SOTW #7 Application

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  • #76
Byuakuya said:
Nice. I am looking forward to another one of your master pieces.
Thanks :] love your current sig btw!

demonflair said:
Considering the fact that you won 1st - 3rd - and 5th SOTW... you will win this one too Mike :lol:
Haha, easier said then done :] looks like I have competition already, and others like Gymdawg haven't posted their entries yet.. mine could be total useless for all you know :p
Can people stop talking about winning.

I'm too high up and quesy before the voting starts.

It starts and i drop to the bottem:lol:
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  • #79
Current entries:









Hadta to collect these bad boys up twice, accidently closed window first time :sick: Keep em comin'!
Now I'm rather annoyed at the fact that i can't brush or make backgrounds.

I found a good render that i want to use but i cant do anything other then use that render:(
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  • #81
Sign up to GameRenders (google it so I'm not advertising [well... I am]) they have the best tutorials on there, that's where I learnt back in the day.
I only have hours to make a good sig, one that wont finish last.
I also have work to do, i can't spend ages doing tute's.

You've still got a day and a half, McCloud. That's plenty of time.
*Meanwhile, Gymdawg debates entering the sig he finished ages ago or scrapping it and starting over...*
Gymdawg said:
You've still got a day and a half, McCloud. That's plenty of time.
*Meanwhile, Gymdawg debates entering the sig he finished ages ago or scrapping it and starting over...*

If you can show us the sig, please??
demonflair said:
If you can show us the sig, please??
I dunno, that would entirely wreck my streak of entering my sigs at the very last minute...
Gymdawg said:
I dunno, that would entirely wreck my streak of entering my sigs at the very last minute...

You made it some time ago, right?? If so, it needs to be changed, and how do we know that it have been changed?? You need to post the original sig here :)
It was made during this past week, by "ages" I meant Monday or so.
Gymdawg said:
It was made during this past week, by "ages" I meant Monday or so.

Then you need to post it here, the original, then to entry it, you need to change it, that is if you want to entry with that sig you made "ages" ago...

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