Link.

Anybody disagree with me?

ps. Jigglypuff is the best pokemon fighter in SSBM.
Mr_Stoukaph said:
mewtwo is nintendo. all the pokemon games have been for nintendo systems

I know. I meant they could put another non-nintendo character in SSBB who happens to be a physichic. I was saying another non-nintendo character because they already have one: Snake.
linkzeldagame said:
Hmmm... seems this convo is getting sidetracked. I really don't care about whether the game has pokemon or not, as a far as I'm concerned its the abilities that each character has in SSBM. Even if Deoxys was to be added to SSBB, which is highly unlikely according to the SSBB video, it would have to change between states to make up for its advantages / disadvantages, like Zelda / Sheik. But that would be the same as adding another Fire Emblem Character to the list of fighters. Haven't we got enough pokemon characters in SSBM? I reckon they should have stuck with Jigglypuff and Pikachu as I have minimal use for Mewtwo and Pichu.

I used to like battling with Pikachu in SSB 64 as he/she was easy to control. Now we have a more balanced list of fighters and I tried using him first in SSBM. I found he was one of the most unweildy fighters to train with. Hence the reason I stuck with Link.

Anybody disagree with me?

ps. Jigglypuff is the best pokemon fighter in SSBM.

Jigglypuff is the best??? Are you high on something?! Mewtwo would chew up that little piece of bubble gum anyday!
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  • #41
Wouldn't that be breaching the patent/copyright issues that game designers have with their character creations? If Crash Bandicoot were to be in the game, Playstation would sue Nintendo for copyright issues. I dont see XBOX or PS# game designers use mario or zelda characters in their games.

The reason why Nintendo put Snake into the list of fighters that are going to be on SSBB is because Metal Gear first came out on Nintendo then moved to Playstation. So Snake originally was a Nintendo character...
linkzeldagame said:
Wouldn't that be breaching the patent/copyright issues that game designers have with their character creations? If Crash Bandicoot were to be in the game, Playstation would sue Nintendo for copyright issues. I dont see XBOX or PS# game designers use mario or zelda characters in their games.

The reason why Nintendo put Snake into the list of fighters that are going to be on SSBB is because Metal Gear first came out on Nintendo then moved to Playstation. So Snake originally was a Nintendo character...

If you are responding to my post about putting the guy from PsiOps in there, then...well I don't care if it's a breech in their contract. I want to see Picachu's head explode! Is that too much to ask?
sony doesn't own the metal gear solid series, Konami does. Its the same with the Final fantasy series; its owned by Square Enix. If does developers wanted to they could just port those games to the Wii. The reason why Nintendo Characters like Mario and Link are not in other console's games because they are specifically owned by Nintendo.
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  • #44
sony doesn't own the metal gear solid series, Konami does. Its the same with the Final fantasy series; its owned by Square Enix. If does developers wanted to they could just port those games to the Wii. The reason why Nintendo Characters like Mario and Link are not in other console's games because they are specifically owned by Nintendo.

Thanks for clearing that one up for me. My memory was a bit hazy when I replied earlier about the ownership of characters. I also forgot that sony doesn't make games.
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  • #45
I want to see Picachu's head explode! Is that too much to ask?

Yes. Super Smash Bros (Insert title version here) is targeted towards a G rated audience. That's why there's no blood or characters being hacked to bits in the game.

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